Did right wingers behave the same way left wingers do right now?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #buys5 years ago (edited)

I am starting to see more and more videos like this. Due to the Virginia situation we may no bullshit be looking at some kind of actual conflict in America. It basically boils down to a lot of clean cut pro gun owning libertarian / conservatives actually talking about how things may go down. You can kind of tell they are sort of enjoying it...

But on that note I want to respond to one point in the video.

About 27:24 into the video

Paraphrasing the question : "Did right wingers ever behave this way in the past?"

The answer is absolutely they did during the Obama administration. They were talking about fema camps and civil war constantly during that time.

The tea Party was insanely stupid and fox news was at peak retardation. It was the most stupid shit I ever saw. I didn't think it was possible to get any worse, boy was I fucking optimistic. Shit has been getting worse and worse every year.


And of course Obama was literally Hitler. I am fucking sick of Hitler. Everyone calls fucking everyone Hitler. LITERALLY EVERYONE IS FUCKING HITLER!!!! I get so fucking sick of this shit. How the fuck was Obama HITLER!!!


Oh and lets not forget about the god damned birth certificate. Oh my god, there was a point where I had become so numb to the topic I just fucking stopped paying attention. Trump, himself, would not shut the fuck up about it. The media would not shut the fuck up about it.


I think the birth certificate bullshit with Obama is roughly as stupid as the impeachment situation with Trump right now. Basically it makes your party look absolutely retarded until you drag it so deep into the mud that it takes 8 years to recover. The Dems are absolutely in this situation right now. All indications that Trump is heading for a 2020 are absolutely fired up.


Its the main reason I am absolutely sure we will not see a recovery with leftism for many years now. The money will dry up for leftists and even people like Pakman on here now will suddenly become right wing or centrist.


I fucking hated every minute of this bullshit storm. And it was identical to everything happening right now with the left. Back then the right had nobody even slightly decent to run against Obama. Romney, fuck that asshole. McCain, the man was cancer and eventually died of cancer. If Hillary never existed the world would be a better place.

But lets not forget good old, I can see Russia from my house, Sarah Palin.


Everything about this person made me angry. It was like McCain basically got kneecapped when he was forced to run with this moron. Even the worst of the worst of people running in the primaries on the left right now cant hold a fucking candle to the mental retardation that went on during this period.

So if anyone wants to ask the question about how the right has behaved in the past. Let em know...


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


No. Not the same. If somebody is right, then it is not the same.

The 2 party system we have today has got to go...at least the two parties that exist today do.

It's funny, bringing up Sarah Palin, I remember when she was chosen as the running mate. Like I suspect most people, I didn't really know anything about her at the time. Shortly after she was selected, I saw a replay of one of the Gubernatorial debates she was in and she sounded like a reasonably intelligent person. After she was selected as McCain's running mate everything changed. I think the GOP wrote her script forever after that.

I don't think she ever sounded intelligent. It was a virtue signal spiral where she promised she would bake cookies for all of us. Then she would say sentences of words just strung together with no actual meaning. Kinda like Biden does right now.

It is not a cycle. That is a lie that they feed us to trick into thinking it is just the red team for a few years and then the blue team and back and forth. See, the RHINO Red Team are not really conservatives. I mean the leaders at top. So, it is fake. Same thing with the blue team that hijacked that political party. Yes, the fake teams trick some people into the back and the forth. But our real enemies lie behind the curtains. The fake red and the fake blue are simply puppets. We want neither fake red or fake blue. We want real blue and real red at the same time because blue and red is good. Real blue means classical liberalism, anarchy, etc, which is not progressivism, leftism, socialism, communism, welfare, etc. And real red means libertarianism, conservatism, etc, and not authoritarianism, lots of wars, fascism, censorship, Nazism, etc.

Imagine being in the year 2019 and unironically saying "the left is dead" jesus christ you have a rude awakening coming next year hahahaha

The right died a slow death after Bush jr. So don't assume your shit ineffective religion is somehow invulnerable. You're the one who is absolutely rekt regressive and in total denial right now. Don't worry sweety, all will be clear very soon. Because here we go again.

The right died a slow death after Bush jr.

what? they are more powerful than they were pre-bush lmao

ineffective religion


You're the one who is absolutely rekt regressive and in total denial right now.

ilhan omar was elected to congress in 2018 bro

Don't worry sweety, all will be clear very soon.

do you need help?

what? they are more powerful than they were pre-bush lmao

Its a cycle. And the right is going to be very strong at least until 2024. And possibly even longer.


You are identical to arguing with a religious person. Violent and in massive cope. You remind me of the cults who force everyone to drink the coolaid on a specific date.

Its a cycle. And the right is going to be very strong at least until 2024. And possibly even longer.

Proof? Any proof whatsoever?

Violent and in massive cope.

Proof? In any capacity?

You remind me of the cults who force everyone to drink the coolaid on a specific date.

fucking "coolaid" lmao

Don't forget the SEXbox retardation!

That's some Ok boomer level shit lol

I'm amazed you don't remember that! That video went ridiculously viral...

I kinda do. Its blurred together hehe

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