In the Park Part 8 ( Selfie Freewrite Contest Day 9 Prompt: Monkey's Wedding)

in #freewrite6 years ago

Thank you to @mariannewest for the daily freewrite prompts, and to @freewritehouse for the ongoing selfie freewrite contest!


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Nothing peculiar happened on Thursday. There were no visits from talking macaws, no note tucked secretively into her doorway. Lisa and Selene ate lunch together again, and discussed the many possibilities that awaited them the next evening. It was almost as good as going to a circus or a zoo! After all, a huge talking parrot was quite a novelty in their rather narrow lives. Would Mr. Sombrero be the bird's owner? Was he the one who had been watching Lisa? Would he be handsome and pleasant, or paunchy and lewd? Might this just be part of some kind of show? Perhaps there would be elephants parading in the park as well, and acrobats, and a tightrope walker, and even a staged monkey's wedding. Or maybe it would just be one ordinary person with an extraordinary bird, both of whom liked to stalk pretty young ladies. There was no way of knowing, but guessing together was quite amusing.

Selene had Friday off, so she and Lisa agreed to meet at the entrance to the park at 6:45. The forecast was for more sunshine, so they wouldn't need to fuss with umbrellas. If nobody showed up to meet them, they could enjoy a pleasant walk together in the park, and maybe go to a movie afterwards. It looked like a win-win situation.

If you would like to read the preceding segments of this story, here are the links. Thanks for stopping by!

part one

part two

part three

part four

part five

part six

part seven


This is wonderful! I loved how you used the freewrite prompt!

Oh this is cool. I love your writing. And I really admire your bravery in linking these to make a bigger story. I'm thinking of doing that too but am a bit scared that I will lack the brain clarity to be able to link them up. But so what? I'll skip a day!

And anyway, the more restrictions put on a piece of writing, the more I find that stories worm their ways in through the cracks. Restriction is good!

I was surprised to find that to be true when I tackled this! @freedomtowrite has a great series story going, and she hasn't always written every day. It works that way, too.

You should definitely try! Yeah...I don't do my series (Lola's Story shameless plug! Haha) every day because I want to make sure my brain can still tell lots of stories and I don't want to get burned out on just one.

I read all of the segments of this story and I sure did enjoy it. Now I can't wait to see what happens at the park on Friday night. Should be interesting.

Maybe you will see me, the resident cat, steadily walking on a wire while delivering today's prompt. (only kidding...I couldn't resist.)

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Meow, and thank you!

I don't think I knew about this series! I need to go to part one! ❤

That happened to me with yours, and also with a couple others. Then I wonder, "How did I overlook that?" I get too busy to read lots of posts sometimes.

It's so easy to do! I'm glad you tagged me in a comment!

We get to find out what happens today!

Yeah, so do I! HA HA!

Oh my gosh, that's exactly how I feel about Lola! 😂 I love not having it all put together.

have to go now and find the next installment :)

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