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in #j5 years ago

Can you try new things? If you're always shouting, can you give whispering a try for just one day? How often do you practice the art of debate? Are you good at helping people see your point of view? Wisdom can be a soft voice that stands still in the eye of the storm. Sometimes, people will buy you things. You can appreciate opportunities that come your way. Sometimes, you may find yourself in the middle of a debate. You may even recognize how both sides are right. | Mount St. Helens - April of 2012 | I was watching the first nine episodes of season five of Fuller House this month, December of 2019. The last nine episodes are coming in like March of 2020. It appears that the series will be ending after that. In episode 508, Kirk Cameron made a cameo. So far, no cameo by Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen who played Michelle Tanner. I was leading Sunday School. We talked about the value of a good shepherd leading the flock. There is a contrast between goats and sheep. Imagine what might happen if the sheep didn't follow or if the shepherds didn't lead. Coffee doesn't mix well with egg nog. Uno is a fun card game that was included in the sermon. I recorded that. We went out to eat. We went to Walmart. Blood is made in the bones. I turned off the stove. The bone broth evaporated. Toasted blueberry bagels are delicious. Alex Jones talked slowly today on his show. I was telling people that in Star Wars Rise of Skywalker, that Palpatine hopped into Rey.

Mount St. Helens

2012-04 - April - Month in Review

We went to Mount St. Helens on like Sunday, the 22nd, or around that time (or maybe it was on Monday, the next day). I'm not sure if we also went to Tillamook, that waterfall, other places, in April of 2012 or not. If not, then those trips probably happened in and around like May and/or June. | Nicki Minaj - Starships (Explicit) | I was probably watching through all seven seasons of Buffy The Vampire Slayer in April 2012. I was probably online making friends on Tagged, Facebook, etc. I don't know if I was working on Mea Omnia at that time or if that began after this or before this month. I also don't know if I was specifically thinking about teaching English in Vietnam at that time or not. I would think about world travel and everything going back to like 1993 when I was eight and off and on since then. Eventually, I started thinking about Vietnam like more and more until I finally went there in November of 2012. I was working in landscaping for my father in Forest Grove, Oregon since maybe 1995 and off and on since then. At times, I was hanging out with friends in Vancouver, WA as I would sometimes since 2010. So, that means we would play Super Smash Bros Melee and other video games off and on between 2010-2012 especially.

My Autobiography

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2019-12-22 - Sunday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Facebook Banned Kissing

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Somebody flagged my Rey Kissing Kylo Star Wars Profile Picture. Facebook removed that photo and told me that I broke their rules as that photo clearly had nudity. Yeah, naked people. Totally nude. Rated R. Except, it didn't. So, somebody was mad that I was spoiling that new Rise of Skywalker movie. So, I might get banned for another month for that photo. Well, they may even ban me forever. How do you get banned? All you have to do is find somebody who will simply flag your photo, your post, you comment, etc. Facebook has a complaint system. If a person complains about you, then you get punished, even if you are innocent. No trial at all. They simply punish you. I've been punished dozens of times during the 2010's, these past ten years. Well, a new decade is coming. I wish you the best for this coming decade. Merry Christmas from my family to yours. When Facebook bans me off Facebook for good, I will truly miss you all. I hope you guys have fun on Zucker Land. I hope you don't get banned for talking about the stuff they stick in your arms that actually makes people more sick.

Faather, I am not. Facebook said that the photo had nudity. The photo did NOT have nudity. You can see the photo on my blog on Steemit. I wrote an article that talks about it. My post tells you what happened. Facebook removed my photo and said it had nudity. But it did NOT have nudity. Facebook lied.

LEGO Mark of Vietnam

01:06 AM - Facebook

Tu La Đạo Mark of Vietnam wrote:

I agree with you. In fact, I had this issue 3 years ago. Ad you know, I was a LEGO online retailer. I joined the Vietnamese Lego fans Group page. There were many online retailers as same as me. And I was doing great my business. And those dirty jealous retailers came to my Facebook Personal Page and reported me for some nonsense reasons.

