2019-11-27steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago (edited)

You may find yourself in new places. Those new places are unexpected. Those new places will change your life. That is the good thing about life. It keeps you on your toes. When you are aligned with what cannot end, then you will last through the fire. That is what you can be thankful for during this Thanksgiving season. It takes a lot of work to get there. Part of the magic is in seeing how you are already there in some ways. You are not always going to be there in all ways and that is ok as well. There is so much guilt that can be gained from hindsight. Don't let that take you down as you go to what might be familiar places. You may find yourself in the driveway of an even bigger place the next year around. That is the cycle of life, the circle of life. Go with the flow and keep your head up in the game. It is your choice to some extent, in some cases.

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Screenshot at 2019-11-27 03:15:54.png

2019-11-27 - Wednesday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in November of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Laughing at Patriots

12:02 AM - Steemit

In other words, you laughed. You must hate Tommy Robinson, Julian Assange, Trump, Brexit, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Snowden, etc.

No High Heels No Problem

12:15 AM

So many awesome people. The Steem community has so much potential, globally. It is already breaking world records. My favorite of this post besides all of these awesome photos, interesting people, and the tall guy bowing down at the top around the cute girls, is the idea of no high heels no problems. I love that.

Weakness Turned Strength

12:28 AM - Steemit

Your weakness is a strength as not being comfortable can drive you to work hard and play harder with original oatmeal, yummy in my tummy, and I love your yay style.

Keeping Secrets

12:38 AM - Steemit

I know Bill Barr is from the swamp but I was hoping he would climb out of it or at least try to. I don't know what Jeff Sessions was doing. I guess it is nice that Jeff is gone. But can we do better than Barr? Yeah, globalists have been keeping secrets since like 1871 or who knows how long, maybe 1695.


12:40 AM - Steemit

I went into exile in 2012 as I was not happy with Obama's America.


12:41 AM - Steemit

I can eat raw garlic and chili like this all day. Thanks for sharing all of this.


12:48 AM - Steemit

My favorite animal in there, besides you haha, is that sloth. Very cute. Reminds me of the sloth in Zootopia. My brother teaches English in Honduras. I was teaching English in Vietnam. I've not been there yet. Looks like a great center or centre for animals. I love cats, especially. My second favorite from your pictures above is that of the parrot who is trying to peck your beauty out or something. Birds are funny when they bob their heads.

Watching Log

2019-11-27 - Wednesday - 02:58 AM - 03:41 AM - FTWD 306


Mark Dice

09:14 AM - But Wait, There's More!

Star Wars Theory

09:19 AM - George Lucas' Original Palpatine Backstory Revealed by Lucasfilm Employee

I disagree because even if a woman hurt Palpatine, he is still responsible for his actions in the same way you should not make up excuses and become a victim in your own life regardless of what happens in life.

Geeks + Gamers

09:30 AM - JJ Abrams Mentions The Fandom Menace By Name - We Are Winning!

JJ Abrams also talked about how he may not agree with everything from the Star Wars films. However, that is sill to say. It is not relevant because that goes without saying in life about everybody and everything, generally.

Steemit Free Trial

09:59 AM - Discord

Steem can be limiting. but has the Steem RC and everything been too limited? That would be the debate. People got accustomed to unlimited Facebook RC. Ultimately, each website could make these decisions, like how they want to do it. The tech cartels, including Google, have what appears to be like unlimited resources. So, it's like they would give users the perception that people could post as many videos as they want. In the real world, it can cost money. If I was Steemit, what would I do? Well, I would try to find a way to let new users get maybe a one month free trial or something of RC if that was possible.

Trump vs Barr

10:03 AM - If not, I hope Trump can fire Barr.

Draker Noise

10:04 AM - Steemit

You love slavery? Is that what you are saying? You love Soros? @drakernoise seems to love Soros and globalism. I said that I want to make government smaller. Drake Noise responded by saying that I was just trolling him. But how is a love for freedom being a troll? He sounds like Hillary Clinton who called conservatives and patriots all deplorables. Why are you mocking us?

Walking Dead Steemit

10:10 AM - Steemit

It is kind of how the free markets work. What I like about Steemit involves decentralization. Yes, people should come together, work together, talk to each other, help each other out, if they want, when they want, how they want. However, that does not always happen. Some people choose not to sometimes. So, that is why people cry out for government to save them. But that is dangerous as well. The real world should be like the Wild Wild West. I'm not trolling you. What I say to you, I say to many people for many years now like I said already. I love family first values. I love freedoms. The world is a dangerous place. We live in The Walking Dead.

Stefan Molyneux

10:13 AM - Frozen 2: Freedomain Movie Review

Your daughter is the real Anne of Green Gables.

Taming the beast of Jihadism.

Where is Waldo.

Burger and fries for dinner.

Man was serving a fish and chicken to a fish couple in this photo. I took photos of it.

In Oregon, 12 or 122 gallons for $33.09, today.

Man of the Year movie, Thanksgiving 2018.

Context in telling stories.

Eating nuts.

Don't be nuts.

Don't go nuts.

I saw Apollo 13 with my aunt and uncle in 1995 in Astoria, probably at the Columbian theatre.

Air net.

Hair net.

Terminator sky net.

Tiff's birthday, December 2nd or something.

Mom was in a sewing club around 1960-1963 during 4th-6th grade when she was 9-11 years old, she said and estimated the dates.

The talk about slavery is a complex topic.

America was the first to stop it.

We should not say that we did bad when we revolutionized history for the better.

The Irish had it bad.

THe Jews may have ahd it worse than all of them.

Old organs and pianos can be great.

Don't get old.

Check houses yourself before they charge you a thousand bucks to replace a toilet as opposed to like $400 USD.