Siberia Travel VBlog (18) Flight Video An-26b-100 Yakutsk - Irkutsk

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

My dear readers, today you will get a break of reading, it is video time: In the old Antonov-26b-100 we fly in 20000 feet to Irkutsk, a detailed report will follow. 2 pictures after landing, in the morning it was to cold for pictures :)

Meine lieben Leser, heute bekommt ihr eine Pause vom Lesen, es ist Video Zeit: Im der alten Antonov-26b-100 fliegen wir in 5000 Meter Höhe nach Irkutsk, ein ausführlicher Bericht wird folgen. 2 Bilder nach der Landung, am Morgen war es zu kalt für Bilder :)



Part 1 (4 min)

Part 2 (5 min)

Part 3 (6,5 min)

I hope you liked my report. / Ich hoffe Dir hat mein Bericht gefallen.

See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Part 1 Moscow
Part 1 VBlog
Part 2 Arrival
Part 3 Ethno village
Part 2+3 VBlog
Part 4 Impressions
Part 5 Arctic State Institute of Art and Culture
Part 6 My hosts are gone!
Part 7 With the shamanka in the countryside
Part 7 VBlog
Part 8 Visiting the students of Arctic culture
Part 9 Yakutian Music College
Part 8+9 VBlog
Part 10 The old City
Part 11 Travel to the indigenous nations of the North
Part 12 TV and healing concerts
Part 13 Guest in a Yakutian primary school
Part 14 Dances of the North
Part 15 Shaman house
Part 16 Craftsmanship and ice cellar
Part 17 VBlog House of Culture

Videos by @schamangerbert 04/2009-06/2017

Schaman Gerbert


I fell in love with the views 😍 Nice seeing a video today, something different

Yakutia is so amazing, from above every minute new landscapes.

It was so beautiful , I posted some art work I made , let me know what you think (:

als angehender wim hoffer sieht das super aus für mich :-)

Da hättest du aber Schwierigkeiten ins Wasser zu kommen, bei 3 Meter dickem Eis auf den Flüssen :)
Viel Erfolg bei Deinem Atemtraining!

When I was teenager, I memorized the composition about "Journey by Boat" . But I realize why we had not composition about "Journey By Plane" . Boat is less expensive for Bangladesh :P But I Love the report and wonderful view really. I will teach my student about my future journey to UK.

Do not forget a good camera on board, there maybe some amazing shots.
But the long flights go very high and the view is mostly clouds. I really liked this flight a lot as it was not so high.

I will try to manage one but not sure camera. I will try to use mobile camera instead if I can't. As it is for (link) training purpose, I am not sure how much time I will get free. Still some steps left to make sure my Journey to UK. Thanks for your suggestion. @schamangerbert

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