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in #j5 years ago

Disney is Passive Progressive instead of Passive Aggressive. Unstoppable Domains Has Two Main Objectives | Religion Hat Hole | Fake Red vs Fake Blue? | Weekly Photos | Mirror | 1270 Photo minus the banned Rey Kissing Kylo Photos | Automation can be an extension of centralization of tyranny. Also, free money generally comes from tax payers. Government needs more transparency as they are grabbing our money. We should keep our eyes on what they do with our money. We should always try to hold them accountable for what they do and don't do.

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2019-12-23 - Monday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

The Amazing Lucas

12:34 AM - Star Wars Rise of Skywalker is aMaZiNg

It is a comedy haha.

Matt Christiansen

12:54 AM - #186 | Merry Impeachmas! Heckle the Halls, the Ghost of RBG Past, Debate Recap | Beauty & the Beta


01:12 AM - The Truth About Impeachment

Religion Hat Hole

02:13 AM - Steemit

Should a mother never tell her kid to not steal? So, Billy is grabbing candy from a store. So, you can choose not to say anything to Billy. Yes, of course, focus on the positive. Encourage people to heal, love, give, encourage, inspire, help, nurture, teach, uplift, restore, rejuvenate, revolutionize, raise, and resurrect, like you said in your list. Focus on what you can do and not just on what you cannot do.

Andrew Yang

02:19 AM - Steemit

Automation can be an extension of centralization of tyranny. Also, free money generally comes from tax payers. Government needs more transparency as they are grabbing our money. We should keep our eyes on what they do with our money. We should always try to hold them accountable for what they do and don't do.

USA Corporatism

02:26 AM - Steemit

I didn't realize how long that letter was until now. Yeah, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was another Christmas Surprise that parallels how they try to pass things while people are not looking. Another bad year might have been 1871 where they were trying to create an incorporated USA corporation that pretends to be a nation while hiding under corporatism.

Leaders vs Followers

03:06 AM - Steemit

It depends on the person. Many people are followers. Some people are leaders. But leaders sometimes spend too much time working for other employers. So, when you try to start up your own company, you probably have to start out small and at home.

Side Job

So, some people can try to work for other people and also try to start their own business as a hobby, on the side. And if they are successful, that side business thing may grow and grow.


And someday, they may even spend most of their time as their own boss. And they may even hire some people to work for them.

Home Based at an Office

And later on, their new home business may move to an office. Or your house may move to your office. Or you might sleep at work.

Office Work at Home

Or you might sometimes take your work to your home and do some of your work in an office at home.

Work at Home & at Work

Some people work at work and at home. They do both. But it can be hard if you cannot get away from your work.

Take a Break Haha

So, it can be unhealthy if you cannot take a break.


Some people are too lazy. And some people haha work too hard like me.


I have to always force myself to stop working haha. Stop. Go home haha. I talk to myself haha.

Remote Access Problem

03:13 AM - Steemit

One of the biggest issues is that of remote access. But that depends on the tech. But some tech can be bad in that the design is secret. Well, for example, iPhones are designed to listen with the microphone, even when you try to turn it off. The camera can be turned on from a backdoor. The list goes on. But there are alternative technologies that can be better than the bad tech. And like you said, dependency can be a problem.

Good Isolation vs Bad Isolation

03:23 AM - Steemit

Alone time truly is vital for balance like you said. It is a skill, a value, an art, that can be tough to develop. But slowly and gradually, people can learn to utilize a good aspect of isolation. I'm not talking bad aspects of isolation that might be too excessive or done so incorrectly. Good isolation is good. Bad isolation is bad. Yes, be around the kind of people you want to be like.

Ray Donovan

2019-12-23 - Monday - 03:25 AM - 04:17 AM - Ray Donovan 706

Ray is the middle man of many conflicts.

Bunch thought Ray told him to work for him for the next day. No, Ray was being vague.

There was an affair. Work it out.

A cop was following Ray. They switched cars. The woman cop arrested that other guy and she probably shouldn't have.

The boy that Bunch shot didn't make it. The security officer at the hospital said: "Survival of the fittest."

Daryl hit a glass bottle over the head of Ray. He splat to the ground. He looks dead.


