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in #j5 years ago

ADL is attacking Facebook and other tech cartels. ADL was taking over the Internet several years ago. Why is Trump letting ADL murder all of us? Is this the kind of future that we want? Contentment vs Competition, Character, Course, Cast, Content, Call. Gravy. Watch Log | Video Games 1990's | Top Songs Per Century | Video Games 1980's | Facebook Won't Let Me | Favorite Video Games Per Decade | Diamond & Silk | Mom is watching Blizzard, a movie of a reindeer and a girl. It takes patience to listen to people. It can be tough as different situations can be unique. Men prefer lowering taxes. Women favor increasing taxes. These are vague generalities. Exceptions do apply. Historically, women have had excessive amounts of power over men. Yes, not always. But many times, men would go to war as a way to impress ladies. Otherwise, their chance of passing on their bloodline goes down. Way down. Like the Titanic down. Why is Bill Barr lying about Epstein who did not kill himself?

LEGO Batman

04:13 AM - 2017-09 - September - Month in Review

Blade Runner | Should We Reject Religion? | ANTIFA George Orwell? | The Future of Mobile House Cars | Watch Log | Video Games 1990's | Power Rangers SPD | Watched a few Dick Van Dyke episodes | Rick & Morty | Alex Jones | Infowars | David Knight | Clown Jones | Scott Adams | LEGO Batman | Emoji Movie | Planet of the Apes | Criminal Minds | Psych | Star Trek Discovery | NFL Boycott | DACA | Debt Ceiling Raised | Geoengineering Watch | It Chapter One - The Movie of the Clown & the Children | President Trump | Bankruptcy Potential | What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton | Beauty & the Beta | Stefan Molyneux | I was teaching English in Saigon, Vietnam. Was trying to extend my visa. Opera Tea Club | Purio | Rice Stand | McDonald's Nguyen Hue

My Autobiography

1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019


01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12

Screenshot at 2019-11-24 15:42:00.png

2019-11-24 - Sunday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in November of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Facebook Won't Let Me

02:50 AM - Facebook

Tu La Đạo, many people were not allowed to share certain videos of what big oooooo said some years ago.... so, these videos of what a former president said is being removed off facebook.... and people are getting banned for sharing these public videos of things said on television by mister oooooooo baaaaaaaa maaaaaa

Drunk Yoda Time

03:58 AM - Steemit

Yoda was way too old to understand how subtle life is.

Objectivity vs Subjectivity

There are absolute objective truth nuggets out there. Humans can often be lost in subjectivity. I sometimes choose to use subjective wording in order to appeal to people who are unable to grasp objectivity.

Appealing to Crowds

So, I try to appeal by being extremely vague by suggesting a move in the right direction.

Private Property

It comes partly down to private property rights. Therefore, there are several different issues that we are dealing with all at the same time. We have probably talked a bit about some of this before.

What is Censorship?

Censorship, for example, is and is not several different things depending on how you define it.

X-File Truth is Out There

Again, I believe in objectivity, meaning I'm not trying to sound subjective. Rather, I'm trying to describe how people sometimes use different words to describe different things.

Different Definitions & Applications

So, censorship is one of those words that different people sometimes hijack and perhaps redefine.

Specific vs General

Again, it depends on how specific or how general you want to be with these terms. It really does come down to what it might mean to censor. I prefer freedom over safety.

Mind Your Business

So, you should have the right to do what you want with what you own to the extent it doesn't interfere with the rights of others.

Applying Priciples

How those principles applies to the Internet is very tricky because it depends on who owns which things on the Internet.

Who Owns The Internet?

Yes, people can own physical and tangible hardware, computers, servers, phones, laptops, devices, hard drives, etc.

Who Owns Electricity?

But what about the actual electricity? Well, technically, some might argue and say that power plants and power companies own the electricity and that people rent it as they pay for their monthly electricity bills. I'm not saying that is true. However, if that was true, then perhaps they own the Internet in the sense that they own the data that is running around the world wide web.

Data Soup

But then the data goes to different jurisdictions, different countries, different places, globally. So, the waves, electrical currents, volts, watts, energy, radio waves, signals, packets, etc, are running around the Internet almost like cancer.

Drop in the Ocean?

Uploading a picture onto the Internet is like dumping a drop of water into the ocean. Where is your drop of water now?

Tracking Air?

