In the Park Part 11 (Freewrite Selfie Contest Day 12 prompt: travel)

in #freewrite6 years ago

Thank you once again to @mariannewest for the daily freewrite prompts, and to @freewritehouse for the ongoing selfie freewrite contest!


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Selene and Lisa stared in disbelief at each other, and then at Larry. "I didn't think there were really people who could turn people into other things," sputtered Selene. "Neither did I," admitted Larry, "until I saw it happen before my eyes. It was the freakiest thing I've ever seen. There was a burst of light, and and a loud explosion, and there sat this bird where my brother had been standing."

"So now what happens?" asked Lisa. "Why did you contact me? How do I fit into this story?"

Weeellll," Larry began slowly, "after the crazy woman turned Samson into a bird, she calmed down just a little bit. It was as if she had gotten even, or worked something out of her system, and she wasn't quite as angry and nutty any more. I think she must be schizophrenic. She told me she was sorry she had done that to him, and that Samson could be turned back into a human again if ....." he paused.

"Let me guess, I have to kiss a parrot like the princesses always end up kissing a frog, right?" laughed Lisa.

"You know your fairy tales, I see," chuckled Larry. "Well, you're on the right track. You see, Samson was a janitor in your office building for a few months before this happened, and he thought you were really pretty. He saw you every day, and he admired you, but he didn't dare speak to you because he didn't want you to know he just lives in a travel trailer with his little brother. We don't even have the money to travel anywhere in our travel trailer! He was hoping to save enough money to get us into a decent apartment, and then maybe he would have screwed up the courage to talk to you."

Feathery Samson was stomping up and down the length of the monkey bars, shaking his head and clicking his beak. Larry glanced up at him and said, "Oops. Maybe I wasn't supposed to tell you that. Anyway, before she left the trailer, the crazy woman said Samson could be turned back into a human if the girl he loved would be willing to..."

Oops! Time's up! I hope we find out tomorrow!

If you would like to read the preceding segments of this story, here are the links. Thanks for stopping by!

part one

part two

part three

part four

part five

part six

part seven

part eight

part nine

part ten


You're rotten! I don't believe the time was up at all! Haha

Actually, I think I went over the five minutes. :) It just seemed like a great place to stop. evil laughter

I knew it! Haha

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