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in #j5 years ago (edited)

I was feeling a bit sick but I then began to recover. Rapper T.I. Learns About a Post Human Future | Why Airplanes Avoid Oceans | Democrats Wants To Turn America Into Dead Europe | Concerning NPC Americans | Conan - Norm MacDonald - The Moth Joke

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Screenshot at 2019-10-05 23:15:46.png

2019-10-05 - Saturday

Daily Blog - Published Daily | Time Zone - PDT

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in October of 2019


I was feeling a bit sick today. It was mostly my head. May have been like a mild headache. I may have felt disoriented. I was coughing as I have been this week. So, I took two extra vitamin C pills on top of the two a day that I normally take. Because of my head problem, I took 2 more magnesium pills that I normally take two of each day. Finished up the rest of my walnuts. Had some cashews. Watched some health related Bright Side videos. Amazingly, I did begin to recover during the course of the day. The shower helped. I enjoyed my potato dinner with some spicy tomato sauce thing. The toast was good without the chicken paste which I ended up eating separately. Buried a fish in afternoon.

11:03 PM - 12:05 AM - Nap

The Deplorable Choir

01:07 AM - Trump March/Anti Impeachment march DC Oct 17th!

Home Steading

01:21 AM - I would be tempted to live in a place like this. We need more communities, farms, neighborhoods, villages, like this.


Brittany Pettibone Sellner

09:08 AM - The War On Men


09:30 PM - @wolf, are you promoting transhumanism? In other words, should we merge with robots, with AI, if humans are too stupid by themselves like you said, then we should all get brain phones in 2020, in order to save us from killing each other, right?

Musk is coming out with Brain Phones, AKA Smart Brains.

@DavidRAllen, you hate Binance?

Old Testament Christians

09:45 AM - IWA

@SoWhat, the Old Testament was written before Christ. Now, in the New Testament, Hebrews 11 describes the faith of the Old Testament Christians. Ephesians 2 describes how we are saved by grace and through faith. The Old Testament points forward to Christ. The Jewish people, the Hebrew people, and others, had opportunities to become Christians in the Old Testament. The Bible talks about this many times. We could start a new thread talking about this. Jews should be Christians. Some Jews become Messianic Jews, AKA Christians. John 1 describes the origin of Christ. Genesis mentions it as well. The list goes on and on. There are books about it. There are countless articles and sermons all about this. Other people know this is true. The evidence is all around us in a wide variety of ways.

@SoWhat, yes, but that doesn't mean that the Old Testament Believers didn't go to Heaven. Jesus was there for those who were not saved.

Craig Mason

10:02 AM - Saturday LIVE No Scammers Allowed Edition

It's not Play-Do, It's Why-Doe.

@Vera Aubert , the New Testament was written in Greek. Old Testament, Aramaic / Hebrew. Christianity is about a rebirth.

@Vera Aubert , the Bible is a collection of 66 books written at different times by 40 authors to different people in different languages and in different locations.

The Bible promotes objectivity as a contrast to the radical left's subjectivity, relativity.

Christianity = Aligning With Eternity

@Vera Aubert , have you not seen the Dead Sea Scrolls?

2020 Elections

Voter Fraud. They stole millions of votes from Trump. They will try to steal 100 times more in 2020 than the amount they stole from Trump in 2016. Hillary Clinton never stopped trying to run in 2020. But people tried stopping her the whole time. Hillary never gave up. That's why Obama follows Trump around the world. How many dead people voted in 2016? Will you take a picture of your 2020 vote before they delete it?

Spaghetti Dinosaurs

10:59 AM - Steemit

Haha yeah, I was just eating spaghetti last night. It was like my favorite food when I was about six., which was back in 1991 in Oregon, back when dinosaurs ate spaghetti as well lol.

Not Scary Fred

11:02 AM - Steemit

That reminds me of Internet Sensation iJustine. Oh, just kidding, I mean Fred who said that was so scary, I mean creepy.


11:01 AM - "Christmas is Creepy" Music Video - Fred Figglehorn


11:06 AM - Steemit

Actually, bugs are full of like vitamins I'm guessing. Oh, peckish huh lol. Do you ever try to talk to the other animals? Do they understand you?

Back to the Future

11:14 AM - IWA

You could say to people born after the year 2000, "I'm an old man. I'm from the 1900's."

Centralization vs Decentralization

11:20 AM - IWA

Absolute power can lead to corruption if you're not aligned enough with God. The centralization of God is perfect. But we should promote decentralization because we are not perfect.

