STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #41 - New Theme Announcement - Everyone Welcome for SBD Prizes!

The theme this week is really exciting for me, because it's about as non-specific as you can get, and you won't find any or many recipes to copy if you search online.  Fantastic!  Originality and creativity in the kitchen is what I enjoy seeing the best, more so than perfect replicas of existing recipes.  I think most of us have the culinary abilities to create our own dishes, if only we can find the courage to experiment, and a way to empty our heads of conventional approaches to dishes and ingredients.  Just because it's not been done before doesn't mean you're doing it wrong!  So go forth "Steemit-Culinary-Challengians" and show us your inner one-in-a-million-chef!

For the winners of the previous round please see this link: "Mexican Food Showdown".

After 8 rounds of sponsoring the 'Most Creative Entry' prize, this is @englishtchrivy's  final week of sponsorship.  We are extremely grateful to her for providing this prize, and for encouraging creativity amongst our foodie Steemians!  Thank you Ivy, we won't forget your kindness, and hope you will continue to stop by from time to time to admire the creative dishes that are yet to be prepared! 

If any of you would like the chance to be guest judge, please contact me via Steemit.Chat and let me know your choice of theme.  That's the easy bit, though picking winners is not quite as easy since we get so many awesome entries every week.  But if you think you'd like to do it, and are able to commit an hour or two of your time on a Wednesday to choose winners after the deadline is up, then I'll be only too happy to have you :-)  

For those of you who have never entered this challenge before - it's very easy! We have a different theme each week, and all you have to do is prepare a dish appropriate for the theme, and also ensure you follow the general rules of the challenge (below).  You don't have to be a master chef - just try to be creative with your recipes and take beautiful photos, since unfortunately we can't taste the entries so you must help us do this with our imaginations!  Original recipes are encouraged, but you may use someone else's recipe as long as you credit the original source. 

This week's guest judge is @progressivechef, an Executive Chef and very friendly chap from the island of Mauritius.  He regularly delights us in the SCC with his very creative and original dishes (often using unusual ingredients to keep us interested!) as well as posting recipes almost every day in his own blog.  If you're not yet a follower - you should be, you'll like what you see!  Many of you will know that @progressivechef has also recently started his own contest known as Steemit Iron Chef, which encourages originality and brings together anyone and everyone who is passionate about food, so that's also worth checking out.  Since @progressivechef is so keen to inspire creativity in his fellow foodies, the theme he has chosen for this week is very 'out of the box' and will force the creativity out of you :-)  He's also very generously putting up an extra bonus prize, so scroll down a little to find out how to win it.  Have fun everyone, I really can't wait to see what you all come up with!!!

1.  Title your entry this way: “STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #41: Title of your Dish”

2.  Tag your “Monochrome” post with ALL FOUR of the following:

# food  

# food-trail  

# steemitculinarychallenge 

# recipes

3. Only NEW RECIPES that have been created in response to the weekly theme will be accepted.  Each photo must feature a sign displaying the current date.

4.  TAKE PHOTOS OF THE STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS in preparing your dish.

5.  So we can verify your entry is indeed yours and not plagiarised, and is also a new recipe, you MUST DO the FOLLOWING: 

6.  POST A LINK OF YOUR ENTRY below on the comment  thread.  If you have signed up to please also post it on  the steemitculinarychallenge channel.  To sign up you can click here.

7.  The DEADLINE for submission is NO LATER than Wednesday at 12:00 Noon UTC.

8.  You may submit TWO ENTRIES if you wish.

Here is an example of one of my own step-by-step recipes.   Any questions, please ask.

I'd like to share my sincere THANKS to @gringalicious and @sirwinchester for their continuous sponsorship of this challenge, the Steemians who regularly or occasionally submit entries, and to everyone who upvotes and supports the entries.  I'm well aware there would be no challenge without you all!!! 

