In the Park Part 25 (5-minute freewrite weekend prompt: a purple squirrel)

in #freewrite6 years ago


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Lisa and Selene quickly walked the few blocks to Tootsies Thrifties. This was a pretty part of town, with quaint older buildings, lots of flowers in pots and window boxes, and the occasional street musician on a corner. Tootsies Thrifties was a classic example, and the inside was even more attractive than the outside. For a thrift store, someone had gone to a great deal of trouble to decorate it! It was designed to look like a jungle, with tropical birds and trees painted on the walls, potted palms in the corners, and sock monkeys dangling from the ceiling. There was even a purple squirrel sitting on one of the palm trees. Smiling at the unique decor, the girls inquired of the clerk whether there were any housecoats to be had. "There sure are!" confirmed the woman. "Look over underneath that big pink parrot, and you'll see several!" Hurrying across the room, the girls did, indeed, find a selection of housecoats! Glancing through them, they decided on a pink plaid cotton one with roomy pockets and a zipper up the front. It was Lisa's favorite. "After all," she explained, "I might as well find one I like, just in case it is comfy and I decide I want to wear it again!" It was only $4, so they paid cash and were on their way.

"Now all we need to do is go back to that specialty grocery store for the coconut yogurt, and we are done!" Lisa was feeling quite pleased.

"And I think we have time to check out the wine tasting rooms across the street," said Selene. "Life has been crazy since we met Larry and Samson last evening. I could use a little something to help me wind down. "

"What time is it?" Lisa asked anxiously. "I don't want to cut this too close."

"It's 1:30, and the grocery store doesn't close 'til 5:00. We have time!" Selene insisted.

Thank you once again to @mariannewest for the daily freewrite prompt!

If you would like to read the preceding segments of this story, here are the links. Thanks for stopping by!
part one|part two|part three|part four|part five|part six|part seven|part eight|
part nine|part ten|part eleven|part twelve|part thirteen|part fourteen|part fifteen|part sixteen|part seventeen|part eighteen|part nineteen|part twenty|part 21|part 22|part 23|part 24



Ah...the old, dear, purple squirrel! This was one of the first prompts and gave life to a lot of silly things, becoming one of the symbols of the freewriters community itself! :D

I wasn't doing freewrites yet at the time, so I felt the need to incorporate it into a freewrite now!

What a great way to bring back the purple squirrel. I am happy to have you back too! : )

Those girls are up to no good. Shopping for a housecoat, wine tasting and meeting up with two men. Sounds like a steamy night. 🐓🐓

It could certainly develop into something risque! We'll see what happens!

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