A journey into the unknown. Planet Ergan. Vacation. New meeting

in #writing6 years ago (edited)



It's been a long time since we got up so late from bed, basking in the arms of Morpheus. How nice it was to be back at home, in a soft bed, next to a loved one.

It is good that we do not have to hurry either light or dawn, to do everyday, sometimes boring work, and even the salvation of civilizations is tedious. From time to time I want to take a break from the heroic actions.

For the first time in a long time, we allowed ourselves to get up after noon, leisurely drink a Cup of coffee, and then dine in a nearby restaurant and slowly enjoy delicious dishes of ergan cuisine.

Then we walked around the city, visited the Central Park. There we went for a ride on a couple of attractions, ate local ice cream. Even visited one of the largest shopping centers located on this planet and made small purchases.


Tired, but happy we returned home, having pre-had a snack in one of the cafes of the shopping center.

The rest of the evening we continued to relax in full. The next day we had a planned visit to Vic, the commander of the ship, thanks to which we were on this planet, as well as all that we have found here.

In the morning, Arthur began to prepare Breakfast, and I decided to clean up their chaotic records. I was hoping this job would take me a little time, but I was wrong. Even by lunch I was able to complete no more than ten percent of the plan.

In the end, putting aside all the cases, we began preparing for the visit for Vic. Arthur phoned bill, who was also invited to Vick, and agreed to meet with him in advance, to together already, one crowd to fall into the guest house of our friend.

We were also going to stop by some antique shop on the way and buy something as a gift to Vick.

The antique dealer's had us hanging out for a long time. The choice was great, it was very difficult to focus on anything one.

In the end, bill chose a set of glasses with unusual form of crystal, brought by some visiting tourists from the neighboring solar system.

This set attracted him, and then ours, not only because of its unusual shape, but also because the crystal shimmered with colors that we have never seen before. At the same time, they also evoked a lovely melody.

Vic was waiting for us. As soon as I pressed the bell button, the door swung open and he took us into his arms.

In addition to us, he already had our friends-the head of the state library and the head of the cosmodrome. Also at the table sat a strange gentleman, whom Vic introduced as the commander of the ship, who recently flew from a little-known planet "Z", located on the edge of a neighboring Galaxy, predrolozhitelno located in the same side where the Earth was.

Samuel, that was his name, was going to new flight and picked up several crew members to replace retired.

By a lucky chance he just needed mechanics and a cosmobiologist.

  • But we already assigned to another crew - I said uncertainly. - Are we allowed to transfer?

  • You may, - laughed the chief of the spaceport. - As for my promise after the contract is completed, you will receive a spaceship for your use, you can have no doubt.

  • By the way, - a new acquaintance joined the conversation, - on that planet I met a man who, perhaps, is your fellow tribesman, an Earthling.

We happily looked at each other, then bill asked:

  • Samuel, do you happen to remember his name? What's his specialty?

  • Sorry, if I knew that fate will bring me with you, I would try to remember his name and occupation. We could, after all, take him with you, bring him to this planet.

  • If you have any other questions regarding the flight, I am ready to answer them.- he continued.

Naturally, we had something to ask our future commander of the ship. It was about the type and design of the ship, the crew members, the goals and objectives of the expedition...

Vick eventually got tired of listening to us, and he offered to solve "production" issues then, outside his home.

  • We gathered together to have a rest, have fun, share news, - he told, - and you arranged here the present production meeting.

We involuntarily laughed and agreed to meet with Samuel the next day.

Then we all gathered around the table and a glass of first-class wine, delicious dishes and shared their impressions of the flight, from which we have just returned.


Of particular interest was our story about spider-like "neighbors" of immigrants with whom we had to fight, whose representatives we brought to the laboratory of the spaceport.

I had a long and detailed talk about the experiments that I made with Pete over spiders, as we managed to get the antidote.

The evening ended late. We went home satisfied with the meeting, having agreed to meet before the next expedition at least once again.

After returning home, we immediately went to bed. Tomorrow morning we were waiting for things that we had to solve before his departure...

To be continued...

The beginning read: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 , 41, 42, 43, 44, 45.

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