The First Day of ESL Class Resources

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

The first day of school makes a lasting impression of students. What are the three most important things to do on the first day of school?


When a foreigner walks into an Asian English classroom with a big nose the first reaction is silence. It is you the teacher who needs to break the ice first. I know tons of icebreakers but the best icebreaker on the first day of school is to ask the bozo in front of the room some questions. Every Korean elementary student looks at me intensely. The girls blink but nobody is going to say a word unless they are prompted. This is where pictures come in. It’s either PERSONALIZE your lesson or lose your class. It is really easy to lose a classroom of 12 year old Korean kids. They want to see you and what kind of crazy things you are into. I start with a two true and one lie quiz. You just need choose the answer that you think is a lie.

Try it!!


The answer is at the bottom of the post.

To get students involved ask them to write their own giving them some simple prompts.


1. I like _______.
2. I don’t like_______.
3. I never__________.

After they finish writing then ask students to crumple the paper up and play a friendly game of “snowball.” Students are free to stand up and throw the crumbled up paper for thirty seconds. Set a timer. When the timer students pick up a crumpled paper and search for the owner. Then guess which sentence is the false sentence.

Next show some pictures of yourself and your family and friends doing some interesting things. Add one question word to the picture as a prompt. Students will begin speaking using that sentence prompt. After a student makes a question don’t just answer it but ask the same question back to them.



Your picture of riding an elephant in Thailand will get a few “wows” and “Ahs” but will also get a couple yawns. We have a lot to cover on the first day getting student’s names down and explaining classroom procedures so there is a temptation for a teacher to talk too much. The next day the kids will surely forget everything you say if they don’t practice. The best way to practice is role play.

Our class procedures are simple. I use 1,2,3 magic but I don’t tell them it is one two three magic. I just ask questions:


Then we do role play.

I ask for a volunteer to show us how the system is put into place. Last year I asked students to write vocabulary words when they got a yellow card but didn’t help them like English anymore. This year I give them an A,B,C coloring page and made a “chill out corner”. Fifth graders wouldn’t enjoy just any ABC coloring page but and I found an adult coloring page of each letter that is impressive. They are wonderfully creative ABC coloring pages perfect for the chill out zone from

I don’t explain much about the hearts I give student.

I just slam a heart on the board and students are impressed. They feel like they just got a new life in a video game. After they are impressed I tell them what the heart is for and how after thirty hearts they will get a reward. I cannot keep track of the hearts so I delegate responsibility to an English Class manager. My record keeping is easier and students are happy to play a role in classroom management.


Third, Students should leave the classroom HAPPY.

Even if you bombed the first 39 minutes of class don’t let them leave that way. Give them some activity all about themselves for the last ten minutes of class. This is what they are excited about. You don’t want to end class explaining what a red card is. The last few minutes of class should be a blast. The last part of my class today was human BINGO. Students had a walk around and find friends who will answer “yes” to one of the nine interview questions. When they finish they get a stamp and a new mission to help their friends. There was one catch because the middle question was: “Are you from America?” I was the only one from America so they had to ask me. Everyone was speaking English and everyone was happy.


At the end of the game we wrapped up with Round Robin.

It’s a kind of pow wow where I ask students to tell me three things they liked today. The last minute of class a complete success. The students will probably forget what I said about riding elephants in Thailand. They will probably forget all my rules and procedures. But they will remember how they felt in English class that first day. So many had been nervous to be there. They were forced to study English and don’t care if English is an international language they would rather be playing their favorite video game. They might forget the learning target we practiced five times today. But they will never forget that they had fun in English class and they will come back again next time ready to do whatever I ask them to do. It really works. Not only for the next class but years later they come back.


This just happened yesterday.

A student I taught four years ago came back looking for me. He said, “Do you remember me?” Honestly he had changed so much that I didn’t recognize him. Then he said, “I’m Jinu.” Ha. He was a kid who was too shy to say anything. Now four years later he got the courage to visit my office and say, “Hi.” He said he came because he liked my English class. So I asked him, “What did you like the most.” He said, “I don’t remember. I just remember that for the first time in my life I was happy to speak English.” He spoke English in full sentences and became a tall and courageous young man. I bought him some hot chocolate and had a talk after school.

Verse of the Day/ John 2:11

"This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed at Cana of Galilee."

Mineopoly Quote:

This will be the first of many posts with upvotes to the moon.


