France moves closer to the cliff of Oblivion; with a new Department, limiting Free Speech!

in #informationwar5 years ago

When a Man speaks his mind, and is not listened to, he is unhappy; but when a Man is NOT allowed to say his mind at all, he gets angry! This anger is cumulative, so the longer it is allowed to continue; the greater the resentment builds!

Since we have, by limiting their speech, removed the safety valve that is free speech; thus forcing an inevitable explosion festered by this resentment!

Image from article:
The French are moving in a fatal direction....

Article on limiting free speech:

On of the founding principles this Republic was founded upon; is the right to speak freely! Our Founding Fathers Knew this is a GOD Given Right, and ensconced this Right into our Founding Documents.

Without the ability to debate ideas, we cannot find the truth. Without truth there can be no innovation, no pushing one another to higher levels of greatness, of true, long lasting unity. Yet, the left doesn’t see it that way.

They see freedom of speech as an opportunity for someone to say something naughty or hateful that might offend a person, therefore, since it has the potential to hurt feelings, we need to get rid of it.

This is a knee jerk reaction, that is badly thought out! They are playing with the seeds of their own destruction....

There’s no doubt that the kinds of awful, evil attacks and things going on in Europe are heinous and need to be stopped. However, caution needs to be used when assuming more government, especially in the engagement of speech, becomes a viable option. We all know that power corrupts, so the more power you give government, the more corrupt it will become.

This kind of thing will rapidly spiral out of control, and is a rampant source of misuse. Once in place, it is a loose cannon that can be pointed at anyone, under the trappings of legality!

Also, who gets to decide what is considered a “hate crime?” How long before those laws take preaching the gospel as hate speech? If someone gets offended by it, does that mean a person should be charged with hate crimes for daring to share their faith?

This is the inevitable outcome, and should be obvious to everyone too.

This is a real slippery slope. Let’s hope this sort of idea doesn’t crop up around the United States.

It is ironic that the only thing protecting us, is a document two and a half Centuries old; that defines limits on our federal government!


Very interesting sir smithlabs. And very disappointing. "the potential to hurt feelings"...jeez. I hope all of Europe doesn't go this way.

They must use this across Europe, to clamp down on non politically correct speech! Enter Tyranny...exit freedom!


Very true. They're getting most of Europe the way they want it.

I had a guy from Germany telling me how they were enjoying perfect Freedom there, and we should be so lucky, SMH! They don't even Know how they are controlled...Baaa...sheeple.


Yes exactly, the globalists have them exactly where they want them because they think they are free.

Europe is rapidly becoming a herd of sheeple, with no future, SMH!

Again, we carry the World....


And most of Europe looks at us with disdain like we're a bunch of crazy idiots.

Which enforces my point, they don't even know they are done. Sad to see, but the muslim invasion will finish them, since they are already weakened by socialism!

The end of civilization in Europe as we know it!


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