It can be hard to track and find the water or oxygen. We can talk for days about how complex the Internet is. Now, some people may like flagging systems. Perhaps, if people vote for flagging systems, and perhaps if that is what they want, then power to the people to some extent maybe, as long as that is what they want lol. Baby Yoda is cute. Is flagging the same as censorship? I do not know the answer to that question. I do not know a lot. I like asking questions and trying to figure things out.

LEGO Batman

04:13 AM - 2017-09 - September - Month in Review

Blade Runner | Should We Reject Religion? | ANTIFA George Orwell? | The Future of Mobile House Cars | Watch Log | Video Games 1990's | Power Rangers SPD | Watched a few Dick Van Dyke episodes | Rick & Morty | Alex Jones | Infowars | David Knight | Clown Jones | Scott Adams | LEGO Batman | Emoji Movie | Planet of the Apes | Criminal Minds | Psych | Star Trek Discovery | NFL Boycott | DACA | Debt Ceiling Raised | Geoengineering Watch | It Chapter One - The Movie of the Clown & the Children | President Trump | Bankruptcy Potential | What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton | Beauty & the Beta | Stefan Molyneux | I was teaching English in Saigon, Vietnam. Was trying to extend my visa. Opera Tea Club | Purio | Rice Stand | McDonald's Nguyen Hue


04:30 AM - 08:00 AM

The Rubin Report

08:13 AM - How To Break Out Of Your Bubble, Cost Of Talking Trump & AOC | Scott Adams | POLITICS | Rubin Report

History does not completely repeat itself.

Some themes may repeat.

Better yet, people are people.


08:39 AM - Steemit

Thanks. Happy Sunday. Happy Thanksgiving. Oh, are you having Internet problems or is it a Steemit problem?


08:42 AM - My favorite is the shame statue man. Second favorite is that cat who must be the same cat from Alice in Wonderland.

In Sunday School, we talked about being a disciple. We talked about the value of towns. I said that we tend to live in a virtual city because of the Internet, cable, etc, and that is good and bad. There are bad people who use it in their attempts at controling and destroying civilization, culture, religion, education, independence, decentralization, society, and humanity in general, literally, historically, and especially spiritually.

Church sermon was on contentment which can be contrasted in some ways and also complimentary in other ways to competition, character, course striving, content, and church.

In Killing Uncle Sam, it talks about the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) which launched around the 1920's after the great world war of the the 1910's. It talked about members which includes the Clintons, Rockefellers, Morgans and others. Large corporations are in it, including Facebook. Some of them were Wall Street lawyers.

The Rubin Report

01:40 PM - AOC | Simulation | Climate Change | Persuasion | Scott Adams | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Scott Adams talks about how AOC is helping the political and cultural conversation between Americans and the real test is to see if AOC is really looking for actual solutions for alleged climate change.

Mom was like an honary student until her senior year in high school. When she went back to college in the early 2000's, especially around 2005 for example, she was writing a report about how NASA should prioritize funding towards human exploration, things like putting a man on the moon, on Mars, on space walks, on human related missions that may be practical and doable, as opposed to excessive focus on looking for aliens, green little men as her teacher put it, in other solar systems and even galaxies. She was doing another report about teaching reading to kids and she was defending two main styles of teaching reading. One way involves sounding it out, meaning a focus more on the ears. The other style may be more targeted towards visual readers. It probably comes down to the kinds of students, the kind of children, that you're trying to teach.


01:50 PM - Pumpkin flavor yogurt from church and potato turkey soup. Green beans on top.

Already Published

02:37 PM - FS | Dissenter

@Rob_Roy, what Roger Stone said was already published on the Internet and other people made videos about it.

Not a Secret

Julian Assange was talking about releasing the Podesta Emails in October of 2016. As early as like June 2016, some people began talking about what was coming for the October 2016 Surprise. As time went on, more and more people began talking about it. Roger Stone was not the only person talking about it.

We Talked About It

@Vitt, see, Alex Jones, Roger Stone, and other people, would talk about what Wikileaks already announced publicly.

Trump View Drama

It is the same as when Donald Trump Jr. talked about the alleged whistle blower, and yet that came from articles that were already published and shared on Drudge.

Gold Fish Can't Remember

Many people remember this. So many people were talking about the Podesta Emails before they were coming out.

Podesta Emails

Alex Jones went live on midnight one day and then it was not released at that time.

Wikileaks Announced It

But Wikileaks talked about it before Roger Stone talked about it. @Rob_Roy was probably not born yet as he is unaware of what happened. That is too bad.

Retarded Rob Roy

That is how blind some people can be. Rob Roy is either dumb or a bad guy. One or the other, probably.