My Response

Sorry to hear about that. It can be tough when people go after you. And that is the tough thing. But the good thing is when you find great people while you are fighting for your business and for family and everything. It is worth the pain and everything. And you are a pretty strong person, I know that.

And long story short, I can probably say many things about that haha. But seriously, you know I can talk all day. Facebook has problems like you said because of how it works. People can report things. They can lie and win. That is a problem. So, a seller can try to sell only in private messages. A seller could try to make new pages when their other pages are like banned, removed, reported on, etc. But at the same time, you kind of have to try to sell not just on Facebook. I know it is tough as a lot of people are on Facebook. It has been the biggest website in the 2010's, this past ten years, with like 2 billion people. But there are other websites.

Mark asked me how I'm doing. He was my student in Vietnamfrom 2015-2017. My response: I am good. I've been helping out family at home, near Seattle, these past two years in America, that is after 2017. I've been writing my autobiography on my Steemit Blog.

Fuller House of Full House

2019-12-22 - Sunday - 01:20 AM - 01:55 AM - Fuller House 506

Game night with Ramona and her new BF, Ethan.

Last time I saw Fruit Loops, he bit off my Apple Jacks.

A black lady is the mayor of San Francisco which has poop on the street. You can step on needles. Drug addicts are all over the place.

DJ and the one guy tries to neuter the wings of tis bird of the black mayor lady.

He sings the Full House theme song. DJ is like hey, what ya singing? Oh, I don't know but it makes me happy haha.

Stephanie writes and sings a song for her baby.

2019-12-22 - Sunday - 01:55 AM - 02:19 AM - Fuller House 507

DJ turns 40 and is happy about that. Kimmy is the same age as her but not according to Facebook.

DJ's Amazing Race Game.

Tommy is learning how to blow bubble gum.

Max has a pillow with a face of a fake news anchor.

2019-12-22 - Sunday - 02:19 AM - 02:49 AM - Fuller House 508

Famous singer Lisa Lobes sings guitar to cats.

Kirk Cameron runs into Kimmy who was dating people. So, they sat down for dinner.

They were both nerds. They played Dungeons & Dragons. That is how Rocky knew Ethan.

At the end, Kirk says, "I'm Kirk Cameron."

2019-12-22 - Sunday - 02:49 AM - 03:12 AM - Fuller House 509

Kimmy fell down the stairs in a previous episode but now breaks her leg over a simple tight rope a foot above the ground. SHe was tripped and fell. She must have sprain her ankle. Fernando was going to propose to her and now she is in a wheelchair for the next 6 months to a year.


Dance party outside.

They propose to each other.

Danny, Jesse, and Joey show up.

Danny says he loves DJ, Stephanie, and even Kimmy.

Danny Tanner: "It's great having three daughters again."

Geeks + Gamers

08:14 AM - Kathleen Kennedy Getting Replaced At Lucasfilm By Another Woman?

Big Posts

08:29 AM - Steemit

Yup and to think I make crazy big posts like this daily hahaha.

Lead Sunday school. We talked about the good shepherd. Egg nog didn't mix well with coffee. The sermon was on the difference between fake Christmas and real Christmas. We went to Blondies for lunch. I ordered like a egg breakest. That included English muffins in place of the toast which was good. I mixed the eggs with the fries or potatoes. Drank water. Oh, you learned some karate in high school? Interesting. The head of the house said that. He used leverage. The guy was trying to take him down and kept on getting swung over. Pelosi can run and yet cannot hide. We went to Walmart. I picked out two jeans, 34 wide and 32 long. Well, my waist might be 32 or less. But I don't want my pants too tight. I got white And1 shoes, size 10 wide. It might be a little too big. But too small would be a problem perhaps. I got like 2 jackets, and 3 long-sleeve shirts. One is red. Another is green. The third is blue. I like that book called Tom Sawyer. He got suspenders. Seattle Seahawks were playing football on TV. I was reviewing 2012 today. I ate some ice-cream.


