10 True 1 Lie - Win SBD

in #steemitschoolpoetry7 years ago (edited)


This is not my curriculum vitae but these are ten events that have changed the way I think about life. This is very short and easy to read. Ten are completely true. One is a lie. Your mission is to find the lie so we can get rid of it. Write the number you think is a lie and tell me why in the comments. I was challenged to do this post by @insideoutlet. I will share 0.5 SBD to the first comment that has the correct answer. Please do not upvote your comments.

  1. When I was eight years old, twelve teenagers jumped out of the street to take my Schwinn Predator BMX bicycle in Cicero Chicago. When I told them my dad will be angry they let me go.

  2. My brother and I invited our hippie parents to church when I was 9.

  3. I quit high school at 16, entered college and was kicked out of college at 17.

  4. I finished a bottle of Tequila with two friends and blacked out. When I woke up I found my two friends in jail.

  5. I kissed a girl on a train and the next time I saw her she was in the movie Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

  6. I slid naked down an olive oil water slide during the “Fruit Olympics” on Solidarity Night in our dormitory.

  7. I sold a public meter parking space for $20 on South Michigan Avenue in front of Soldier’s Field right before a professional football game. I pretended to back out and when another car came I asked for gas money before I could leave.

  8. I spent the summer in Cite Soleil Haiti teaching kids in an orphanage and putting skin lotion on AID’s patients in the Mother Theresa’s hospice.

  9. I cut mice tails and dissolved them to measure RNA fragments on electrophoresis to test the effectiveness of the tumor suppressor gene P53.

  10. I bought a SAAB and totaled it within 30 days after purchase.

  11. I preach a gospel message each Sunday in a small church in Seoul Korea.

Chose one and write why you chose it in the comments.

Original Poetry @mineopoly

Get Rid of the Lie

Billions in the world are connected at a network node
Not a line of circuits but a junction of heart

The node is a junction of 7.6 Billion unique interactions
Each life carries an electric charge that no electrometer can record.

Conglomerates of molecules greet with Pauling smiles
Stories lost in cordial conversations not meaning to appall.

The inner node is insulated in a ceramic porcelain of lies.
I laugh at the futility of making a story when the truth is ten times more interesting.

Where have you been? Where are you going?
Where did you come from?
What made you who you are?

Throw away the lie. It doesn’t exist.
No one knows what you know.
No one has been where you have been.
No one has seen what you have seen.

Move on and enjoy the life you have while it is here.
Don’t spend a minute being something you are not.

Now that the Coulomb distance between me and you has decreased,
Get rid of the lie and live in the truth.

I hope you don’t hate physics after reading my poem. Maybe you can understand why I became an English teacher and not a scientist. This is my 11th poem in the Steemitschool poetry competition.(Steemitschool Discord)

Verse of the Day/ John 8:31-32

"Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Mineopoly Quote:

I'm free. How about you?


@mineopoly Posts on English and Education

First Day of School
Cleaning the English Classroom
ELS - I get where you're coming from
Creativity in the box
Is Nature the Best Teacher?
Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
ESL I love you
Even Monkeys Fall From Trees
Groovy School
K.I.S.S. Creativity
Proof of Brain
The Sounds of Silence
The Wall- Education
A Straight Line
Ryu Gwansun
Korean Independance Movement - Manse
Paint a Fish
Wisdom and Humility
Five Love Languages
Intermittent Media Fasting
The Greatest Teacher

@mineopoly Posts on Mining the heart

Will you be there?
Voices in a Blockchain
Avatar Falling Star
I am a Work in Progress
Songs of the Playground
Morning Miracle
Tasty Spam
Gold Dust
A happy Song
A Closer Walk 1
A Closter Walk 2
A Steemit Heart
Hearts joined together
Revival Korea
Feeling Groovy
As White as Snow
Unconditional Love
Strapped to a printing press- Batman
Choice Wine
The Sounds of Silence
I'm a Seoul man
It's not easy being Green
Reach Out and Touch
Who is Mineopoly?

Woodstock source. Pinocchio Source All other pictures here can be found on pixabay or they are a creation of @mineopoly


Which number is the lie? Who are you?

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.


I will go with #9. Honestly I only picked it cause it sounded like some resident evil movie plot line lmao....

Thanks for visiting and giving this contest a try. I'm glad to meet you @iseeyouvee and your friend @themightyvolcano. You both are pretty incredible people. I can see how you would think #9 was "some resident evil movie plot line..." And I'm glad you got some laughing exercise in while reading.

The truth about this one is it was for "duty and humanity". In college I would watch Binky and the Brain when my afternoon labs would finish and sometimes feel like I was ready to take over the world. But the boring reality was this was my life in the 90's after graduating college. I worked in a lab. This paper was published in Nature under the head researcher's name but even after 20 years all that research has not helped one cancer patient.


I'm glad I got out of science and started something I liked to do with my life. Twenty years past and I'm not rich but I have everything I need and I'm happy.



I think #3 is the lie. From everything I've read of yours here on your blog, I just can't believe you would have quit high school at 16 and also got kicked out of college at 17! Okay @mineopoly, I see I came to this party late! I read your replies after I made my comment! I see above that #1 was the lie. :)

Thanks for your comment @violetmed. Time goes faster on Steemit. Thanks for your concern. The answer is Jesus. It wouldn't make sense any other way. My parents are also alive and well only by grace.

Thanks for your comment @violetmed. Sorry the contest is over but it's still fun. Time goes faster on Steemit. Thanks for your concern. The answer is Jesus. It wouldn't make sense any other way. My parents are also alive and well only by grace.

