In the Park Part 14 (5-minute freewrite Day 236 prompt: describe the room you are in)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

I apologize for the lengthy gap between parts 13 and 14 of this odd little tale! Life became incredibly busy for two weeks, but now I hope to be able to write more regularly once again. The last segment ended with Lisa and Selene planning how to take the necessary steps to release Samson from the spell which had turned him into a bird. Today's prompt turned out to be an odd one to work into this tale, but here goes....


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Feeling suddenly energized and exhilarated, Lisa and Selene hurried out of the park and nearly ran the two blocks to the nearest grocery store. There were apricots for sale in the produce department, so Lisa purchased one and ate it as soon as they got outside, not even bothering to rinse it off. It was a very tasty apricot, but Lisa barely noticed; she was just hurrying to swallow it so they could go on to the next item on the list.

"Wait, we should buy the coconut yogurt as long as we are here," suggested Selene. Back into the store they dashed, only to find zero coconut yogurt in the dairy department. Upon inquiry, they learned it was a specialty item and probably only available at a certain deli on the other side of town.

"Bother!" exclaimed Lisa (who had read too many Winnie-the-Pooh stories while growing up). "Well, we have to go that way tomorrow to find a housecoat, anyway, so that will have to wait. Let's go find that white cat now." They walked hastily to Selene's place, which was only a few more blocks away. Selene knocked on her neighbor's door, and they stood in the gathering dusk waiting for someone to come to the door.

Soon an elderly lady opened the door. Glancing quizzically at the girls, she suddenly smiled as she recognized Selene. "Come in, come in!" she exclaimed. "What are you girls doing out so late?"

The girls stepped into the crowded living room. It smelled a little musty, like the homes of so many older people. It also smelled a little bit like cinnamon, as if baking had recently happened. The drapes were an odd 1960s orange, clashing violently with the purple carpet. The sofa was covered with newspapers and magazines. A Reader's Digest songbook was open on the piano. Every shelf and table contained Precious Moments figurines. Somehow the room managed to feel welcoming despite the odd decor and the general clutter.

Selene answered the woman's question. "Is your cat around this evening? I was telling my friend, Lisa, about him and wanted to show him to her."

If you would like to read the preceding segments of this story, here are the links. Thanks for stopping by!

part one

part two

part three

part four

part five

part six

part seven

part eight

part nine

part ten

part eleven

part twelve

part thirteen


Orange drapes and purple carpet, I’m almost sure I’ve had
that colour combination at some time in my past!
It’s your midweek prompt delivery team here with the challenge for today:

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Thank you! I've been off in another town babysitting my granddaughter for two days, but plan to write again today.

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