Unconditional Love

in #love6 years ago (edited)


I took this picture crossing the Han River in Seoul.

I thought about why hearts have became so cold like the ice floating on the top of the river and I remembered a man named Nick who thirsted for unconditional love. He searched for this love his whole lifetime. Nick became extremely successful, rich and powerful, the top 70 in his nation. He took a seat in the nation’s ruling council. He was a member of the elite and followed religious and social tradition meticulously. Through strenuous efforts he reached the peak of success and was recognized by others as a great man. He always knew how to help other people with their problems. He was respected as a great guy. But he was petrified of showing even a little hit of his own problem. His whole life he had worked hard just to be happy. He worked hard becoming an expert in law and helping all the people in his community. He always did what was just and right. He defended the powerless and led an impeccable life. As for family he was a loving father. He was faithful to his wife. They lived in a comfortable home and had everything anyone could want from life. But Nick felt a heavy burden weighing him down. Although he “had” everything he could not be free from the daily dread of his meaningless and empty life. This problem ate away at him to the point that he couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t just the bit of undigested meat he was seriously worried about where his life was going.

He came at night.

The kids were asleep and his wife was snoring. Nick got up and went toward the door. He slowly turned the handle so that no one would notice. Walking down the street in his night clothes he looked rather silly but he had to do something about this burden of life. Hoping no one would notice he turned the corner to the teacher’s house. All kinds of rumors were spreading in the town about this teacher. The common people adored him and clung to his words but his fellow council members hated him and were making plans to trap him and kill him. He walked through the shadows not to be noticed and suddenly he was standing at the door of the teacher. He was about to knock when the door opened. Inside was a warm feeling and the teacher smiled as if he was expecting Nick.


He just wanted to be happy.

Nick didn’t know what to say and found himself blurting out, “Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him.” Nick really did need a miracle in his life but he didn’t know how to say it. He wanted what the teacher had but didn’t know how to say it. He just wanted to be happy.

All he had to do was listen.

The teacher, Jesus, looked at Nick with compassion and answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” Jesus knew that Nick really wanted the “experience” the kingdom of God that is God’s rule of love and peace in his heart. He really wanted the joy of God that goes beyond the joy of his accomplishments and achievements. Jesus knew what this man desired deep in his heart and Jesus invited him to enter the spiritual world. Lots of folk had flattered Nick with their words saying, “Great job man!” But Jesus told him the truth, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” This is the obvious truth because the kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom. It could not be achieved by his efforts or success but only when he begins his spiritual life. All that Bible reading and good work was not going cut it. Nick was surprised at this so Jesus taught him the work of the Spirit in simple terms through a parable: “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” The work of the Spirit is compared to the work of the wind. You cannot see it but you know it is there because of what it is doing. Sometimes the wind is a gentle breeze on a hot summer day that brings refreshing to a weary soul. Sometimes the wind comes out of nowhere like a tornado moving immovable objects. Whatever wind it is we really cannot see it but only see evidence of the wind working through the blowing leaves or the house that was carried away. People like Nick really wanted a life change but could not accept the fact that all he had to do was sit still and listen.

Unconditional Love with do the rest.

Nick couldn’t understand what Jesus was talking about but Jesus gave him one word: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” It wasn’t about working to make himself better. It was about the power of the unconditional love of God. The world like him didn’t know what they were doing. They didn’t now why in all their efforts and trials to do what was good the result was empty or worse they ended up doing and thinking what they did not want to do. Nick is not somebody we world call a “sinner” because he looks real good. The obvious sin problem here is that he was giving all his efforts not to receive God’s love but to find his own way to be happy so he never was happy. Jesus says to him, “men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” Nick was no exception. The whole world was in darkness. God sent his one and only son into the world that whoever believes in him will find the light and experience the kingdom of God. This is unconditional love. It isn’t only for the elite top seventy in the nation. God’s love was poured out for everyone to receive. Jesus gave the example of Moses in the deserted who lifted up a bronze snake. Everyone bitten by a poison snake could look up at the bronze snake and be saved. There were no conditions. They only needed to believe God’s way of salvation and for a second take their eyes of the biting snakes and see God’s grace of salvation. Those who looked up were saved. The same goes for those who look up at the cross of Jesus. They find forgiveness and love. Even the robber next to him could pray, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”


Original Poem @mineopoly

A horrific pandemic
Numbness eating away inside
The spiritual nerves of existence
Comfortably numb but not dead
A disease inside our head
A disease of unloved children
Growing up with pacifiers instead
A disease that blinds the reality
Of unconditional love

They say the spiritual is far off and unseen
But the Spirit moves and makes its dwelling
Hearts are moved
Lives are changed like the leaves blowing in the wind.
Something comes out of nowhere.
Something comes out of nothing.
Look up and see
Fix your eyes on what is unseen

Look up at Calgary
Endless strife and bitterness have all been washed away
Tears and fears are out of sight
There is no me and there is no mine
On that cross only love divine

Unconditional love opens the door and welcomes us to abide
Unconditional love does not laugh and does not hide
Unconditional love speaks the truth about what is inside.
Unconditional love does not judge but only hugs
Unconditional love is always waiting for that moment to arrive
When we come to him throwing out all our pride
Come to him in tears and he will wipe them all away.
Unconditional love says, “Now it is okay.”




mining the heart



When you are so helpful that you forget to live your own life. Great story mate, even I do not believe in God I enjoyed it.

@michaelizer. Thank you for your comment. You are totally right that anyone who tries to give unconditional love seems to lose themselves. I do hope love like this could be recognized and appreciated. I like Jesus' approach to talking with people and I also enjoyed writing the story and poem.

For you to comment here is like me commenting on a tech article. I appreciate your efforts and I'm really thankful that you read this today.

Have a great day^^

It's always a pleasure to read you, I'm trying to get the tech addict in me with the other half who loves this kind of stories along, maybe you already listened to it but I want you to listen to this song anyway hahaha.

@michaelizer I know where you are coming from and you are really trying. So I'm glad to meet you.

The song you shared tells some truth. We cannot "try" to love. There must be a source. The problem Nick couldn't save himself. His life was changed at the cross.

I love how your mind works, it's like you can see stuff I can't watching both the same thing.

@michaelizer I enjoyed the song and learned from it. My daily life is very hectic with kids and work but I'm happy to meet people like you who take time to listen. I know your mind may be analytical so it takes time. I think we will be friends for a long time.

Absolutely beautiful. I was shocked when "Nick" began speaking with the Rabbi, then I identified him as a Nicodemus, member of the Sanhedrin. What a wonderful retelling of this story. Little did "Nick" know, but later he would be supplying the embalming spices for the body of this teacher. @ironshield

Exactly. Thank you so much for your comment. Nicodemus at the tomb with the spices is enough evidence for me to see his life was changed. I was going to add that part at the end but prefered just leaving with the cross. Thanks a lot for reading and for riding @thesteemengine. Great place to be.

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