Social Credit Score

10:34 AM - Telegram

Social Credit Score. I have to keep smiling.

The ideal government would be a tribe of 200 people. To use an analogy, if a country was a human body, an ideal government probably should be the immune system in that body and not the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the DNA, or the brain, possibly. Well, I was thinking about saying government should be the bones. But then I thought that might be too tyrannical.

Mark Dice

10:36 AM - I Didn't Have Any Luck This Time

Log out to see blocked people.

Judge is wrong because when Trump blocks people, all they have to is log out to see Trump Tweets on Twitter. Judges who disagree are idiots. Because blocking does NOT hide public posts, comments, tweets.

Infowars Thug Goosh

11:00 AM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

Start new groups and cut funding to corrupt groups. Start the Space Force. Cut fundings to NASA, NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, etc.

Cheap Products Deception

11:29 AM - Steemit

Some products last for a long time. Some products do not. I know what you wrote. But I also know reality. You only talked about bad products. That is misleading. That is inaccurate. You did not tell the whole story. That makes you fake news because you left out critical information that the readers need to know. Either you "Have no idea what you're talking about" like you said or you really do know and are in fact lying. One of those two things are true. So, you choose to downvote this comment of mine and pretend I didn't say this. You can get your friends to flag my comments and all my posts in order to keep people from seeing the truth. But you are right that many people sell cheap stuff. Yes, I know you didn't say cheap but you described it.

Hillary Clinton vs Bernie Sanders

11:32 AM - Steemit

Merry Christmas. And yes, true. What you said is accurate. I was just being lazy to not write all of that haha. Kanye West talked about slavery by the way.

Is she ashame of me?

2012-04-04 - Wednesday - 05:55 AM - 4th of April of 2012

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Is She Ashamed of Me?

As Facebook friends she has commented on things I posted but then she will delete her comments later.

Dark Moon Replied

maybe she is not sure of her opinions so she deletes the comments.

Abortion Debate

Agreed. We usually talk for hours on the phone but she's been trying to limit her time spent on FB (Facebook). One time she posted a comment in a debate I started about abortion. Me & her both are against abortion but maybe she just wanted to stay out of the debate that is still going on past like 200 comments these past few months or so.

2012-04-04 - Wednesday - 05:55 AM - Love Shack Question - Ashamed of Me - JSA - Abortion FB Debate - Screenshot at 2019-12-23 11:47:34.png
2012-04-04 - Wednesday - 05:55 AM - Love Shack Question - Ashamed of Me - JSA - Abortion FB Debate - Screenshot at 2019-12-23 11:49:01.png
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2012-04-04 - Wednesday - 05:55 AM - Love Shack Question - Ashamed of Me - JSA - Abortion FB Debate - Screenshot at 2019-12-23 11:49:33.png
2012-04-10 - Fred - Love Shack Question - Ashamed of Me - Screenshot at 2019-12-23 11:50:03.png

Honduras & Florida

2011 - My brother Rick, & his family

If Real Life Was Facebook

2012-01-16 - Monday - 01:26 AM - 16th of January of 2012 by my brother, Rick Arnold

2012-01-16 - Monday - 01:26 AM - 16th of January of 2012 by my brother, Rick Arnold Screenshot at 2019-12-23 12:31:28.png

Rick Wrote

The one thing I have found out about facebook is that it is like so difficult to like follow people's lives by reading their facebook posts. I mean it's like people are like in relationships with people and then like all of a sudden one day like all the pictures and references to the person they are in a relationship with is like gone, and you like back track their posts to try to figure out what happened. Or people like get married and you're like what the heck, when did this happen, like it is so strange trying to follow people on facebook. Like something happened to someone my wife and I know, and I tell her, and she's like, how did you find that out and I'm like Facebook, of course. And like, I never use the word like when I am talking but some how when writing everything like comes out so much better. And like if someone was trying to follow my life by my fb posts they would have a hard time cause I'm like not good at posting things about myself and especially not random everday insignificant details like today I got up and went to work and put a new grille on my car after work that i had to replace cause some stuff fell out of a guys truck on the highway cause he must be some country folk that has no use for bungie cords, and that's about it really, see i'm not like good at this like at all.