@mineopoly Posts on English and Education

Cleaning the English Classroom
ELS - I get where you're coming from
Creativity in the box
Is Nature the Best Teacher?
Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
ESL I love you
Even Monkeys Fall From Trees
Groovy School
K.I.S.S. Creativity
Proof of Brain
The Sounds of Silence
The Wall- Education
A Straight Line
Ryu Gwansun
Korean Independance Movement - Manse
Paint a Fish
Wisdom and Humility
Five Love Languages
Intermittent Media Fasting
The Greatest Teacher

@mineopoly Posts on Mining the heart

Voices in a Blockchain
Avatar Falling Star
I am a Work in Progress
Songs of the Playground
Morning Miracle
Tasty Spam
Gold Dust
A happy Song
A Closer Walk 1
A Closter Walk 2
A Steemit Heart
Hearts joined together
Revival Korea
Feeling Groovy
As White as Snow
Unconditional Love
Strapped to a printing press- Batman
Choice Wine
The Sounds of Silence
I'm a Seoul man
It's not easy being Green
Reach Out and Touch
Who is Mineopoly?

Woodstock source. All other pictures here are public domain of creation of @mineopoly


Is there a teacher you remember from elementary school?

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.

If you got this far you deserve the answer to the 2 true and 1 lie quiz. The answer is #1. Definitely not true. I have never been to Canada in my life although I would love to visit such a beautiful country. I was born in the USA.


Another fab post #mineopoly. What a lovely visit with your former student.

Sorry I'm not from Canada @redheadpei. From your pictures sometimes I wish I was from Canada. Beautiful place :) Have a great day.

As a fellow English teacher, I can relate to all these techniques! ^^ The most important thing for me is to make them feel like they aren't doing something that have to do, but want to do... It can be hard, especially with kids... (I teach mostly adults).

Round-robin story-telling is really one of the best things =) ... I even brought it over here to Steemit as an experiment, as you saw ;)

And wow... That meeting with Jinu must have been awesome for you! =)

You are really multi-talented @mandelsage. I'm totally impressed at your artwork and your classroom. I looked through my old posts and see a basic trend that about half are about education and half are about mining the heart. I will continue to post either an English talk-tip or learning/ teaching experience half the time and the other half some things on my mind personally.

Thank you for this wonderful comment. I'm mutually happy to see a teacher in Brazil engaging students. Your class must be a blast. I taught college students for a while. If I had an adult class I would do a lot more mystery role plays. Like before they walked into the class I would use tape to outline a human figure shadow on the floor. When students walk in they start asking questions. Then in groups they have to solve the mystery. That kind of stuff I can't do with kids. Everything is rated G for general audience.

Jinu was a surprise as he came just at the time I was about to head out for home. At first I really could not recognize him because he was so big. In that last three years he shot up like a rocket and he must have been exercising and eating well. I had to look up to him to talk. Also he coudn't speak much English three years ago. I didn't teach him much either but just being there he overcame that feeling that English is impossible and he started to study by himself. It was awesome.

i really have high respect for teachers especially those who are teaching kids and nursery because your teachings can influence the growth of that child. it is a big responsibilty. i know it is much harder to teach kids rather than college or highschool since my eldest sister is a graduate of education major in Family Life and Child Development.

I can really see you as a very patient person and probably a cheerful one being with kids all those years. I salute you sir @mineopoly

Thank you my friend. It's everyday life for me to meet these kids day in and day out. I'm glad to see that you and your family could attend college.

I and my siblings are fortunate enough to have a hard working, loving, and responsible parents that despite the financial challenges our parents were able to finance us in our studies. i have 3 sisters and 3 brothers. All professionals except my younger sister who is graduating next week in her senior year.

The method of teaching is always influence new student to be

Thank you @johnrenald. This is true. It's important for a new school year and new students to be welcomed and get involved. Thanks @johnrenald for getting involved.

What a good dynamic! It is really good to know that there is support from teachers to adapt foreign students to the school system, I am from Venezuela, many have left, and it is good to think that what they do to adapt a Korean to the group can happen with in Venezuelan! congratulations and thanks for the support! excellent post! 👏👏👏

Thank you for your lovely comment @michedi. I know Venezuela is having a hard time. Actual I am the foreigner working as an American in a Korean School. For these students English is foreign. I am in Korea.

I do pray for God's blessing to Venezuela. I know some people had opportunity to leave to America but stayed by choice to take care of family. I respect those who stayed even in these difficult times.

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