In the Park Part 28 (5-minute freewrite day 281 prompt: breed)

in #freewrite6 years ago


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The grocery store was not far away, so the girls soon were in possession of the vanilla yogurt and the bag of sweetened coconut. They even had the presence of mind to buy a box of plastic spoons. Hurrying out of the store, they stepped around to the side of the building where they were not quite in plain sight of everyone in the parking lot or on the street. Lisa pulled the thrift store bag out of her purse, slipped the housecoat on over her clothes, while Selene opened the yogurt and the coconut, mixing some of the coconut into the yogurt with a plastic spoon. It was suppertime, and Lisa ate hungrily. "Hey, this isn't bad!" she exclaimed. "And it isn't 7:00 yet! I do believe we have made the deadline!" Selene was busily filming Lisa's "meal" on her phone. Finishing the yogurt, Lisa asked, "Well, what should we do now? I've done all the things the weird woman said had to be done." "Let's go to Larry's trailer and see if Samson is still a bird," suggested Selene. "It's the only way we'll find out, and I'd like to know!"

Just then a large dog went dashing through the parking lot, chasing a white cat. "Gracious, what a monstrous animal!" exclaimed Lisa. "Do you have any idea what breed it is?" "Not really," replied Selene. "I'm not much of a dog person. But I'm pretty sure that white cat is the same one we chased down to pet last evening. I recognized the scruffy tail. Poor thing, it must be a stray. I wonder if it has always been a cat, or if it used to be a human who got turned into something else, like Samson?" "Oh dear, I don't want to think about that possibility every time I see an animal acting oddly. Let's get going!" urged Lisa.


badge designed by @fireawaymarmot

Thank you once again to @mariannewest for the daily freewrite prompt!

If you would like to read the preceding segments of this story, here are the links. Thanks for stopping by!
part one|part two|part three|part four|part five|part six|part seven|part eight|
part nine|part ten|part eleven|
part twelve|part thirteen|part fourteen|part fifteen|part sixteen|part seventeen|part eighteen|part nineteen|part twenty|part 21|part 22|part 23|part 24|part 25|part 26|part 27

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