A journey into the unknown. Planet "Z". Part 8

in #writing5 years ago

Part 8



After we had had our fill of the delicious viands, and had paid due praise to our friend's culinary skill, the whole party sat down by the fire. I took my favorite chair, and the men sat on the couch and on the hearth rug. Arthur perched on the arm of the chair where I sat, his arm around my shoulders.


– Well, what? What are we talking about? Who will start first? – Peter gave us a sly look. – We're not only going to be in the queue again just to praise the talents of our Lee? He would soon be too proud!

Lee snorted indignantly at his friend's words, shrugged his shoulders, and said resentfully:

– When I was proud, and immensely proud? Here will be offended at you, he gonna cook! Let's see how you sing then!

– All right, all right. What's the matter with you? You don't understand jokes? –Peter patted his friend on the back. – I only said that to stir up our guests. They must have swallowed their tongues from the yummy stuff you made, – he laughed, and we all laughed, including Lee.

– So who's going to tell us what we're here about? – Peter said in a more serious tone. – Vicky, shall we start with you?

– You can start with me, of course, though I'd hate to jump over my boss's head. – I dreamt on Robert, but the only as something vaguely shook his head: type, need not breed antimony, the more, your idea was-expedition to natives, here is and get out of it itself.

– Well, I'll begin, but I don't think I can tell you anything interesting, rather you – looked at Robert, Peter, and Lee in turn – can tell us what obstacles and dangers await us during the crossing, what interesting things we may see along the way.

– Well done, Vikki, that was a great save! – Peter clicked his tongue admiringly and looked at Robert.

– Robbie, you're the head of the lab, and you've been planning the route and the expedition and the crew, so tell us where the way is and what you want to find on the trip.

– Yes, naturally, I more you all, combined, know about how, that yet to do during transition until settlements savages and in the period, when we will study as they live, their way of life and traditions. By the way, this time our route will lie in another part of the planet. If you have a desire, you can join the group of researchers. Such brave defenders and excellent cooks will not prevent them – Robert smiled.

– Are you going with the group? – Peter asked.

– No, I can't leave the lab. My Deputy will lead the expedition. Yes, you all know him, he is my old friend and colleague Flash, a man quite calm and friendly.

– The plans of the expedition a few stops on the Islands, the coordinates of which are given to us from the satellite. If you want, you can look at the map, which shows the route of the group, I specially brought with me a copy of it.

Who would doubt that everyone will want to look at the map and mentally imagine the way to the unknown. The road, judging by the map, was a long one. On the way we had to go around a few small lakes and a couple of swamps, and our way lay past several Islands, small in size, but according to satellite data there presumably could be found previously unseen strange animals and plants. "Just in my line," – I thought happily, and almost immediately began to fantasize about what might be waiting for me on these Islands.

Robert's question to me brought me back to earth:

– Vicky, what do you expect so special from this trip? You've been waiting for the decision to start the expedition the most, haven't you?

– Well, this – I have become puzzled of unexpectedness. – I'm hoping to find some interesting new specimens of the local flora and fauna to study in the laboratory. I'll take something back to Earth with me... our planet – has decided just in case to clarify me.

– Also I would like to know how the history of this planet developed, how the locals live...But that's what you all want, isn't it?

The two men looked at each other, and Arthur said:

– Of course, kitty, we also all want it, so, too, with pleasure go with you to the hike!

I looked at him incredulously, but decided not to say anything, and Peter had already changed the subject.

– Did you know that in two days you will be able to see through a telescope one of the most mysterious planets in the Universe, discovered by scientists on Earth more than a hundred years ago? This is a gas giant, the analogue of which has not yet been in outer space. Even name him until now not appropriated, so as until the end of not defined his status. Robbie, what do your scientists say? They were able to unravel the mysteries of this celestial body-where it came from, when it was formed, is life possible there in any manifestation?

– No, Pete, as far as I know, ours are also very much at a loss about this planet. It was impossible to study it more closely, but it would soon be within easy reach of Ergan. Let's hope that science will be available to new information that will help us and you to unravel, if not all, then at least part of the mysteries relating to this object. In the meantime, I suggest that before you go camping, visit our Observatory and admire our beautiful guest through the telescope.

Then the conversation turned to ordinary topics. Men, as always, began to discuss questions on production topics, and I frankly got bored. Did not help even a great wine, which I sipped slowly from the glass, and a wonderful dessert Lee.

Finally, Arthur noticed my depressed mood and whispered:

– Shall we go home?

I nodded in agreement, and we said goodbye to the hospitable hosts, went home. And, believe me, we found something to do, alone together in his room.

To be continued...

The beginning read: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 , 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60

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