In the Park Part 24 (5-minute freewrite day 263 prompt: grapevine)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Thank you once again to @mariannewest for the daily freewrite prompt!


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As predicted, the bus trip took about half an hour longer than usual, but the time went quickly for the girls, who had not been this far across town for quite some time. There were plenty of interesting things to see out the windows along the way. Reaching their stop at last, they descended the steps of the bus and headed off toward the nearest thrift store. It was open, just like their website said. And what a store it was! There was a little bit of everything, and plenty of vintage garments. The nightwear section contained no housecoats, however, nor did the vintage rack. Lisa and Selene hurried on to the next thrift store, where they again found no housecoats. An employee, noticing their disgruntled expressions as they headed for the exit, asked what they were looking for. "We need a housecoat," explained Lisa. "Nobody wears them anymore, I guess, or else they don't donate them." The employee nodded sympathetically. "That's an unusual find in a thrift store these days, but I heard that Tootsie's Thrifties has a lot of items that aren't quite vintage, but nobody really wears them any more. Stuff like '70s bell bottoms, and '80s ruffly shirts. Why don't you try there? It's only a few blocks away, right across the street from the Grapevine Wine Tasting Rooms."

If you would like to read the preceding segments of this story, here are the links. Thanks for stopping by!



And hey, when you're done- feel free to swing by that wine tasting place, why not? ;D

I suspect they are going to....

I still wear a housecoat in winter's evenings. It makes me feel like an old noble, ahahah

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I enjoyed the trip to the thrift stores! I love going to see what I can find and wouldn't you know I recently bought a velour housecoat at one of the thrifts? My kids looked at me like I was crazy, but I think it'll be great during the damp winter months :)

Oh, that's so funny! I'm glad you shared that tidbit of information with me!

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