In the Park Part 22 (5-minute freewrite Day 259 prompt: sell-out)

in #freewrite6 years ago


It was 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. Lisa had fallen back to sleep shortly after the smoke alarm had startled her awake, and she was just now opening her eyes again. Selene had dozed fitfully on the couch, and was feeling sore and a bit cross. Lisa, however, was fresh as a daisy and her rash was all gone. "No more smoking for me!" she declared first thing. "I'm starving. How about some breakfast?" "As long as you make it, I'm fine with that idea!" agreed Selene. They had toast and coffee, and then took turns in the shower. Lisa found fresh clothes for Selene to wear, since she was looking (and feeling) quite rumpled after her night on the couch.

"Now let's head for that specialty grocery store and get the coconut yogurt!" announced Lisa. "After that cigarette experience, I can't imagine anything going wrong now! We have less that twelve hours to go, but all we have to do is find a housecoat and that yogurt! Let's go!"

And off they went! They rode the bus across town to the specialty market. About halfway there, the bus ground to a halt in the middle of the block. Passengers craned their necks to see why the bus had stopped. There was a huge crowd of people outside the arena, spilling out onto the street! "Oh wow, that rock band is in town!" Selene recalled. "There must be a sell-out crowd! Look at all those people!"

"We better not be stuck here all day," sputtered Lisa. "I have a housecoat to buy and yogurt to eat!" After several minutes, a policeman approached the bus and boarded it. "I"m sorry, folks. This crowd has gotten much larger than we ever expected. The bus will have to take a different route today. You can't turn around, but there's still room to turn at the end of the block. The driver will have to take a detour around the arena and onto the next freeway ramp. You can still reach your destinations, but it will take about half an hour longer than usual."

Thank you once again to @mariannewest for the daily freewrite prompt!

If you would like to read the preceding segments of this story, here are the links. Thanks for stopping by!

part one

part two

part three

part four

part five

part six

part seven

part eight

part nine

part ten

part eleven

part twelve

part thirteen

part fourteen

part fifteen

part sixteen

part seventeen

part eighteen

part nineteen

part twenty

part twenty-one


I'm in the mood for coconut yogurt now ;)

Oh dear, half an hour more to get the coconut yogurt. Lisa must be craving for it. Hope she could bear a little while more. Blame the sell-out crowd. Ha!

Here I am delivering the next prompt to you.

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oh,oh, will they make it?
I know you are busy - sorry - we are going to make you even more busy. Because we think that you are awesome!!!

Oh wow! Thanks for the heads-up! I am all done painting, and nearly done costuming, so I will get busy with this this weekend.

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