Who is @mineopoly?

in #introducemyself6 years ago

70’s kid


You can call me by my middle name, “Sky” or just @mineopoly is fine. My mom and dad were hippies and I’m a 70’s kid who never grew up. TV shows, movies and music from my childhood had a lasting impact on my life so on Steemit I share some of the “groovy quotes” I remember and try to apply it to my daily life. My profile picture comes from the Charles Shulz character, “Woodstock!” As Jonnie Mitchel sang, “By the time we got to Woodstock we were a half a million strong.” Woodstock is the picture of Steemit in “song and celebration.” Jonnie Mitchel wrote, “I came upon a child of God. He was walking along the road. And I asked him, ‘Where are you going?’ …Back to the garden.” This was me and my life as a hipster hanging out at friends’ basements and making a lot of noise, jumping in a mosh pit and skating to be free. The problem was I couldn’t be free until I came to the truth that I am a child of God. That’s the second part of my blog here. I write a daily journal based on Bible passages (Ruth Journal Post). At first I was hesitant to publish this on Steemit but this Bible journal is a major part of me and may help others find their way through the Bible. The rest of my blog is groovy quotes I remember from my childhood. I like the Muppets, Star Wars (Yoda post) Peanuts (Lucy post) and there are some surprise guest appearances, whatever is in my mind. Once in a while I will give a quote from a cryptocurrency (Ripple Post) or from the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute (Satoshi Post). I often quote some groovy singers I am thinking about (Bob Marely Post) or a movie I remember (Bill Murray Post) or a celebrety (Oprah Post). Or sometimes I will write a post about a friend @d-pend I like on Steemit d-pend post. I am a teacher full time so some of my quotes will be about education in a groovy way (The wall post). I will try to stay out of politics so far all my politics posts bombed (politics post). And I do not want to post any Brady Bunch quotes although one or two might pop up.

Posting Groovy and Bible

I got into Steemit researching about mining altcoins in November. At the end of the article the writer confessed he had made more writing at Steemit than he ever made mining. He explained that posting on Steemit was like mining but instead of poof of work in hz it was proof of brain power. I liked this idea and noticed that the majority of posts in Steemit were well written and provide a variety of media including D-sound and D-tube. At first I thought writers in Steemit were only writing about cryptocurrency. But Steemians write not only cypto but so many topics and also share their hobbies and interests in art, music, poetry and some things I never heard of before. There is so much going on with Steemit to browse and enjoy but I will stick with posting two. First, groovy quotes and second my Bible journal.


I moved from Chicago to Seoul Korea about twenty years ago and still live here in Seoul with my wife and two kids. My wife is lovely but can’t stand anything about crypto currency. Even the word “blockchain” makes her shiver. My kids are wonderful but they are on vacation and can get wild at times. Juggling my time with them and the blog is really challenging at times. My oldest son just started at Steemit and likes blogging about art projects he did and sometimes takes pictures of random things @artjohn. The youngest is super cute. I will let him tell his own story in the future. We struggled to have kids after marriage. The doctors said it was impossible but seven years later @artjohn was born. And three years after that his brother. Everything in its time. I learn to wait and to pray. This has been my attitude most of the time while blogging here so sometimes I missed the train and get a notice like, “We are all sold out!” It doesn’t matter. I can see a lot of opportunity through the strain crypto markets are in today. The important thing for me is to Steem on regardless. I plan to be a regular blogger in groovy quotes and Bible journal. My favorite Bible verse is John 12:24. Jesus spoke this to Greeks who were in Jerusalem for the festival. He said, “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains only a single seed, but if it dies it produces many seeds.” This verse keeps is a law of nature. The seed alone is just popcorn. But a seed that falls down from its high position to serve others sprouts into something new and bears fruit 100 times. This should be the law of nature working in the Steemit community. All colors, races and nations come together. We share our struggles, our hopes and our fears. We share a laugh and we share our inner heart. I am @mineopoly mining the heart and I will stay that way posting in philosophy and spirituality. 2018 will be a groovy year for all of us.

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Welcome to this awesome platform, how are you?
Wish you all the best and luck on your journey here.