2012-03-15 - Thursday - 03:50 AM - The 15th of March of 2012 - Joey Arnold - Forest Grove, OR or Vancouver, WA | Steemit

We are born sinners, not perfect, lacking Christ whom is the only One who can save, redeem, transform, & change us lawfully, internally, practically, & eternally.

Spoiler Question About The Very End

04:32 PM - Boards - The Force dot net

Did Palpatine hop into Rey? Yes, I saw the movie. In Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine told Rey to kill him so he can hop into her. Rey killed Palpatine. So, they can always use this as an excuse to make ten more movies in the future with Evil Rey if they want. By the way, I'm the guy that was posting a bunch of crazy Oatmeal Threads on this forum in 2012. It was full of speculation. I talked a lot about Palpatine haha back then. And guess who Disney brought back haha? The spoilers, as mentioned by the Fandom Menace, Doomcock, Geeks + Gamers Jeremy, etc, were dead on. Well, actually the leaks had more details in them.


05:14 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Sunday - 12/22/19


There is a time to yell and a time to talk slowly like ALex Jones did today

Geoengineering vs terra forming

Fighting The NWO

05:51 PM - Telegram | Dissenter

@polyb1123, there is a difference between what might be practical and what might be too theoretical. We cannot have complete anarchy in the current world that we live in. See, when governments go down, other governments rise up to fill in those gaps, those power vacuums. It is fundamental to be aware of that. So, I'm not talking statism. I didn't talk about that. Rome wasn't built in a day.You got to get to where you want to go gradually. It has to be step by step. You should try to use what you already have to get there. People write books about what I am trying to say. I believe in the republic of the USA. I am against democracy. I am against cartels. I promote anarchy as a mechanism to reduce centralization, authoritarianism, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, who do in fact promote bad versions of FAKE-ANARCHY that helps the tyrants steal power, private property rights, etc. The tyrants promote communism, fascism, anarchy, socialism, etc. They financially support different alleged sides, countries, teams, parties, agencies, etc. They divide and conquer. They create problems in order to have the excuse to force fake solutions to those problems but without our consent. So, long story short, they are the bad people. That includes Soros who Barr mentioned. So, you have to infiltrate the governments, etc, that they infiltrated, in order to bring them back, in the USA at least. For other countries, I'm not sure.

People should live off the grid, as much as possible.

First come, first served.

I love how-to videos.

USA is my fav country.

Would you rather have a pretty house with a bad foundation or a broken house with a better foundation?

USA has a better foundation but is broken.

Some countries may lack that kind of foundation and probably needs a 1776 revolution in order to get that kind of foundation.

Corporatism rose out of authoritarianism.

Rothschild is like ivy around a tree.

A country can be like a tree.

Central bankers are like leeches.

Do you want Open Borders?

Do you like Sanctuary Cities?

My house has a border.

We can at least try to do banking without some of the bigger banks, etc, sometimes.

Yes. I have seen the borders of my house. They are called walls.

I love my house wall.

I have a thing at my house called a door.

Do you prefer centralization or decentralization?

The meaning to life involves and includes freewill. So, I believe in private property rights. But some people say they don't believe in ownership.

Imaginary borders should only be reduced to the extent that welfare is reduced. That is part of how the Roman Empire fell, because of those two elements.

But who determines who has too much control?

I have power. So, I have to go to jail because I have power?

I love money. I love free markets. If I try to stop you from making too much money, whatever that magical number might be, then who to say you won't give me a taste of my own medicine to then seek vengeance in trying to stop me from having too much money, land, power, influence, etc?

I strongly disagree with your regulations.

I believe in ownership.

I believe that if you own it, then Hell with Eminent Domain.

I believe in reducing monopolies and cartels.

Yes, but irrelevant. I believe in the process of life over turning people into robots.

That is why anarchy doesn't fix it.

Pull towards anarchy helps.

People need to learn how to better negotiate and trade.

Inflation comes from the central bankers, etc, mostly. But most of it came from the Federal Reserve.