Eating People

11:28 AM - IWA

Are they eating the live people? Am I the only one that knows nothing?

Bit Tube Over Bitchute

11:31 AM - IWA

Why not check out Bit Tube?


11:38 AM - Luigi Reacts to Mario Goes Berserk

Blair Witch Ending.


11:01 AM - "Christmas is Creepy" Music Video - Fred Figglehorn

2019 and it is still creepy.

Alex Jones

11:54 AM - Rapper T.I. Learns About a Post Human Future


12:36 PM - Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean

24.8K Miles Vertical Circumference
24.9K Miles Horizontal Circumference

Cosmological Arguments

12:56 PM - But who created God?

Dishes. Nap. Trash. Buried parts of a fish that he caught today.

Jim For Open Borders

05:19 PM - Facebook

Jim Cantrell replied to the Fog City Midge post of her holding a gun that I shared on my Facebook on 2019-10-04 - Friday - 09:54 AM PST. This is the update to the conversation as follows:

07:33 PM - Jim Cantrell replied

America didn't need to be made great again it was great already it became less great when that buffoon was elected president but we will fix that very soon

09:24 PM - I replied

Jim, so, you don't want to maximize freedoms? You don't want to reduces taxes, regulations? Jim, so, you are promoting authoritarianism, as in bigger government? Jim, do you hate private property rights? I'm currently working on a secret article about Plato. Oh man, Jim, the things I could tell you about Plato. But the tech cartels told me I can't talk about it. So, I will be posting that on my secret website. I'm very happy that you, Jim, will never ever see my blog. I know you will never look at it. Why? Because you live in a bubble. So, Jim, I hope you enjoy your bubble. Please don't cry when Facebook bans me again.

11:15 PM - Jim Cantrell replied

Joey Arnold, but Trump stands for none of that! He doesn't maximize freedoms he does the exact opposite! He is a tyrant he is hateful he is a liar which he proves every time he opens his mouth he is corrupt he is absolutely the worst president history and quite arguably the worst human being he is bad for our country he is bad for our world and on top of everything else he is quite stupid so much so that he believes what he says justifies his absolutely inept actions if Hitler were alive today he would shake his head and say man this guy is terrible and by the way he did not reduce taxes for people I mean you he raised them he gave attached to the rich he gave it to have to cut to Corporate America in by the way that tax cut did not go back into the economy it went into stock BuyBacks to enrich shareholders even more Plato has nothing to do with a dude and these illegals as he wants to call them to give more to the economy than they ever take away in fact if they would let me drive to the border and bring as many Mexican people in as I could I could double this economy yes f*** Donald Trump if he died tomorrow it would be good for the country and good for the world hopefully we'll be rid of this bastard soon

05:17 PM - Saturday - I replied

Hillary Clinton 2020

Concerning NPC Americans

05:47 PM - Facebook | Fog City Midge | Impeach Trump Video | Opa Tom Helus

06:45 AM - Opa Tom Helus replied

Their whole stance is based on lies, hate, and the personal vendettas of a few celebrities.
In reality, he's done everything he said he would and is kicking ass for US. And these hate mongering protesters just make me like Trump even more, every time they speak.

05:46 PM - I replied

Opa Tom Helus, that's good. Well, Trump is not perfect, but he is the best president ever, possibly or potentially. George Washington was good, but some things were simpler back then. Trump has a cabinet that works against Trump and against America. So, in other words, everything that Trump is able to do is a miracle. They will try even harder to steal votes from Trump in 2020. Millions of votes were stolen from Trump and other votes were fabricated for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Hillary is attempting to run in 2020. Evil is trying to take down Hong Kong, Brazil, England, America, Russia, etc. The good news is that patriots all around the world are rising to stand up to fight for freedoms, private property rights, liberties, independence, etc.

Fake Kids Protest

05:58 PM - Facebook | San Fran Protest

Ultimately, these things tend to happen more as they pull people from being raised on strong families.

Greta vs Soph

06:02 PM - Facebok | Greta UN 2019 How Dare You Speech Video

I prefer some equality. For example, they should also invite Soph over to speak. Soph is around the same age as Greta. Instead, they banned Soph from YouTube as Soph as a different perspective than Greta does. I would love to see a debate between Soph and Greta.

Jordan D Winslow, they could have friendly conversation because I like people with different perspectives talking to each other. It can be friendly. It does not have to be a dog fight.

Bright Side

06:52 PM - Why No One Should Use Airport USB Charging Stations

Facebook, Google, IBM, Microsoft, etc, steals a lot more than hackers could ever dream of.

