Is The Whole World Run By Pedophiles- Part V... Ronald Bernard- Jimmy Savile & The 9th Circle and The Dynamics of the Pedophile.SRA Culture

in #palnet5 years ago 

George Carlin once famously said: "It's a big fucking club and you ain't in it," to which I would answer thank God. This club, the power behind the power of this world is comprised of individuals that will do anything- no matter how disgusting or depraved- to belong to this "club." How far back in history does this go? Perhaps to the worship of Moloch before the birth of Christ, where children were sacrificed to gain favor of the god... entire civilizations, the Phoenicians, Canaanites and Carthaginians to name a few, practiced this vile ritual. It does certainly go back to Sabbatai Zvi and "redemption through sin" in the 17th Century in which the Commandments of God were inverted and in the 18th Century when Jacob Frank, Mayer Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt incorporated it into the Illuminati. More recently it has become the initiation into the power hierarchy and the more "they" have on you not to mention the more graphic and depraved the act, the higher you can rise in the hierarchy. 

This is all part of a spiritual war... the war between good and evil- the dualistic system that's been going on since the beginning of time. Those at the apex of this hierarchy view people as commodities, things to be sucked dry of spiritual energy and discarded. Why the pedophilia? Because pedophilia produces broken people and the "program" depends on broken people to operate. One thing that's critical to understand is that the people at the top of the hierarchy are incapable of empathy. This is a Luciferian/Sabbatean system- one that operates on the reversal of God's commands. The Illuminati/Freemasons, Jesuits along with other elitist institutions and organizations around the world operate on this Satanic, anti-God principle. Blood sacrifice is another necessity for maintaining this system- hence the perpetual state of war. War, along with pedophilia, is another method of producing broken people. Banking/Finance is the mechanism of control and Ronald Bernard, former Dutch banker, understands the system perhaps better than anyone... he, at least, came forward to expose the system.

Bernard makes many cogent points in his narrative- that we are born as "children of light," pure who are then forced into the program through school etc.. As we become indoctrinated into the system the light becomes dimmer and dimmer. I can understand his hate and lack of empathy. There was a time in my life when empathy was virtually an impossibility... any semblance of human emotion was taken from me along with my innocence and like Bernard, I just wanted to destroy. His views on human awareness are profound and honest. Another good point is his view on "normal" criminals and pedophilia... that that is a line reserved for the elites that run the world- some 8000-8500 according to Bernard. Like rape, pedophilia is more about power and control than about sex... any pretenses about pedophilia being a normal sexual inclination is merely a ruse by the elites to make their perversions acceptable.

This next video begins with an explanation of the hierarchy before going into an interview with Bernard. The importance of Ronald Bernard is that he offers us an insight into the world of banking and elite pedophilia. Had it not been for his aversion to sacrificing a child (thank God) we might never have gained knowledge of the mechanics of the cabal. The discussion begins with the Washington DC (Military), City of London (Financial), and Vatican (Spiritual) and how, although they're all independent power centers, they're essentially run by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).

The BIS is the clubhouse of the central banks- the power center of the elites. The importance of this for our purposes is that we- all of the people in whatever country that has a central bank- are the collateral. As I said before, to the global elites we are commodities to be done with as they see fit... whether it's to pay their exorbitant taxes or to fight their wars- or sacrifice our children for their depraved pleasures (this will become more evident when we get to Child Protective Services). Another point Bernard brings up in both videos is the involvement of Secret Services (Intelligence services).

At around the 13:20 mark Bernard speaks about humans as being multidimensional and affected by frequencies. As far as the elite control mechanism goes, the 5G technology and its ability to affect frequencies will prove a useful tool. I'm no expert on multidimensionalism but what Mr. Bernard says reminded me of a passage in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth: 

 Speak I of Ancient Atlantis,
speak of the days
of the Kingdom of Shadows,
speak of the coming
of the children of shadows.
Out of the great deep were they called
by the wisdom of earth-men,
called for the purpose of gaining great power. 

 Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle.
Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed being.
Only through man could they live in the world. 

I want to keep this in the realm of the provable, but I linked this below for anyone interested in looking into the esoteric aspects of SRA and dualism. 