We All Did What Roger Stone Did

Because what Roger Stone did and said, other people did too. It was public knowledge. It was not a secret. The fake news says it was a secret.

Corporate Deception

The corporate control freak dinosaur news media is lying about what happened to the SJW NPC bots who don't know anything.


02:47 PM - Telegram | Dissenter

Dlive seems to be a streaming gaming site that appears to be on like a blockchain, allegedly. So, some people have claimed that Dlive terminated some channels, some videos. I've not confirmed how accurate that might be. Dlive is probably better than IBM's Ustream TV, other gaming social networks, etc.


03:13 PM - Telegram | Dissenter

I joined Blogger but my two posts are offline. Why is that? I see your avatar on that website. Do you have to manually approve each post?


03:17 PM - Steemit

The tricky part is to not workout your back in the wrong way.

Graphic Cards

03:22 PM - Steemit

Generally, in supply and demand, in free markets, when demand goes up, then the price may go up, that is true. However, to compensate, there should be some competition. There should be companies that could make more graphic cards to compete with the rising prices, right?

Diamond & Silk

03:39 PM - Diamond and Silk on live discussing the news from this past week.

Nap for about an hour.

04:50 PM - Bird feeder refilled. Oh, I don't like gravy. But I did eat the soup thing for lunch. Mom is watching Blizzard, a movie of a reindeer and a girl.

Dishes. Peppermint tea. Heartland is in Canada. 1960's Christmas animation or clay-mation film about the origins of Santa.

Stefan Molyneux

05:04 PM - "How to Make Women Great Again"

Men favor lower taxes.

Women favor higher taxes.

Men debate more.

But women struggle more to admit when they're wrong.

Roger Stone

07:35 PM - FS | Dissenter

@Vitt, wrong, he is not guilty of anything. That is a lie. Do you really trust Obama judges and jurors?

2017-09-30 - Saturday - 11:37 PM PST MDNH - Video Games Per Decade by Joeyarnoldvn on Steemit - Screenshot at 2019-11-24 20:01:23.png

Video Games

08:11 PM - 2017-09-30 - Saturday - 11:37 PM PST MDNH - Steemit - The thirtieth of September of 2017 - 2017-10-01 - Sunday - 01:00 PM ICT MDNH - The first of October of 2017 - By Oatmeal Joey Arnold - @JoeyArnoldVN

Quick Outline

This video shows the history, the video game evolution over the years, especially after the second world war in the 1940's to the end of the USA Vietnam war, in the early 1970's, three decades later, as Atari rose. Here is my list for favorite video games per decade from the 1970's to the 2010's, currently, meaning my favorite five video games of all time, one game per decade excluding anything that may or may not have been around before the 1970's and my list excludes anything that may come in the future as it is the first of October 2017, right now. What are your favorites? I'm Joey Arnold, Original Oatmeal of Oregon.


Ping Pong: 1972: Syzgy: Atari: my favorite game from the the 1970's decade might be this tennis game but since I was born in 1985, I didn't play it until 1995 or so when we got this or something like this game.


Mario Bros: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES): 1985: I was born 1985: we played Mario at Mike & Kyle Vanderzanden's house, our neighbors: was hooked to Mario since I was a baby.


Sim City: Super Nintendo: 1991: first saw cousin Nathan Williams play it around 1994: got it Christmas 1996: was hooked on it many times to 2004 or so: loved the ability to build, design, customize.


Paper Mario 64: Nintendo 64: 2000: my dad gave it to me for my 16th birthday in 2001: love role playing games (RPG) because it is very educational and also very focused on story telling.


Metal Gear games: Matt Kurtz: was mostly introduced to them in 2011 when we made Metal Gear Joey, a parody video on it: one of my favorites is the Metal Gear Solid 3, Snake Eater, and I'm choosing this as my favorite game of the 2010-2019 ten year decade. Other games included Dead Space, Mario, phone games, the fat princess game, Risk.


08:37 PM - Alex Jones Show – (HD) 11/24/2019 – Globalists Show Their Hand: ADL To “Purge” Millions Online

Microsoft Newsguard spies on your computers, etc.

ADL does stuff.

Some people read your private messages.

They go after people.

ADL is the most powerful Jewish organization in the world.

ADL promotes the sexualization of children.

If you object, ADL calls you a Nazi, etc.

ADL and others try to stop people from buying, selling, from having credit cards, from doing business, from online trading etc.

Nap for like 2 hours.

Finished watching the Sunday Infowars show.

Lionel Nation

11:47 PM - Live Stream: The Hunter is Now the Hunted

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat

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