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Dishes. Was organizing and cleaning in the book shed for several hours.



05:20 PM - The Rise of Skywalker Destroys George Lucas' Star Wars | Spoiler Review


Potato chicken stew.

Leia overdoses on the force and dies. Nerdrotic finds that tasteless as he overcame alcohol and drug addictions. I disagree to an extent because I feel that it may raise awareness to real-life issues that we all can learn from.

When there is a Palpatine in your girl Rey, who you gonna call, Ghost Busters ahahahhaaaa. Or the exorcist. Or both. If Disney made 30 more movies on trying to suck Palpy out of Rey and made it Rated R, I'd go see those movies. Make it dark. Make the movies scary like The Others with Nicole Kidman. Just go dark. Go Star Wars Horror Genre. That is how they could redeem themselves. Star Wars Scream. Star Wars I Know What You Did Last Christmas Rey. You Ate Palpy You Retard hahahahaaaaa.

Naomi Brockwell

06:22 PM - Taking Back The Internet

In her new video, they guy talks about Unstoppable Domains: https://unstoppabledomains.com/

Unstoppable Domains Has Two Main Objectives

07:17 PM - Steemit

One of the goals is in getting around the centralized Internet infrastructure, gatekeepers, highways, Internet Kill-Switches, etc, things like iCANN, DNS, ISP, GSP, Cloud Flare, etc. So, Unstoppable Domains seem to have a way to register for domain names similar to how Godaddy does it but without the traditional routing system. Your website dot crypto instead of dot com for example. Some of the domain names costs, as of right now, $40. Some of them, $20. I signed up on their website. Click here to find a discount at their site. They appear to have a mechanism that is peer to peer and similar to like IPFS and Bit Torrent in that websites can be like stored on different computers, like from computer to computer. In other words, like Bit Torrent, it makes copies of the websites on different computers. That makes it tougher for bad people to attempt to censor and remotely remove websites. Bad people can try to delete content off websites. Therefore, it is safer to keep copies of your websites, articles, videos, photos, links, GIFs, memes, data, files, posts, ideas, etc.

The main objective to Unstoppable Domains seem to be translating cryptocurrency addresses with human-readable domain names.

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The other objective, like I said already, is to give people the ability to create websites that only they have the power to put up and take down. In other words, this is a way of getting around censorship, Internet Kill Switches, etc. This is my very quick introduction post about this website and service. Some of the details might be inaccurate. But the generality of what I'm trying to say should be what they're genuinely attempting to do to decentralize the world wide web. And other projects are also trying do similar things. The good news is that if this particular group fails, that is at least not the end of the world as others will continue with these types of goals. You have an opportunity to invest in different cryptocurrencies, blockchains, projects, websites, groups, channels, assets, etc. Only invest what you are willing to lose because anything can happen.

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In the 2020's, these next ten years, we will continue to see the rise of the decentralized Internet via cryptocurrencies, blockchains, Unstoppable Domains, Substratum, IPFS, Steemit, Minds, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Bit Torrent, etc. You have an opportunity to join early or you can wait until more people are onboard.

Minds vs Steemit

07:45 PM

If anything, if Minds had more free speech, then wouldn't my Steemit articles get banned first?

Cells in Water

07:52 PM - Steemit

I kind of say that there might be some good vaccines because I am trying to stop people from flagging and downvoting my posts and comments as they hate it when I say stuff like that. If cells rests within plasma water, then are they held together chemically and via like gravitation between the different cells? Are cells like magnets to each other?

Smarter By The Day

07:54 PM - What,When and How to Eat ? Sadhguru

Cheap Products

08:00 PM - Steemit

You talked about warranty. Did you not say that word? Do you understand what a warranty means? You said that they make it so that the products will fall apart after the warranty expires. That means cheap. Because products are not suppose to fall apart in less than ten years. A good product should be able to last many decades. Products that last less than that is cheap. Some people were downvoting me and I thought you sent them to me. One of the guys is named b l o o m. If I try to write his name, he will probably flag this comment.