Humans conflate root issues with symptoms, excuses. Suicide is generally a symptom.

But I don't want to always try too hard to stop people from doing what they want to do both good and bad to the extent it doesn't directly or immediately interfere with the rights or whatever of other people to an extent, sometimes, perhaps, in some ways, theoretically speaking, it seems.

Who decides who needs what?

Can you fit all the people on the planet into the size of the state of Texas?

And we can recycle so much.

People got to feed themselves.

Each person can have their own power.

Do HHO systems actually work?

You can make power out of water.

If people want to live in a small apartment and drive a very small clown car, then be my guest.

Big Singularity For Sure.

I promote local governments over global and federal governments.

I prefer a republic over a democracy.

If I own land, I prefer as much power over that land as possible.

I'm a libertarian.

In the 1900's, some of it began to hide in plain sight.

Kanye West said that we are slaves, and we are.

Your brain governs your body. Your brain is the government of your body.

The best kind of government is the American government. Different branches seek to balance out the government. Constitutional, representative republic. The balance is a good thing. How will you force people to not be in poverty? I love competition. I want no limit to competition. If I want to gamble, I don't want anybody to be able to stop me from betting, gambling.

If you want to help poor people, then go do that. But I don't want to force tax payers to give up too much money or any money at all to corrupt governmental agencies that generally lack transparency, accountability, responsibility, and especially real-time consequences and results for what they do and not do.

Murder is the theft of life. Theft is a private property violation. If you steal from me, I might want to press charges. But I should not be required to. Government needs to mind its own business.

Murder violates the private property of a person's body.

If I own something, then I should have ownership rights over that.

People don't like it but they have the freedom to do what they don't like to do.

You believe in safety over freedom.

Of course, there are natural laws to the universe.

Responsibility is a natural law, of course. But there is order to the universe. There is structure.

The jerk in the house has the freedom, the freewill, to break the rules. The owner of the house has the freedom to try to punish the jerk. The smart landlord will probably try to minimize conflict.

But the landlord has the freedom to not be smart. But the landlord should be smart. But the tenant is the buyer. The landlord is the seller in that house. It is a free market system or should be. Collectivism seeks after minimizing conflicts. In the pursuit towards minimizing conflicts, people tend to surrender freedoms, liberties, rights, ownership, flexibility, power, money, in exchange for alleged securities, safety; and they generally end up with neither.

The four branches of the U.S. government are judicial, legislative, executive, and we the people. How things are right now is not the same as how it was. Can Christmas lights hang themselves? Epstein didn't kill himself. Bad people have been infiltrating governments, etc. People conflate the goodness of U.S. government with the bad people who got into the government to change it. Is a slave an employee? Some alleged slaves did not work against their own will. I lived in Vietnam. They told me that many people make less than $200 USD per month. Are they slaves? Children who are trafficked are slaves for sure. We all don't have certain choices. Some people have more choices. Some people have less choices. Generally speaking, different people have different choices.

I believe in the struggle, the fight, between anarchy and other forms of governments. I believe in a tug-a-war between different power systems. I believe in an attempt to decentralize governing endeavors in order to add competition to governments that can compete against other governments in the same ways that people compete against other people in the free market. Same thing with crypto currencies, etc, which adds competition to money systems. Life is about trying to figure out what is right and wrong. You could say that it was necessary to kill a person but that doesn't mean that it was. We don't know everything. Not knowing everything means we can be wrong about things. People make mistakes. People can begin to recognize the patterns. The ability to know the distinction between right and wrong requires wisdom. Wisdom whispers in the eye of the storm.

Overlord DVD

09:00 PM - The Inquisition! Rise of Skywalker Edition!

Disney may say Palpy is dead or alive.

Disney Slogan: Because We Can't Put a Yoda In Everything.

Episode 10: Palpatine is a Woman

Episode 10 -The Story For Another Time This Time

@Gordon Davis Rey has a fetish for lightsabers haha.

Rey had to die so Palpy could overtake her spirit.