Thank you very much. You are really ahead of the game. Cebu must be a wonderful place. Thank you for your visit here and your comment.

Great introduction my friend! Way better than both of mine ;) lol. I guess our love of hippie lifestyle brings us together.. ha.. I didn't realize you were so into religion, I hope you don't mind Im a buddhist :) I was once a christian but after going to war twice I had demons that would not leave me for many years, until I found buddism.. I respect all religion and am glad you have found something that helps you through each day and especially the rough times in life. I do love the quote you left on this page, it tells me alot about the type of person you are, and I believe we are very like minded in that aspect.
Im glad you are a teacher as I believe you have the right mantality to help teach people to grow. Not many people truly have that gift, so cherish it..
I was mining cryptos for a while, but after 6 months Ive made 3,000 on steemit and less than 500 mining so I quit mining last week. lol
anyhow this comment got long so i will cut it off now.. take care my friend.. thanks for the introduction post so I could learn more about you ;)

Thanks for reading the post @moderndayhippie. Sometimes I think these posts are going into outerspace. I live next to the Buddhist temple on a small mountain in a big city. I appreciate the love of nature and circle of life. I read Sidhartha and felt good but where did I come from and where am I going just is suck in my heart. I know there is much more than my senses perceive. Steemians who do so because of suffering, wounds and pains that are not resolved yet. It is a process. Although I am "Christian" the word religion paints a bad image in my mind. I would say I am a man of faith not into religion. But just a matter of words I guess. I worship and meet with other. Actually Christians are strongest in their weakness so I don't get the facade that sometimes goes on. It all takes time. Forgiveness is key. If I know I am forgiven then I can forgive others. Crosby Stills and Nash made Jonnie Mitchell's words echo. The music of the era usually address the problem directly but this also gives hope: "a half a million strong"
"Back to the garden" means there is hope to be restored. I'm really glad to hear your story. From your comment I am encouraged that my blogs are not lost in space there is somebody who cares.

I know how that feels man.. i really do.. but this is the hard part that weeds out the weak who don't deserve to be great on steemit.. trust me, everyone puts in there time before getting big on steemit.. and dont feel bad man, i honestly wouldnt do that much better than u on steemit if i didnt have upvote services.. lol.. i make like $5 per post because of that, and once a post has a few dollars on it (and u have a rep above 50) other people are more likely to take a look at it.. so just keep trucking, i promise u will get there, you are a much better writer than me ;)
continuing in another post, sorry, got to long to continue writing on my phone lol

WOW @mineopoly, your comment blew my mind! I feel like we are much more alike than I even thought before. I'm glad you have faith in something, I don't feel the need to tell people what to believe in, I just think life is better if you do have something to believe in. I think everyone needs something different depending on the experiences they have in their lives, faith is the important part. I guess I'm not exactly a buddhist, I just usually spit that out when people ask because that is closest to what I believe, but to be honest my religion is love! I just want everyone to get along. Fighting has never solved anything, but a hug can heal a broken soul and I find that truly amazing. Like you I believe forgiveness is key to life. Forgiveness of myself is what it took for me to dig myself out of a terrible hole I had dug myself into after a few tours of combat in iraq. So I am extremely happy that we met through steemit, it is so rare I meet someone who is truly like minded. I look forward to a long friendship here on steemit!
Take care brother.

I wish my middle name was Sky. Very groovy!

Thank you. It looks like your middle name is "and"

I congratulate you for your good work in this post.

When I read you I think that sometimes we all need to believe in someone, maybe God, or dreams or ourselves so that our life takes on meaning and we begin to move along the paths of life that we believe are right.

I liked it a lot, I hope to continue reading you.

Thanks for the #tkc team and your comment. @bryangav It was a pleasure to meet you on Steemit. You are wise and have an eye for curating. I'm glad to work together with you. Enjoy your time here. I'm only here to share :)

Welcome to steemit !

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Hi @mineopoly,

Welcome to steemit. I hope you enjoy your time here :)

Fun introduction Sky!

Wish Granted! Love, Lila Wish Genie
0.1 SBD transformed into a $0.33 upvote!

Welcome @lila-wish-genie. I'm glad you read what you upvote. It makes me feel better.

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