Polite Excuse Me

08:12 PM - Facebook

Romelus Saladar commented with this video of kids in the vent. They cave in the ceiling which caves in the bathroom floor below them which had a girl on the toilet, and all of this crashed onto the classroom below them and shit fell right onto the male teacher. The girl fell onto the boys somehow. Oh, I guess the boys were between the bathroom and the classroom and that is how she ended up on top of them. She then said in a soft girly voice: "Excuse me." That serves as a pun for the passing of the gas, the causing of the problem which was mostly caused by the boys, and perhaps as a request to be excused out of class as well.

I replied

Romelus Saladar, oh, the nice polite excuse me at the end, instead of a "Ohhhhhh my back."

I replied to the other video he posted

Monkey Robot Dance

China Started It

08:48 PM - IWA

People in Hong Kong have claimed that China started it. So, all of this is a long story. Hong Kong has talked about a treaty, a contract, that China violates.

China Violates Contracts, Laws, etc

It has to do with the laws. China built that bridge. So, is that the longest bridge in the world?

USA Infiltrated China?

So, if @DarkAlley01x is right, then people in America must have infiltrated the Chinese government.

China Infiltrates America, Actually

Ironically, that is contrast to how China infiltrates Google, Facebook, Apple, Hollywood, etc. So, Dark Alley is making a claim about America influencing Hong Kong. However, Hong Kong is on defense. China is invading. China is on offense. Hong Kong is reacting.


Hong Kong has been reacting to what China is doing.

Not Hong Kong

So, I would ask @DarkAlley01x about whether or not he believes that people in America or other countries are in fact manipulating China. I repeat, strongly, with an emphasis, NOT HONG KONG, but China. See, the bad guys is not and are not Hong Kong. They didn't start it. China started it. Why is @DarkAlley01x talking about Hong Kong and not China?

Penis Barbie

08:51 PM - Barbie has a penis. Oh wait, that is just a bat.

Spirit Animal Food

09:04 PM - IWA | Steemit

@Zor, my spirit animal is also my spirit food. If you copy and paste what I write on IWA into Google, your computer will blow up. So, please don't do it. @Rob_Roy, you too. @Bingozee is right that I plagiarize everything I write including this comment right here. Well, wait about 25 hours before researching what I write on the Infocomms. Better yet, find something I wrote from 2 days ago. Put parenthesizes around my quotes and you may find out where I stole my content from. Actually, some of it may not show up in a search result until some months into the future. Oh, right, I almost forgot, I am only kidding. Just kidding about kidding. I'm kidding. No joke. Just kidding about kidding about the kidding. Thanks for reading. Because you read this, a virus will detach from the cat behind you and go into your brain. Yeah, not your computer, but your brain. Enjoy. The virus will suck up all the oatmeal from your brain. So, whatever you do, don't Duck Duck Go my name. Because, @Zor, you are right. I do not exist outside of this website, just like Bingozee. I am totally secret and totally anonymous. My face is as bland as an ugly Vietnamese Secret Agent Man.

Did Hong Kong Start a Fight With China?

09:08 PM - IWA

@DarkAlley01x is saying that America got Hong Kong to rebel against China, but I thought China started it all.

Nap. Wasp stung me. I hit it. I was like in a dream. Cleaning pots. Was supposed to do something. I was an actor playing a person who was cleaning pots. Maybe I was over acting as I was actually trying to clean the pots. And then I saw a wasp or bee. Tried to get away. It landed on my left bicep near my shoulder. I hit it to attempt to stop it from stinging. It bit me and yet I didn't feel a sting or poison.

Leviticus Returns

10:02 PM - IWA | Leviticus

09:54 PM - Leviticus wrote

When Will You Fucking Idiots Realize INFOCOMMS Is A Shitposting Shill Farm? Jesus Christ…tell me how it is possible you don’t know you are getting your ass handed to you by shills that are being paid to post the dumbest fucking shit I have ever seen!!! This forum is a fuck hole!!!

I replied

I miss you too, big guy.

Leviticus repled

I miss you like a Shingles shot!!!

I replied

Don't forget to get as many shots as possible. Why? Because that will kill you faster. Lefto The Clown loves Bill Gates' Vaccines which murdered many people in India and in America. As Alex Jones The Dragon says, "That's Liberal." Don't go to Banned . Video.

TheIsz replied

Most of the best posters either a) don’t post anymore, or b) post in private, or c) post and don’t respond, just for that reason.
I won’t name any names. The actual human beings know this already. They’ve had numerous private discussions to this end.
Actions always tell the tale deceivers never will. The real people know exactly who the provocateurs are despite their ever professed costumes.
This being said the religious presence of the provocateurs only tells the tale of their fear.

