One photo (or more) every day: Tree Tops in a Snowfall (258/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)


So I couldn't go outside today and there was this amazing snowfall today. What did I do?

I shot treetops from our livingroom window through our balcony.

Won't you agree, the snowflakes in the foreground make it look awesome?

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: EF 75-300mm ƒ/4-5.6
Focal length: 75mm
Aperture: ƒ/5.0
Exposure: 1/400 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

The balcony glass sort of messed up the shot, but I don't think it was enough to be ruined. ;)

I clicked a couple other shots as well, one from our kitchen window:

a house
You could barely see the house in the distance.

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: EF 75-300mm ƒ/4-5.6
Focal length: 300mm
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Exposure: 1/500 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

I made this monochrome because the original sort of looked a bit under exposed and very colourful with grain. I lost two stops of light because of my settings.

Another one from the livingroom window:

This is basically the same scene I shot in the Autumn, zoomed a bit more.

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: EF 75-300mm ƒ/4-5.6
Focal length: 130mm
Aperture: ƒ/5.0
Exposure: 1/400 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

I've been practically sleeping all day. And I'll be back to resting now. Hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling somewhat better. Today was awful.

Leo on the other hand has fully recovered, and even went and fetched the groceries today, pulling them in a sled. I'm so proud.

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

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[Previous post: One photo every day: Miro (257/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Messilä manor (251/365)
A Postcard from Lahti #1 (252/365)
Breaking the rules (253/365)
Beard moss (254/365)
Update on those chilies (255/365)
Leo and homework (256/365)
Miro (257/365)

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Hell, that's a lot of snow, and it looks amazing

I really like the first photo one, it seems that the trees are in relief

I feel cold just seeing them :P

Spring is just around the corner, and the snowy part of winter is already over here. But these photos make me feel ready for it all over again.

Glad to hear Leo is feeling well. How far do you guys have to go to get groceries in that blizzard?

How far do you guys have to go to get groceries in that blizzard?

It's just 1.1 kilometers. Not a trip too long. :)

Mmm... Metric system, pardon me while I math.

Oh, okay, only slightly more than half a mile, not bad at all even in that weather.

You really have a great view from your window.
Is it possible to find hungry wolfs there? Or bears (Russia is near).
You sit with a cup of coffee and there is a freaking bear!

No wolfs or bears, but we've seen a fox a few times. :) Oh but yes, there was a bear sighted (and killed) last year in Hollola.

Poor little bear... maybe he was just having a great time walking in the woods, thinking his bear thoughts.
And suddenly was ambushed by evil people :0(

"On Tuesday police shot and killed a bear in Hollola, just west of Lahti, after deciding it was acting in such an erratic manner that it posed a danger."

You never know how wild animals act when they see a human. It's better to play it safe

You're right, we should play it safe. And stop encroaching upon natural habitats, killing innocent creatures because we find them inconvenient.

@dromzz lives in a remote rural area. Wolves frequently kill pets and livestock in the country and pose a danger to small children. What to do with the great predators in the wild is a perennial tug of war between nature conservationists in the cities and rural people.

I'm a farm boy, grew up with all kinds of critters trying to eat our livestock, or us if we interfered. Coyotes, wolves, coywolves, bob cats, mountain lion once, etc. I'm also an avid hiker and have run into some big examples of why humanity wasn't always on top of the food chain.

Human expansion is driving countless species to the brink of extinction.

Hmm, what I would do If I've been living in the remote rural area. I'd probably teach my kids about safety first.
And probably buy a gun or a crossbow. Or a lightsaber.
Wolfs would think twice before coming to my house.

It should be noted that wolves or bears have not killed people in Finland for a long time. They're not killing several people every year or not even every decade. They keep away from humans but that's because humans are dangerous to them and they know it.

Human expansion is driving countless species to the brink of extinction.

That is unfortunately true. Whole ecosystems are collapsing.

Bears are sometimes sighted in or near cities but infrequently. When that happens it is always on at least regional media. The last time there was a bear seen in Lahti it was in the northeastern suburbs in the summer of 2016. Bears and other wild animals have learned to avoid humans as it drastically increases their chances of getting killed.

It is like you live in the fairytale.
Even though it's a photo I can relate to it and feel the atmosphere.
Aappchi! And it seems I've got a cold :(((

What did we learn from this post? You don't need to go out to take a great photo. Awesome view, congrats!

Oh these look like oil paintings! Winter here seems to be gone but not for you out there! :O

I'd love to learn how to draw that :D
You probably need to be Bob Ross to do it.

It’s so cool that you were able to get these shots without even leaving the house! Hope tomorrow is a better day for you my friend.

Thank you!

In a way I'm lucky to live in the 5th floor, but it's also very drafty and we get sick all the time so we are planning on moving out.

I have a slight hunch the worst part of the disease is now over. But we'll see, and I'll keep you guys updated on that.

That’s a beautiful view you got man , unfortunately I don’t have that kind of view . Lucky you and get well soon man x

The snow looks like it is getting more and more. When will it end @gamer00?

The snow depth maximum is at the end of March on average which is when the daily (24 h) average temperature usually climbs above freezing and stays there. After that, the snow cover begins to melt rapidly until it is mostly gone by mid April and completely gone by the end of April. Lake ice and sea ice are usually gone by May 1.

OK @markkujantunen, thank you for the knowledge.

In 2 weeks to 1 month, maybe. :)

OK. Interesting.

Hell these are amazing,cant see snow anywhere in my country,but you guys are having lot of problems with this right,btw amazing photography.

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