In the Park Part 21 (5-minute freewrite, weekend single option prompt: It Was Saturday Morning)

in #freewrite6 years ago


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It was Saturday morning. Very, very early on Saturday morning, 12:35 a.m. to be exact. Selene sat on the sofa watching Netflix. Lisa was sound asleep on her bed in the next room. She had gotten drowsy about 15 minutes after she took the antihistamines, lay down to rest, and promptly fell asleep. Selene had been checking on her every ten minutes or so to make sure she was still breathing and all that. The rash seemed to be subsiding, so the pills must have done some good. But now Lisa was sound asleep. Selene wondered how soon after midnight the screaming was supposed to happen. Technically, anytime except midnight was "after midnight", wasn't it? Well, she supposed maybe the first two hours or so might actually qualify, because after that it was nearly morning, or after sunrise, or nearly noon, and so on. So if Lisa was going to scream after midnight, she better do it rather soon. But she was sound asleep! Selene had already tried shaking her and yelling at her, all to no avail. What could she do to wake her friend up? Maybe the smoke alarm would to the trick! Selene rummaged in Lisa's purse for the remainder of the pack of cigarettes, lit four of them, and held them up to the smoke alarm just outside the bedroom door. She was in danger of burning her fingers when the alarm finally went off! It was a piercing, shrieking sound, painful to Selene's ears. Running to the bathroom, she dropped the butts into the toilet and ran back to the bedroom. Lisa was stirring! Her eyes opened slowly, and gradually it seemed to register in her brain what was going on. Suddenly she sat straight up in bed and screamed at the top of her lungs. "The apartment is on fire! Quick! Get the extinguisher! Call 911!"

Thank you once again to @mariannewest for the daily freewrite prompt!

If you would like to read the preceding segments of this story, here are the links. Thanks for stopping by!

part one

part two

part three

part four

part five

part six

part seven

part eight

part nine

part ten

part eleven

part twelve

part thirteen

part fourteen

part fifteen

part sixteen

part seventeen

part eighteen

part nineteen

part twenty


The screaming did happen LOL

Hope you and wordymouth will get to do the we-write - if not this time, then next time. It will be a regular feature!

Your next prompt is here!! Let’s see how you can embellish your story!! The prompt

And enter the We-Write at the Freewrite House. $ SBI shares are up for grabs!!

Thank you! I am going to try harder to check Steemit daily so I don't miss out on replies!

I'M LATE BUT I'M HERE! So sorry, friend-it's been really busy! I should probably not be on Steemit right now but I don't care about consequences :D
Looks like Lola got to scream after midnight, huh? Was that the last challenge? Oh boy, can't wait to read what the man of her dreams is like! ;)

I can't wait, either! Ha ha!

The alarm finally got her attention . Like she rose from the dead. 🐓🐓

Yeah, I wasn't sure if she was going to wake up, but she did. Antihistamines can knock me out for hours; apparently she isn't quite that sensitive.

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