So it looks like Biden is still the front runner..steemCreated with Sketch.

in #busy5 years ago (edited)


  • Sanders wont be able to win. Nobody wants higher taxes on the poor and middle class.
  • Warren is too unstable. Is also just a worse version of Sanders.
  • Buttigieg actually doesn't suck. Still unlikely to get votes during a general election.

That leaves Biden still in the front. Oddly enough, guilty of exactly what Trump is currently in the process of being impeached for. This shit is over, its been over for awhile but holy shit. This is an epic implosion.


Nobody wants higher taxes on the poor and middle class.

Good thing Sanders has said he'd save us money!

No he wont, The Rich will never deal with paying higher taxes, it all trickles down to the middle and poor classes. Welcome to how this shit actually works. You have been lied to hardcore for so long you actually believe the rich are going to actually pay their fair share in taxes... Its sad.

The only way you will get what you want for even a short time is violent revolution. And even that will just make everything 10x worse long term.

Dwight Eisenhower (republican president) had 90% top marginal rates.

But okay.

Most corporations pay nothing in taxes. Most corporations actually get government subsidies.

Stop acting ignorant, you know damn well the Rich and corporations have the highest tax rates in the world in America. There is a difference between high tax rates and effective tax rates. Effective tax rates in America are damn near zero. Sanders will never be able to change this because literally nobody has the power to do it. All he can do is pick on people who cant defend themselves.

Corporations and the Rich get a shit ton of loop holes and can afford tax professionals. General electric pays basically zero in taxes right now.

You have this huge logic problem in your mind where you think just because someone says something then that means it will work that way. In reality you have to think about everything in steps.

  • Sanders butters you up with bullshit about getting corporations and the rich to pay more.
  • Corporations and the rich cockblock him because they wont let that happen because they basically own the government.
  • If he forces them to pay anyway through some crazy communist shit they leave the country.
  • If he is persistent but unable to do it he gets fucked over by random scandals or accidentally hangs himself.
  • He decides maybe he doesn't want to fucking die so he sets his target on people who cant defend themselves.

Also, here's a fun strawman for ya. Since I know you love strawman arguments so much.

Dwight Eisenhower (republican president) had 90% top marginal rates.

Dwight Eisenhower got the idea to do that from 1942 Germany at the end of world war 2. Should we copy everything the Germans did around that time? I thought you were against that kind of stuff. Wasn't expecting you to be such a fan of Hitler. ;)

It's almost like you really have no actual understanding of law and history.

How do you end loopholes? Change laws. Simple as that.

What you don't understand because you don't go outside is that Sanders is building a movement of MILLIONS of people to pressure and stand up to the rich.

If you unironically think that businesses will all leave the USA at once you are delusional. It has never happened and never will.

Again, go outside. Either that or read news.

How do you end loopholes? Change laws. Simple as that.

You wont be able to change those laws in a way that will not benefit the rich. Period.

What you don't understand because you don't go outside is that Sanders is building a movement of MILLIONS of people to pressure and stand up to the rich.

The moron cant even beat Biden.

If you unironically think that businesses will all leave the USA at once you are delusional.

They absolutely will. Facebook already decided to do it because of Libra issues.

You wont be able to change those laws in a way that will not benefit the rich. Period.

FDR says hello

The moron cant even beat Biden.


They absolutely will. Facebook already decided to do it because of Libra issues.

Proof, proof?


By the fact that Biden is the front runner.

Proof, proof?

Facebook wants to move its headquarters to Switzerland to avoid having to pay American taxes.

Side note on this though is that its kind of irrelevant if any cryptocurrency can be used to act as a social media platform anyway. Why do we need a giant multi conglomerate like Facebook? Billy Joe can release a cryptocurrency that does the same shit out of his moms basement.

Steemit already exists as well. Is nobody bothering to pay attention to the fact that Steemit already exists?

But yeah, global tech giants can just leave any time they want.

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Reminder; there is no national primary! 30+ years old and doesn't know how elections work SMH hahahahaha

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