Ronald Bernard was fortunate, he made it out and is testifying as to the terrible things he saw and participated in... once more he has become a child of the light. One person who revelled in the darkness was Jimmy Savile- right up to the day he died. Just as Washington, London and the Vatican are centers of powers, the UK seems to be the epicenter of pedophilia and SRA. When Ronald Bernard speaks of the 8500 people who "run" the world, many are in the UK including the Rothschilds (original members of the Sabbatean cult), and the Royal family who are linked to other royal families around Europe, also a part of the cabal. There is a method to this madness... SRA and pedophilia are used as tools of domination over the victims, but conversely as means of climbing the ladder toward the apex of the elite hierarchy- the more depraved the acts, the higher one amy climb as alluded to by Mr. Bernard. Before going on there are a couple of terms to clarify- familiar I'm sure to many, but for those not familiar necessary to understand.

The first is "Brownstone." A brownstone operation is where people are lured in using a "honeytrap," the second term. A honeytrap is a method of luring a potential blackmail victim (pedophilia is a common lure) by first discerning their particular sexual attraction and playing on it. For a heterosexual male for instance it may be an underage girl... this was used effectively by Jeffery Epstein. Once the victim is lured into the brownstone, photos are taken and used to blackmail the person to doing what the elites desire. As they climb the ladder toward the apex of the hierarchy, their ability for empathy becomes more and more diminished until pedophilic acts become second nature... they're just means of achieving upward mobility in whatever social circle the person is engaged in.

This occurs at all of the upper echelons of society, not only in the US but Europe as well. Moreover it is a well documented tactic used by intelligence services to control members and to gather information. This is endemic in the upper echelons of society where members of government, the intelligence agencies CIA, MI-5 & MI-6, Mossad, et. al., all use honeytraps and brownstone operations not only to extract information but to ensure allegiance. Everybody has something on somebody else... blackmail is simply the method of control and it's as commonplace as exchanging pleasantries. When I first began investigating Pizzagate and later Pedogate and blackmail came into the picture I was amazed that no one seemed to be upset about being blackmailed- until I realized that they were doing it too.

One of the best collations of SRA and institutionalized pedophilia are found in this website:  It begins with the first video we did on Ronald Bernard and follows with Brian Gerrish of who has been steadfast in exposing pedophilia and SRA in the UK. It then incorporates Freemasonry, The Mormon Church, the Vatican, MKUltra and the CIA. It provides eyewitness testimony as well as testimony of victims. It then incorporates the Sabbatean cult, a group of Jews that follow the Sabbatean/Frankist tradition of redemption through sin. I recommend the videos, they're most enlightening.

Jimmy Savile and the Ninth Circle

Perhaps no one embodies the evils of pedophilia in the UK more than Jimmy Savile who had influence not only in Parliament, #10 Downing Street, but in the chambers of Buckingham Castle as well. It seems when it comes to pedophilia in the upper echelons of British society and government, it would be easier to name those that were not involved. This isn't actually as far fetched once you realize that they are virtually all Freemasons, in Parliament as well as the upper management of law enforcement including the SIS- MI-5, MI-6, GCHQ, They all run interference for one another and as soon as a serious investigation is launched it is just as quickly quashed. Savile operated for decades, beginning with his employment at BBC (the government owned media conglomerate) through all of the accolades of his career, including being made director of hospitals catering to children... all while anyone with a half-ounce of sense knew he was a pedophile- it almost looks like he was encouraged.

Perhaps the most notorious and devastating episodes was the Jersey School... the body count is still far from being tallied, bodies are still being found. This involves not only Savile, but Prime Minister Edward Heath as well, who allegedly threw a lifeless boy overboard his yacht after molesting him. The UK is rotten at the top from the Royal family, down throughout the aristocracy. Like George Carlin said: "It's a big fucking club and you ain't in it..." unless that is, you're willing to rape and torture children. This looks like a good place to stop before going on to the Vatican and then Washington DC where we'll come up to the present looking into government agencies and NGO's involved. 



Most humble thanks for the work that You do! Love always, My dear One. I work to solve for the psychopaths in control - and lacking empathy is a key sign of a genetic psychopath - by removing Their only tool to power over Others on any widespread basis. The more who share it, the faster We can create the solution.

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