One photo every day: Early potatoes with onion and herring (361/365) + recipe!

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)


Today's dinner was what I'd call one of Finnish tradition dishes; Earlies with onion and herring. I bought these Gin herrings just to try them. I think they were excellent, but Vera thought they were too sweet.


Camera body:
Canon EOS 550D
Sigma 50mm
ƒ/1.4 Art

It's very easy to cook. Ingredients and cooking instructions follow...

You'll need:

  • 1–2kg fresh early potatoes
  • 2tbsp butter
  • 2dl cream
  • freshly cut spring onions or young onion sprouts
  • fresh dill
  • a can of herring

Wash the potatoes and boil them until you can easily push a fork through, don't keep them boiling too long, for they get mushed very easily.

While the potatoes are boiling, melt some butter and boil the onions in it for a while, add cream but do not boil the cream. (Corrected this part, as you *do* need to cook the onions a bit.)

Once the potatoes are done, pour the water out and cut the fresh dill over the potatoes.

Done! Now you can set the dish however with simple accompaniments to your liking.

I hope you like it. :)

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

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[Previous post: One photo every day: Clouds (360/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

Once again! Mobile shot of Ninnu (354/365)
Guess what this is... (355/365)
Birthday Cake (356/365)
Saab JAS 39 Gripen (357/365)
Found this flower in our woods, can you guess what it is? (358/365)
Ninnu in a raincoat (359/365)
Clouds (360/365)

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Early potatoes, yum! :P

That look like a great meal

Glad Midsommar !

Inte ännu. ;)

Jag har redan börjat fira ;)

Det är ju inte svårt för mig at föreställa mig. ;)

Haha ! Vad ska du hitta på till midsommar ?

Jag ska stanna hemma, bada bastu, dricka litet öl och äta. Det finns så mycket att göra i vår trädgård.

Låter riktigt trevligt :) Bastu är aldrig fel !

Det kan vara. För circa two veckor sen vi hade min hustrus två brorsöner som gäster. Dom är tjugonånting. Jag hade varit litet oaktsam och hade satt temperaturen i bastun på 110 C. Jag gick ute tillräckligt ofta och mådde bra hela tiden. Men en av killarna hade ett någåt slags problem med temperaturen och började utkasta i badrummet. Han hade hunnit dricka inget öl så alkoholen kunde inte hade varit orsaken till det.

Jag är lite ledsen för at vi inte har en bastu.

Tack so mycket, glad midsommar också på dig!

Good image and thanks for that recipe mate, I'm going to give that a go, it looks yum. Right up my taste alley.

Looks delicious and easy enough to prepare! I like dishes that have few items!

It does looks delicious without a doubt ;)

It doesn't just look delicious, it's so good you can't resist seconds.

yummmy and awesome photo😍👌❤️

Thank you!

This look yummy, I should join you. I like the way you listed all the ingredient you used to prepare it.

OH man, you are close, just 4 more days to complete a Year, A vision you started a year ago, A mission you started a year ago is going to complete in just 4 days, congratulations.

Thanks! I'm very excited about it, although maybe a bit saddened that it has to stop too. But I guess I'll have to think of something new when this one is over. :)

It must be very tasty to eat :).

Yes, very. :) Thanks!

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