PREVIOUS WINNERS of the Steemit Culinary Challenge:

#41 - Monochrome

#40 - Mexican Food Showdown

#39 - Baby Food

#38 - Vegan Dishes From Around The World

#37 - Healthy Yet Tempting Food for Children

#36 - Food Fit For A German

#35 - Ice-Cream

#34 - A Smoothie for @smooth

#33 - Brilliant Berries

#32 - Picnic Alfresco

#31 - Vegan Main

#30 - Tempting Tarts

#29 - Take Me To Brunch... In Your Country

#28 - Cupcakes

#27 - Be A Michelin Star Chef For One Night

#26 - Sugar-Free Raw Vegan Desserts

#25 - Your Favourite Dish

#24 - Mouthgasms

#23 - Otsumami

#22 - Mediterranean Night

#21 - Coffee a la Barista's

#20 - Pancake Paradise

#19 -  Sweet and Savory Crepes

#18 - Tasty, Wholesome Meals for Weight Loss

#17 - Shepherd's Pie

#16 - Tacos for a Tech Savvy

#15 - Roast It


#13 - The Finest Fish Dish

#12 - Purely Paleo

#11 - Cheeseless Burger

#10 - Anglo–Sino Chicken

#9 - New Year on a Platter

#8 - La Pasta Perfetta

#7 - Battle of Noodles

#6 - HOT Off the Grill

#5 - Unorthodox Chillied Dish

#4 - Super Salads

#3 - Smoothie Showdown

#2 - Out of the Box Sandwiches  

#1 - Sniffle Remedy Soup

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me, either by posting your queries on the comment thread below, or you can find me on under the same name.  I will respond as soon as I can. 

For the announcement of winners and new themes, follow me :-) 

Image kindly created for me by @sashagenji


Thank you so much my friend for the trust in having me the guest judge this week! I know that maybe some of the contestant will get some confusion of what this theme is really, hence I decided to make a non-valid entry which will surely help a lot everyone!
I am upvoting my comment so that it can be seen by the future contestants!

50 Shades Of Orange!!*

And here's the link :

Good luck everyone!

Excellent! That's really helpful (and awesomely orange!) thanks @progressivechef! :-)

How fun! So, a "monochromatic" dish means it is all one color? Like green salad leaves topped with green bell peppers and avocado, for example Right? Hoping to make my first entry this round.

Yep, that's correct! I look forward to seeing what you create @cabelindsay!

it's been a pleasure !
of course I'd surely drop by
from next week all I can do is support the entries
since am no longer sponsoring
good luck Joana !

Thanks so much Ivy! You've been grrrrrrrreeaaat!!! :-)

I was hoping someone asked!!

Hey @woman-onthe-wing!

Here's my entry for the steemit culinary challenge:

I really enjoyed it! :) I'm looking forward to see the rest of the entries!

Oh wow, this sounds very cool and exciting at the same time, plus @progressivechef being judge wow!!! I will sure come up with something yummy monochromatic 😊

I'm sure you will too! :-)

Too bad I already made a blog about my shepherds pie recipe a coulpe of days ago. My timing sucks!!!

This is not to be considered an entry but just wanted to show you my personal recipe done my way.

I wouldn't have expected any less from the amazing and creative @progressivechef to come up with such a great challenge! This will indeed need a lot of creativity and like @woman-onthe-wing mentioned nothing better than creativity when it comes to cooking. looking forward to seeing all the entries.

Yeah I love this theme too, it's actually got me quite excited! Now this is where I realise I'm a complete food geek through and through... not only excitement eating good food, but excitement from seeing other people's good food!!!

I hear you! I'm a food snob, geek, lover... and everything in between haha!

Always somethings happens to me, that I just can't enter! :(

Ah @leotrap, surely one day will come when you have chance to enter, and we all look forward to it!!!

What a creative and exciting theme for this week! It's no surprise that @progressive-chef inspires us once again to be more creative. I look forward to participating :)

What a great idea! This is my first time here and I can't believe I haven't heard about this challenge before! I'm going to give it a shot and hopefully submit an entry for this week.

Quick question, can it be a pastry or dessert recipe?

Hi @agsttne, yes please do join us if you get the chance... it's always exciting seeing the dishes of new participants! You may create whatever recipe you like for this theme, as long as its "monochrome" the ingredients and preparation methods are entirely up to you! Please make sure to check you know all the rules of the SCC... the one that is mostly missed and most important is featuring a sign in each photo displaying your steemit name + date :-) Happy cooking!

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