A journey into the unknown. New threat. Part 1

in #creativity7 years ago

Continuation. The beginning read: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18


Not about whether they told us our friends, the natives of the wild forest?

While we thought about where could come these people, they lined up and moved in the same direction, which was we.

It was good for us to be careful, we went afterwards.

By dawn, never making a single halt, we followed a group of armed warriors, went to the open area to hide where it was not possible, so we had to stop and hide behind the trees that grew at the edge of the forest.

The military stopped. Ordinary, who sat down, and who stretched out on the grass. The commanders gathered together, something deliberated for a long time until I decided to move on.

Unfortunately, we were out of range our translator and audio signals, so to understand what I was talking about, and could not. But to consider how they look in daylight.

Ordinary soldiers were muscular, powerful in appearance, the giants with a somewhat dull expression, overgrown with dense vegetation, clumsy, brutish.

The fact that they possessed remarkable strength, it was evident from the first glance, as well as the fact that the intelligence of their God is clearly offended.

The commanders were less strong, but had apparently cunning and deceit that was just written on their faces, by the way, almost without a trace of vegetation on them.

Finally, the detachment moved forward, but we follow right behind him was dangerous. We didn't know who they are - friends or enemies, what purpose arrived here, to whom are sent, how dangerous for us to meet them.

Had to exercise caution, to wait till they recede into the distance, when to ignore us will not be easy.

During this time we rested for a while, at the same time a little snack from the stock, stuck with it, and then gently moved off after the strangers.

By the end of the day there was a small settlement, which consisted of several dozen one-story, strong in appearance, of buildings, around which grew very thick woods.

However, it was possible to hide for a while and observe what is happening in this village. Perhaps it is here, and languishing in the captivity of our comrades.

To recover the energy spent on such a long journey, Arthur had offered to take a NAP in turn. The first such honor he offered me and I refused, because literally flaked out from exhaustion.

While I was sleeping, Arthur watched the village. However, it was quiet, traffic is almost not there.

Perhaps newcomers too rested after such a long transition.
Waking up after a couple of hours, I felt much better. Arthur had a little refreshment, after which he went to rest, and I began to guard his sleep and conduct further surveillance.

After a while I saw a small shed followed the woman, who was carrying something like a tray, cover with a towel, which clearly lurks the contours of a ware type of pitcher, cups, etc.
She did not long remain there, and left, taking with them the empty dishes.

From all this I decided that this sarushka contained some prisoners, perhaps our comrades.

It was very helpful that this structure was located at some distance from the nearest houses and relatively close to the edge of the forest.

Pulling out a backpack with binoculars, I began to closely examine how secure the approaches to it, escape routes and whether there is security.

To his surprise and great delight I discovered that, apparently, the inhabitants of this settlement are not afraid of attacks by opponents and don't feel the need to put protection, considering it sufficient to lock up their prisoners hung on the door of the big padlock.

Also I noticed here and animals like dogs, which would guard the people living here.

When Arthur woke up, I told him about what they saw and, after a bit, we decided not to delay the case and immediately go to explore and, if there is, indeed, languish our companions to release them and to escape under cover of night.

Arthur disappeared into the darkness, I remained in place...

Painfully dragged on waiting for the minute, it's been more than half an hour, and the scout didn't return.

I've done a lot already alarmed, back when I cracked a branch.
I turned and saw his friend, and with him were the missing members of our team , as well as several people from the tribe, the guests who we were.

After deliberating a bit, we decided that to return now to the ship it would be unwise, because it was gonna be a chase when it finds an escape.
So we decided to bring our friends home to them, and then enlisting their help to go to the ship.

Besides, we are very hopeful that our signal for help, someone heard, and help is coming to us.

As we expected, the chase for us. Besides, the natives led us by secret paths known only to them, and closer to sunset the following day we were on the spot.

The leader is at first delighted us, thinking that we came to solve his problems, then grieved to learn that the help is necessary first of all to us.

However, on reflection, he realized that his help will be mutual. What difference, on what territory to fight the enemy?

Yes, it will be a little tougher at home and walls help.

At the same time with his soldiers will fight shoulder to shoulder people, descended from heaven, those whom he and his tribe equal to the Gods.

On a hike in fees I decided to take the day. We had to decide who to leave to guard the camp, so as not to endanger women and children.

Those who leave, it was necessary to prepare weapons, ammunition, provisions, and discuss the tactics and strategy of the forthcoming military action.

Of course, all of us still had to sleep and rest before a new test.

To be continued...

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