Finn loves Rey like a brother.

Oatmeal Health

10:11 PM - Steemit

I have a channel @OatmealHealth that is dedicated to natural remedies. I've not written a lot on that page yet. But that is part of why I write so much here. I've been writing all of this to you and have been sharing this on my daily blog as well because I want other people to read about what we are talking about. I may even make videos about some of these things. I probably should commit to writing a health article every day or every month or whenever I can.

Hydrogen Bomb

I guess that is why a hydrogen bomb blows up like you said.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)

Is GMO genetically modified at the cellular level or does it go even smaller than that? If you were to deconstruct a GMO cell, would the parts be GMO or would they be organic? I've heard that GMO comes from the modification of the DNA inside the cells. Therefore, I guess I answered my own question that GMO occurs within the cell. But I wonder if you cut up the pieces small enough in order put them back together the correct way like lego blocks. I guess this is similar to my hydrogen and oxygen question. With water, if you try to pull them apart, you run into a chemical reaction that is flammable like you said. So, that may be true with other things as well.


Can we adapt to GMO like we adapt to chicken pox? Can we adapt to nano fiber? There are bad vaccines. There might be some good vaccines out there. The theory is to expose our body to a virus or whatever in order to build immunity to it. I would hope that the body can build an immunity to GMO, geoengineering, nano tech, germs, etc.


I like yoga and that helps people but I wonder how often yoga people are encouraged to also fast.

Improving Cells

I believe in trying to improve cells to 100%. But you got to make sure the cells get everything it needs. For example, people need more iodine. But not just any kind of iodine but the best kind. So, when we eat food, the foods lack nutrients that your body needs. So, we then get consume incomplete food. The quality of the food is important. But importantly, we need to eat everything in the right context. It is better to eat an orange for vitamin C than to just swallow a vitamin C pill because the orange contains context, that is different things that go together with the other things. Some people don't eat enough nuts which contains omegas for our brains. Yogurt is very valuable for the cultures (good bacteria). We got to always try to maximize the nutrients in the soil.

Old People

Long ago, people lived for 200 years or more. If you go back even farther, you get even older people.


You're probably right that plasma is made in the capillary, which is everywhere. Capillary are like small pipes. So, the pipes are made out of cells. So, the cells are probably gathering or creating the plasma and leaking them into the capillary, the pipes.

Cell Moving

Can a non-blood cell move really far? Could an eye cell end up drifting between the water system between the cells and drift over and down into the foot?

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


2019-12-21 - Saturday
2019-12-22 - Sunday
2019-12-23 - Monday

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography

Free Market Fake News Hit Piece Article

In reality, the problem is that people buy what they should not buy - but that is not a result of capitalism - And long story short, this article is incomplete as it doesn't tell you other things that you need to know - Please ask me for more info - These people will downvote me if I comment on their posts because they're leftist NPC bots

No Middle Ground Lie

This article talks about a problem but doesn't talk about bigger problems. Also, this problem rarely happens. So, it is out of context. Plus, it ignores other problems. They flagged me many times for talking about what globalists do to destroy humanity. This has happened in world history for centuries or longer. When you study history, you find patterns. You realize these issues are not new. When you follow the money, you see the people who are behind the fake news that is spread to trick people into believing things that are inaccurate, incomplete, misleading. Again, all of this is a long story. This post will be downvoted and flagged by this person and by other people. I can bet you money on that. They have been flagging my posts. When I confront them with facts, they simply flag me. They mock me. They want you to be quiet. They say you cannot ask questions. Nerdrotic and the Fandom Menace have been talking about this. People in Vietnam would tell me how they were not allowed to ask questions in school. In many countries, including America, people are being forced to not ask questions. When people do ask questions about things, they are thrown in jail. Some are murdered. Some are fired. The list goes on and on and on. You can tell people about this or you can ignore what I'm talking about and let the tyrants win more and more each day. The choice is up to you.

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I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

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Mount St. Helens

Facebook Bans Kissing

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