Capitalism vs Tribes

08:12 PM - Steemit

I agree, like you said, "Capitalism is the continuation of a 10,000 year old mode of production." But what would be an alternative to supply and demand? Are strangers going to treat other strangers the same as they treat their own family members and close friends within small communities, towns, tribes, etc?

Club of Rome Toadies

08:25 PM - Steemit

When you said some people are toadies, that made me laugh. I love that analogy of the curtain which reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. That little doggy found the little man on the other side of the curtain. He was not a big scary wizard of Oz after all. Removing the curtain is transparency, accountability, and awareness to what globalists and others do like you said. The Club of Rome is interesting for sure.

Fascist Book

08:34 PM - Steemit

You got in on. Good work. Speaking of faceless book, or fed book, or in your eye book, Facebook removed a photo I posted of Rey kissing Kylo in Star Wars Rise of Skywalker. Facebook said there was some nudity in it which it didn't.

Tomb Raider Fight Club

08:40 PM - Steemit

I love the 1990's Tomb Raider films over the 2010's one. Therefore, if it stars Brad Pitt's current or former wife, lol, Angelina Jolie, with big boobs, then I would love to see it. I love Buffy. I love Xena the Warrior Princess. I kind of loved Star Trek Voyager with the female captain, Janeway. I like Alita. I like the star from Dollhouse. I like Seven of Nine. Fight Club blew my mind away when I saw it. I would debate with people concerning the end in particular. Like the building blowing up and everything. I would wonder who did it and then what happened after the end of the movie. Hot, sexy, bad ass women are awesome. The new Wonder Woman is amazing. Scarlett is amazing.

Fake Red vs Fake Blue?

08:55 PM - Steemit

It is not a cycle. That is a lie that they feed us to trick into thinking it is just the red team for a few years and then the blue team and back and forth. See, the RHINO Red Team are not really conservatives. I mean the leaders at top. So, it is fake. Same thing with the blue team that hijacked that political party. Yes, the fake teams trick some people into the back and the forth. But our real enemies lie behind the curtains. The fake red and the fake blue are simply puppets. We want neither fake red or fake blue. We want real blue and real red at the same time because blue and red is good. Real blue means classical liberalism, anarchy, etc, which is not progressivism, leftism, socialism, communism, welfare, etc. And real red means libertarianism, conservatism, etc, and not authoritarianism, lots of wars, fascism, censorship, Nazism, etc.

So, my entries on Wikipedia were rejected.

Red Letter Media

09:15 PM - 10:40 AM - Half in the Bag: The 70-Minute Rise of Skywalker Review

Disney is Passive Progressive instead of Passive Aggressive.


11:00 PM - 06:40 AM

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


2019-12-22 - Sunday
2019-12-23 - Monday
2019-12-24 - Tuesday

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I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

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Why Do Cats Meow - Cat Language

Good Isolation vs Bad Isolation

Haha. Now we know. I also learned this recently from a Bioethicist.

Online Freelance Accountant Jem Girl

Capitalism vs Tribes

Oakland Officials Consider Moving City’s Homeless Onto a Cruise Ship

Nunez and Judicial Watch both file a lawsuit on Schiff, for abuse of power and editing phone evidence to support impeachment!

Club of Rome Toadies

Anyone have thoughts on the all female Fight Club movie?

OUTBREAK at school with 100% VACCINATION RATE: Wakey, wakey vaxtards...

Wait what? Impeachception...

Is The Whole World Run By Pedophiles- Part XIV... NXIVM, the Democrats, Hollywood & The Mormon Church

Arming Yourself: A Woman's Self-Defense Guide to Concealed Carry (CCW)

CPS now Setting up SPECIAL RULES for how they will DEAL WITH "LBGTQ" children. Wait....what???

Globalists Banksters Carney & Lagarde to Push for Climate Change [Hoax] 'Net Zero Economy' Looting in 2020 and beyond

Did right wingers behave the same way left wingers do right now? No. It is not the same.

The Christmas Gift - Milestone, Commentary and Original Poetry For Family Freedom - Enjoy with Troy!

No money to cure her children, she and her son were naked in the middle of the street

Leaders vs Followers

Religion Hat Hole

Facebook Bans Kissing

Unstoppable Domains Has Two Main Objectives

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