Travel in Siberia - My healing concerts in Krasnoyarsk (Part 36 English - Deutsch)

in #travel7 years ago

The penultimate part of my travel report will revolve around people in Krasnoyarsk. I had a concert every day in the tea yurt on the banks of the river Yenessei. The visitors were mixed and I had fun with them. Our communication was generally Russian, only in special cases did I move to English, which always immediately triggered an energetic dispute about the translator, so many wanted to try and thus it was also a spectacle with a lot of joy on all sides.

Der vorletzte Teil meines Reiseberichtes wird sich um Menschen in Krasnojarsk drehen. Ich hatte an jedem Tag ein Konzert in der Tee-Jurte am Ufer des Jenessei. Die Besucher waren bunt gemischt und ich hatte Spaß mit ihnen. Unsere Kommunikation verlief im großen und ganzen auf russisch, nur in besonderen Fällen bin ich auf englisch ausgewichen, was immer sofort einen energischen Disput um den Übersetzter ausgelöst hat, so viele wollten sich versuchen und somit war auch das ein Spektakel mit viel Freude auf allen Seiten.





This is how it looks when I play :)

So sieht es aus wenn ich spiele :)


And, of course, the TV was there again, they had chosen the weekend with the masterclass for the healing play on the mouth-harp and my participants enjoyed the interviews very much and reported on their experiences.

Und natürlich war auch das Fernsehen wieder da, sie hatten sich das Wochenende mit der Meisterklasse für das heilende Spiel auf der Maultrommel ausgesucht und meine Teilnehmer haben die Interviews sehr gerne mitgemacht und über ihre Erfahrungen berichtet.




One exercise were overtones without a mouth-harp, and as you can see lead the very fast to intense trance.

Eine Übung waren Obertöne ohne Maultrommel, und wie man sehen kann führen die sehr schnell zu intensiver Trance.


Anastasia with her offspring, who was totally enthusiastic about one of the concerts.

Anastasia mit ihrem Nachwuchs der bei einem der Konzerte total begeistert war.


The next post will complete this travel report, so much is already betrayed.

Der nächste Post wird diesen Reisebericht abschließen, soviel sei schon mal verraten.

I hope you liked my report. / Ich hoffe Dir hat mein Bericht gefallen.

See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Part 1 Moscow
Part 1 VBlog
Part 2 Arrival
Part 3 Ethno village
Part 2+3 VBlog
Part 4 Impressions
Part 5 Arctic State Institute of Art and Culture
Part 6 My hosts are gone!
Part 7 With the shamanka in the countryside
Part 7 VBlog
Part 8 Visiting the students of Arctic culture
Part 9 Yakutian Music College
Part 8+9 VBlog
Part 10 The old City
Part 11 Travel to the indigenous nations of the North
Part 12 TV and healing concerts
Part 13 Guest in a Yakutian primary school
Part 14 Dances of the North
Part 15 Shaman house
Part 16 Craftsmanship and ice cellar
Part 17 VBlog House of Culture
Part 18 VBlog Flight video Yakutsk - Irkutsk Part 1
Part 19 VBlog Flight video Yakutsk - Irkutsk Part 2
Part 20 Arrival in Irkutsk
Part 21 Trans-Siberian Railway from Irkutsk to Krasnoyarsk
Part 22 From Krasnoyarsk to Tuva
Part 23 From Abakan to Kysyl in Tuva
Part 24 The arrival and the museum in Tuva
Part 25 My shaman drum
Part 26 VBlog Baikal Express - Irkutsk to Krasnoyarsk
Part 27 VBlog Shaman Drum and Tuva
Part 28 Center of Asia - Yenisei River
Part 29 Friends and Living in Tuva
Part 30 The sleeping dragon in Tuva
Part 31 Old Shamans and healing
Part 32 Concerts and Food
Part 33 Last day in Tuva and travel through Chakasia to Krasnojarsk
Part 34 Krasnoyarsk Tea yurt and Regional museum
Part 35 Stroll through Krasnoyarsk, the heart of Siberia

Photos by @schamangerbert 04/2009-10/2017

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Schöner Bericht, bei dem Foto wo du spielst, fehlen nur die tanzenden Schlangen.

Schau doch mal genau hin .... Danke Dir!

pretty cool pics you seem to have a great time there :D

Wow! Looks like a lot of fun :)

wow!!!amazing post

you are most welcome

though it concert about your healing, but feel lucky to met people, interview and therapy.

I made some posts about the healing music, so I thought it would be nice to meet some people too.

Omg!!!! Awesome photography with great article you posted this time captain.
I think you have to take lot of fun activities and it was memorable with your playing mouth harp. Great journey to Siberia.

Actually very great journey have you been Siberia for healing concerts.
How about Siberia travel @schamangerbert ??
Have enjoy with musical instruments. Healing music good for our mind coolest.

You have to read a lot of posts from this travel, it was an amazing time for me.

Great travel experience @schamangerbert.

That is great help! Have a nice day.

wow beautiful shots captain, such activities are always great to release stress, stay blessed and thanks for sharing .

Thank you so much!

It's fantastic, actually I have never seen this before! That instrument, I saw it some where else, but can't remember! Amazing experience and thank you very much for sharing with us!


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