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in #j5 years ago

MK Ultra | Real Capitalism vs Fake Capitalism | I never realized how beautiful Laura Ingraham is. What is the best graphic card? Currently, anything with at least 32 GB RAM, dedicated to the GPU, is excellent. 1 GHZ bus speed is good. I'm like a bird as the wheels on the bus goes round and round with Tom Sawyer. Good dinner. Device. Trump destroys corrupt evil media alongside Finland President. Hillary Clinton is running around. Alex Jones. War Room was partly hosted by two patriot women. Fire Power had on a lady who is running against Nasty Nancy Pelosi.

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2019-10-02 - Wednesday

Daily Blog - Published Daily | Time Zone - PDT

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in October of 2019

10:30 PM - 12:30 AM - Nap

Lacking The Lawn Mower Man

01:38 AM - Steemit

Because we are not omniscient, we are all wrong as we don't know everything and therefore potentially wrong or inaccurate concerning the details, as we don't know the whole story and how everything connects with everything, historically, gradually, systematically, deeply, supernaturally.

Left & Right

There are differences between leftism and what was once classical liberalism. Technically, people on the right should be a hybrid of classical liberalism merged with conservatism, libertarianism, anarchism, capitalism, etc. Some of that might be described as centric. I would describe what some may call in the middle as far right. Well, just right. But it comes down to how people define these terms. I make up my own definitions. So, people can call me crazy. You might be more focused on how things are while I'm talking about how things either were or should be.

Donkeys & RINO

The two political parties in America were infiltrated by Oxford in the early 1900's and by others. So, that is what these two fake versions of these parties have become. So, the richer people may own a whole lot of that. But that is not what America is or should be. That is fake. They stole it. That's why we drain the swamp. That is why we try to Make America Great Again (MAGA). Because they have been stealing it from us. It has been happening all around the world since the dawn of time. People come in and they mess things up. Left-Right is real. But their fake versions of the left-right paradigm is fake. So, you're right that their fake stuff is fake. But there is real stuff. So, you are over there talking about that. But I'm over here talking about something deeper. You're talking about what is on the surface. I'm digging deep inside to how things are.


There is a potential revolution in Hong Kong as China invades. Also, England. Well, don't forget Brazil. And the list goes on. Alternative media is rising. Dinosaur media is dying. That's the value in alt tech, like Steemit, Gab, Dissenter, Bitchute, Brighteon, Voice, etc.

Communism vs Capitalism

01:40 AM - Steemit

You prefer communism which is secretly authoritarianism, AKA globalism, which ends up killing over 100 million people or more in the 1900's alone, right?

Karl Marx

01:42 AM - Steemit

I didn't know Karl Marx was paid. @stefan.molyneux makes interesting videos about Karl, etc.

As long as people stay active and engaged enough.

Real Capitalism vs Fake Capitalism

Mark Dice

08:58 AM - No More Twitter? 😂 For Trump

Fox News

09:09 AM - Giuliani considers legal action against House Democrats - I never realized how beautiful Laura Ingraham is.

David Knight

09:19 AM - DAVID KNIGHT SHOW (2ND HOUR) WED - 10/2/19 • LEO ZAGAMI, NEWS & ANALYSIS • INFOWARS - They're trying to get a female Gandalf for a LOTR remake. Thank God LOTR was made prior to this SJW era. DO we all come from stars? Maybe. Is Christianity the only religion that talks about nothing before there was something? Maybe. Technically, maybe not as God was always around it seems, even before creation or evolution.


09:52 AM - Is Sweeney Todd Invited to this sausage party?

Hillary Clinton 2020

10:01 AM - IWA

Alex Jones has been saying this since 2016, that Hillary Clinton is trying to run and win in 2020. Will she run? Yes. Technically, she is running. She is trying to run. She never stopped running. That's what Russia Delusion Collusion was all about. They're trying to take out Trump and install Hillary. It is a process. Before you officially run run, you have to pre-run. So, it is ongoing. She never stopped running. But publicly, it appeared as if she ran off into a forest to become a wild animal for a while. She is always behind the scenes trying to do things. Clinton, Obama, Bush, Soros, etc, also try to continue running deep state swamp agents, etc, nationally, internationally, meaning that they are like the real presidents or the puppet leaders to some extent. Of course, not completely. It is an ongoing power struggle. It is an internal governmental civil war.

Impeach Do Nothing Congress

10:05 AM - Sign this petition.


10:30 AM - I'm like a bird. I don't know where my home is. Good song. The wheels on the bus goes round and round. Loop. Vacuum. Throne. Jokes. Number puns. Lost. Internal compass. Missing chair bottom. Shirts. Rocks. Ecosystem. Orange man bad. Yes. Smart. Read articles. Exception applied. NPC mode. How to make tea. Tom Sawyer. Life advice. Trailers. Joker. The clown partner, Quinn. Will Smith fights himself. Do you play cards? Do you have an ace? Computers have hardware and software. 4 PM: Kneeland Park. Phone. Book. Message. Let there be light. Genesis. Kids. Basketball. Bus. Safeway. Homeless. Bird. Homework. Sat. Good. Theater. Hen. Duckling. Stairs. Wait. Bridge. Service. Maintenance. Oil. Check. Grass. Old. Motor. Hot. Plants. Tip me over and blow me out. Fell off. Swept. Good dinner. Washed Dishes around 7:30 PM. Tetris. Bump bump. Wasps. John. Japan. Morocco. 200 BC. Elephants. Europe. Warriors. Saved the elephants. Wasps stung them.

The Future

07:30 PM - @AtypicalRift, why are two identical views given two different names? That is like saying I am Oatmeal Conservative while you might be Banana Conservative. I don't see real differences. So, the only difference might be as insignificant as an adjective.

Steven Crowder

09:11 PM - I was really wrong on Trump... | Louder with Crowder - One of the best Crowder videos ever. You didn't bother to check Infowars? The information was out there. You were too lazy to get it. I was promoting Trump 2016 while I was teaching English in Vietnam and people mocked me for it. Infowars knew Trump would win. I knew Trump would win 2016 and 2020. That's why I returned back to America from Vietnam. I was going to live in Vietnam forever because of Obama and I returned back to the USA because of Trump and I told people about it in 2016.

The White House

09:16 PM - President Trump Participates in a Joint Press Conference with the President of Finland