I replied

@TheIsz, why hide in private like a retarded Qanon? Alex Jones has shunned and frowned upon hiding like a mysterious and anonymous Q character. The best people go public. That's you can find them. People like Cernovich, Molyneux, Posobiec, Infowars, Rebels, Candace Owens, PragerU, and others, are public. The better people stand up and go public.

Later on, I replied again

@TheIsz, you really do deflect and reflect, like @Rob_Roy said in his memes, it seems, meaning you might be guilty of being a shill, assuming that you enjoy calling other people shills. It is one thing to call a private person a shill. Why? Because the audience have a harder time confirming the details. Why? Because if somebody is anonymous, then it is hard to know if that person is a shill or not. But if that person is public, then things can be different. Some people on IWA might be more anonymous in theory than others. Some of them might be shills. Now, yes, some of the public people can be shills as well. But it is possible to verify by researching them on the Internet. So, if you were to Google me, then you could judge for yourself. Well, you could also skip the investigation part and name call me a shill. Ironically, you accuse people of name calling, right? But then you do that to me, right? That kind of clouded vision is worse than Yoda's in Revenge of the Sith.

Old Testament Christians

10:12 PM - IWA

Some people before the birth of Christ were Christians. Being a Christian is not about a religion but about a relationship. Most of the people were in a religion called Judaism. However, Christ is eternal. The Bible points towards Jesus. That's what Hebrews 11 is trying to say. So, some people were Christians in the Old Testament. Not many. But some were.

@SoWhat, why are you talking about the Jews? I'm not talking about them. I said Christians. But you think there were none in the Old Testament. Some people put their trust into Christ and not merely into God in the Old Testament.

@SoWhat, can I tell you a secret about King David?


10:14 PM - I have a blog that spreads stuff to at least 11 different networks daily, not counting other things.


10:16 PM - Life is not always back and white. So, you have to try to make money somehow. Yeah, that might not be the best way to make money. But in life, you sometimes have to survive.


10:33 PM - Star Trek: Picard | NYCC Trailer | CBS All Access

"Believe me, I know better," said Riker, lol.

Meaning to Life

11:37 PM - Steemit

@alenkp, good post. I agree that freedom is hard-won like you said. By the way, Smart Brains 2020 is coming. That is Brain Phones. The meaning to life involves making good and bad choices. Now, what is right, objectively speaking, is right, period. However, there can differences between principles (truth) and programs (the application of those truths). There can be differences between truth and the application of the truth on a personal level. Beyond that and regardless of eternal principles that are universal, like I said, life is about the process of choosing to align with truth. Now, on top of that, each person is different. So, people may do things differently. But that does not mean that truth is subjective.

People = Colors

Different people can be like different colors. Like red is good. Also, green can be good too. Different people can be valuable like a body with different members, different body parts that serve different roles.

Striving Towards Perfection

Humans are not perfect. So, that means we can't really know truth perfectly. That also means we both can be wrong concerning some of our choices. So, our ability to improve means we are moving closer towards perfection. That means we are not perfect.

About Guns

11:46 PM - Steemit

Sounds like guns are as hot and dirty as car engines. My lawnmower got stuck. So, I had to put more oil in it, for example. Now, I say that to say that engines, machines, and now, even guns, can get clogged up like an old heart artery. So, I've not got around to learning how to hunt yet, but I am beginning to understand some of it. So, I just never really thought about this before, well, until now.

Deplorable Hill vs Bingozee

11:51 PM - IWA

@DEPLORABLE_HILL might actually be more of an offline activist than Bingozee. Well, I'm going to assume that until Bingozee proves otherwise, offline speaking. Now, online, that might be a different story, depending on your criteria.

@Minutemen-Of-America, you know that Hill is more of an offline activist than you are, right?


11:57 PM - IWA

@Bingozee, if they turned off your lights as a form of censorship, attack, etc, then you should try or continue to really try to have and keep solar power, backup generators, P2P Ad-Hoc Blockchain Internet Without an ISP, Faraday Cages, Laptops with many batteries, other alternative power sources, different Internet options for connecting via different ISPs and other means as well like from computer to computer or though a Ham Radio Internet or Satellite Internet or other systems as well.

Censorship is Censorship?

11:59 PM - But is censorship any worse than firing your employees?

Brittany Pettibone Sellner

09:08 AM - The War On Men | IWA