I'm guessing #3 I'm guessing that one because it doesn't seem like something that would happen to you.

Thank you for your respect. I have changed a lot over the years @imsteinsbrother. I don't want anyone to go through what I did especially you. You are a great kid and have parents who love you. Always talk to your dad and never worry about anything. You cannot do everything yourself but need real good people on your side. Above all keep your faith. Even one promise in your heart is enough to start a walk with your Creator. You will experience a world beyond your wildest imagination. No party or entertainment or drugs can get you the high that you have when you know that you are loved by God and set apart for his purpose and your life is precious.

John is taking some time of from the internet. He is still painting and we played some music together. Teenage years are tough.

Blessing to you,



I think that it is number 1, 12 teenagers in Chicago could care less how mad your dad was gonna be. Three maybe, but not all twelve.

Thank you for your participation. Congratulations @sultnpapper you were the first person to pick up on my lie. You know me pretty well and you have traveled around enough to know if more than three teenagers are gathered in Chicago they will be stopped by the police. I was not 8 years old but ten years old in Cicero on Central and 16th street when I was stopped by three or four teenage boys who asked where I was going in such a hurry. I told them I have to get home. One of them said get off my bike. I knew these kids from the junior high that my older brother attended. I told them that my dad would be really angry and beat the ____ out of them. My dad was badder than a junk yard dog in those days. They knew it and they knew I could recognize their faces so the leader said, "Back off and let the kid go." I will send you the prize money. It's not much but I'm happy to send it.

I think I know. Too easy. Is this for non-native speakers only?

Go for it ^^

Ok. Number 7. First, I've only read a couple of your posts, but that doesn't sound like something you would do. Second, the story is a little confusing. Did you sell the space to two people? And third, it's your longest story. People somehow feel the need the give lies a lot of detail - I've been studying your president :)

I wanna hear the rest of story #4. Fun game.


Young Skywalker. I chose an order of events that happened in my life over the past forty years.

I am just a poor boy though my story's seldom told
I have squandered my resistance for a pocketful of mumbles, such are promises
All lies and jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest, hmmmm

When I left my home and my family, I was no more than a boy
In the company of strangers
In the quiet of the railway station, runnin' scared, laying low
Seeking out the poorer quarters, where the ragged people go
Looking for the places only they would know

Back in the days the Chicago Bears kicked but when Mike Singeltary was Middle Linebacker parking was a headache. If you find a place on Michigan avenue a few blocks from the Soldier Field or whatever they call that place today your place was in high demand. Even though the city owned the spot you had legal rights to be there because you put the quarter in the meter.

I was a teenager and didn't mind waiting around 30 minutes to get 20 dollars. My value system has changed a lot since then.

Simon and Garfunkel are now stuck in my head. I enjoyed reading your stories. Thanks for sharing them.

I will go for number 10 👍

Thank you for your participation @tattoodjay. Actually I did have this SAAB story. I didn't eat lunch that day and was feeling a little dizzy. I still had a long ride home because the 88 SAAB had no ABS the brakes locked up and he the wall. The car was totaled and the engine looked like an accordion but I walked about safe only my neck cracks a little these days.

Glad to take part
Sorry to hear that is true and hope the neck doesn’t give you to much pain

Thanks. I'm glad you chose that one :)

Thanks for playing along I loved your Ten facts and one lie. Im going with #2 but

I slid naked down an olive oil water slide during the “Fruit Olympics” on Solidarity Night in our dormitory.

This i found hilarious and I'm now some what intrigued and think I might mention it to @shai-hulud as a slide may need to be purchased. Lol.


I have to choose 2 as everything else has been choosen. Except #8 and from what I assume i know about you I just think its something you would do. Teach me for being late.

I think no.2 cause why would you and your brother be going to church without your parents in thw first place.

Thank you for your participation @insideoutlet. Although I was baptized in my grandmother's Catholic church my parents were not Christian. Some neighborhood people invited my brother and I to a vacation Bible school. My parents were happy to get rid of us. After five days we ended up inviting our parents to parent's night.

The olive oil water slid is a must. The fruit Olympics was more than I could handle at 17 but somehow I got through it. I cannot say I am a better person for trying. There was a water melon lifting competition for boys and a grape picking competition for girls. There was also the unisex banana swallow. I thought I was open minded but it was a little much when my logic professor made a dive down the dormitory hallway hair and everything. Some girls did it too.

Thank you for your participation @peggyhazelwood. Actually I did have this SAAB story. I didn't eat lunch that day and was feeling a little dizzy. I still had a long ride home because the 98 SAAB had no ABS the brakes locked up and he the wall. The car was totaled and the engine looked like an accordion but I walked about safe only my neck cracks a little these days.

I’m going to say #5 is the lie. A kiss on a train with an actress seems just a little too romantic ;)

Thank you for bringing that one up @coachjj. This is a true story of a girl I met in middle school. We liked each other but she went to an art high school and I didn't see her again for four years. Then we met suddenly at Union Station in Chicago and got on the same train. She was going off the London and I knew I would not see her again. Then years later I saw her in a movie. She was not an actress at the time I met her.

I am going to go with number 6... I dont think that is the most legal thing to do, especially on a college campus.. but then again college campuses in my country are full of prudes.

What country are you from?

Thanks for your comment @tadstrange. The olive oil slide was just one event among many in the fruit Olympics. I was only 17 and maybe it was too much for me. Maybe this school was a tad progressive. There was a water melon lifting competition for boys and a grape picking competition for girls. There was also the unisex banana swallow. I thought I was open minded but it was a little much when my logic professor made a dive down the dormitory hallway hair and everything. Some girls did it too.

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