A journey into the unknown. And again in a way... Part 1

in #creativity7 years ago

Continuation. The beginning read: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Finally the day came, when we again got under way. By this point I was starting to yearn for adventure, too quiet and peaceful there was life in this town.

This time we went in the afternoon, and at night rested in catches along the way small villages. Alien creatures no longer bothered us, whether because before going out we struck on the body some special ointment, either because this area was more populated.

To elaborate on our journey, I will not, it a little than differed from the previous one. After about a week we came to the right place.

It was a town in the center of which was a research centre, and around him was a small, neat houses, in which lived scientists and staff.

The layout of streets and the architecture of the buildings here were clear, simple forms without frills. Even flower beds was clear geometric shapes.

We stayed in a small but really nice, comfortable hotel. Clean yourself up and rested, we made our way into town to get a better look around.

Honestly, nothing superduper here we have not discovered, it was all kind of standard.

But I learned how to go to a scientific Observatory. It was located on the outskirts, but when we approached it, inside we were not allowed. It turns out that in order to get inside, you have to pass in the administration building of science city, which was in the centre of the village.

I tried to find out anything about the stranger, not so long ago appeared here, but even on these questions I politely refused to answer. All only after the presentation of the document on the right to go to the territory of the Observatory. Since it was late, we had no how to go back to the hotel and leave all matters on the morning of the next day.

In the hotel, I pulled out my notebook and brought back everything that happened to us during the journey, one ear listening to the chirping Iyi and sometimes nodding his head in agreement, even though not particularly delved into her story.

My thoughts were occupied by another. I anxiously expected the moment when I can finally meet with the mysterious stranger, and visit the Observatory and mingle with local scientists.

Even when we went to bed, I tossed from side to side and could not sleep. When I managed to forget some heavy, restless sleep, almost morning came, and soon, the Iya already shook me, trying to zabudetsya.

I had to put a lot of effort to climb. I didn't sleep, I have a bad headache, but I decided not to give up. In vain, I suppose we've come such a long way. So I swallowed a pill, drinking a SIP of water. Then we quickly ate lunch, ordered food in the room, and went about his business.

To pass to the Observatory was not difficult. Only had to answer a series of questions, one thing was made.

We went walking. The weather was warm, Sunny, and around reigned the silence and tranquility.

Behind conversation we have not noticed, how have reached our goal. Today we have met are much friendlier. Checking the pass they let us inside the building and told where to find the chief astrologer.

They were quite pleasant appearance and a fairly young man named York. he led us into his office and asked the purpose of our visit.

I told him my story about how I ended up on this planet and that I would like to meet with a stranger who recently showed up here.

However, as it turned out, today I was not destined to see him, he went on an expedition with one of the scientists of the Observatory should be back in a day or two or three.

Judging by the story of York, this person could be someone from the crew of my ship. Before I met him, I told York to allow me to see the work of the Observatory, to talk to other workers, to look at maps of the sky.

I also asked him to talk at least briefly about what they have done to explore the space, what progress and achievements they have reached, whether you are flying to the stars and how far.

York said that the flights are still only on the nearby planet, but the planned construction of a spacecraft capable of overcoming the FTL. To fly him to simultaneously prepare a group of astronauts, and presumably my earthly companion advises them and going flying with them.

Now he went to inspect the site for the new spaceport.

York also talked about the fact that the planet repeatedly landed alien ships arriving from other, including, and distant galaxies, with whom they have a close trade relations.

It is a pity that they don't fly as often as I would like. But here the problem was in the old spaceport, not adapted to receive large vessels.

The construction of a new modern spaceport, this issue has been resolved.

To be continued...

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