In the Park - Part 3 (Selfie Freewrite Contest Day Four prompt: tree)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


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Lisa found herself feeling paranoid. If this parrot (or the guy) had been watching her for 3 months and 16 days, where were they hanging out? Wednesday she kept a close eye out while she walked to the bus stop, while riding the bus, and while she was at work. She glanced with suspicion at everyone she met on the street. Even her co-workers, some of whom she didn't know well, were scrutinized discreetly. What might a macaw-owner look like? Or ought she be looking for the macaw itself? Oh, this was so ridiculous!

On her lunch break she took her usual sack lunch out to the courtyard behind the building where she worked. It was a pleasant day, perfect for enjoying some midday sunshine. As she nibbled her tuna sandwich and sipped from her thermos of tea, she noticed a flash of color in the huge oak tree nearby. Startled, she looked more closely. There was a huge bird perched on the top branch!


I think Lisa, at that point, could handle the sandwich envelope and a pen at the bird, to see if it's really able to write!
Interesting story, I went backwards reading the first 2 parts!

Great idea! I might just borrow it! Oops - I forgot to add links to parts 1 and 2. Thank you for finding them regardless!

I love how you are carrying this from post to post :D

It's a fun challenge! (I was inspired by @freedomtowrite's Lola series.)

Oh man! The bird's in love with her!

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