7 Great Ways to Lose Money on Steemit

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

I have been experimenting with some tools on Steemit and have found some sure fire ways to lose your money or at least flop big time. Keep in mind this is written for the purpose of humor. I don’t mean to offend anyone so I left out most user names but not all. Read more to find these great ways to lose money on Steemit.

Cat and Fish.png

1. Buy an upvote as soon as you post.

You know your content is great so if people see the numbers on the bottom of the post they will all jump in and upvote you. Don’t think about waiting 30 minutes for the curation period to pass. Just open Steemit bot tracker and jump on the next bot that is up to vote. Who cares if they take 25% more of the curation in the first 30 minutes? Who cares if they leave a big ugly comment promoting themselves? Don’t wait 30 minutes. Upvote your post as soon as possible. This is the easiest way to lose money on Steemit.

2. Buy resteems from users who pay for followers.

These are the best people to resteem your posts because they have more than 4,000 followers that they paid 0.001 steem for each to follow. It doesn’t matter if 75% of their followers are inactive users because they still have 1,000 followers that are not smart enough to unfollow even though their feed is trashed with tons of resteems. And who can beat the bonus upvote the resteemer give you of $0.20 when you pay them 2SBD? This is the second best way to lose money on Steemit.

3. Spend any money you make in a Lottery or bet on the next sport event.

I never tried this but it sounds like a great way to lose money.

4. Ignore everybody.

Don’t waste time answering comments. Never check up on those who follow you. Followers are just numbers. They really don’t care about your content anyway. They just automatically push the follow button. They are probably not even human. Never think about visiting their posts. Especially if they upvote your posts or leave a comment. Surely you are the king of content so naturally they should visit your post and upvote and comment. Don’t follow people who give you an upvote and do not visit their posts. Definitely don’t respond to any comment you find on your post. They are probably spam anyway. The content of your masterpiece stands alone. If somebody sets up an auto vote like steemauto or steemdunk or steemfollower just ignore them. Never follow their posts or up vote them. Just expect them to always support you. You fill find in time this method will help you lose money on Steemit.

5. Reject all invitations to discord.

You don’t need support from these groups. If you promote your posts on discord no one looks at them anyway. Sending 0.001 Steem to Banjo and Minnow Support is way too risky so never try it. Don’t ever drop a post in the PAL $upvote for minnow support. You don’t need that 15 cent upvote anyway. And the trail of upvoters that follows minnowsuport doesn’t mean anything either. They are just numbers. Definitely do not register with @qurator for a small life time fee of curation and upvotes. You don’t need a lifetime of upvotes. Groups @thesteemengine with awesome friends and support when you need it the most are not necessary for you. Just Steem alone and you will find in time that you are losing money and support and you will miss out big time.

6. Write content only about yourself.

There is no better subject to write about than you. I’m sure the more than 500,000 users on Steemit wake up thinking about you anyway so why not write every post about yourself? This is great content that can appeal to users from around the world. It is even better if you spend hours and hours on these posts using language that does not appeal to any general audience. These kinds of posts will definitely get picked up by whales who support your unique style.

7. Always post the same content over and over.

If it worked once then definitely it will work again. Don’t worry about the Cheetah at the bottom of the post. It’s just a robot and it gives you a free upvote anyway so it is easy money. Every time you copy the same content you get the Cheetah’s upvote. You are in the money. And Steemians like to see the same posts over and over in their feed every day. They are not smart enough to unfollow so you got it made. You are doing a great duty to the community by providing security and stability that we all need in this ever changing world.

So that’s seven that I know of. I’m sure there are more but just haven’t seen them yet. I cannot leave this post without dropping a poem at the bottom.


Original Poem @mineopoly

Waves of Deflation

Waves of deflation splash from shore to shore.
Hungry fish fight for a small morsel
Toss and turn with the currents of the sea
Finding their mouths are empty

The taps are dry
The vortex sucked up the last reserves
Leaps and bounds could not
Put this fish back to where he belongs.

A fish swimming in a fishbowl
Bumps into the edge of glass
The cat follows every movement closely
Not making a move
Waiting to jump at the right moment.

It happened
The fishbowl spilled.
Who will catch that cat?
Three and a half days later
He comes back.
Ready to pounce again


Verse of the Day/ Proverbs 3:13-14

"Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold."

Mineopoly Quote:

I knew that.


@mineopoly Posts on English and Education

First Day of School
Cleaning the English Classroom
ELS - I get where you're coming from
Creativity in the box
Is Nature the Best Teacher?
Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
ESL I love you
Even Monkeys Fall From Trees
Groovy School
K.I.S.S. Creativity
Proof of Brain
The Sounds of Silence
The Wall- Education
A Straight Line
Ryu Gwansun
Korean Independance Movement - Manse
Paint a Fish
Wisdom and Humility
Five Love Languages
Intermittent Media Fasting
The Greatest Teacher

@mineopoly Posts on Mining the heart

Will you be there?
Voices in a Blockchain
Avatar Falling Star
I am a Work in Progress
Songs of the Playground
Morning Miracle
Tasty Spam
Gold Dust
A happy Song
A Closer Walk 1
A Closter Walk 2
A Steemit Heart
Hearts joined together
Revival Korea
Feeling Groovy
As White as Snow
Unconditional Love
Strapped to a printing press- Batman
Choice Wine
The Sounds of Silence
I'm a Seoul man
It's not easy being Green
Reach Out and Touch
Who is Mineopoly?

Woodstock source. Cat and Fish Source All other pictures here are public domain or a creation of @mineopoly


Can you find a better way to lose money on Steemit?

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.

This is the 4th poem I entered in the Steemitschool poetry competition.
Steemitschool Discord.

I guess your eyes are bloodshot by now @d-pend


I chuckled the whole way through this. I enjoyed this more than I imagined; I'm still laughing right now!

A great way to learn what NOT to do and have fun with it!

Love the verse of the day. Solomon asked God for wisdom and as a result gained everything else most other men would have asked for.

Seems like you've thought of most of the ways to lose money on Steemit. Now, I've never done this, but maybe doing something to intentionally anger a whale would be a good way to lose money. 😨

How are your workouts coming? How is your morning routine going?

It's morning now in Korea 6am. I will shut down my phone.

Thank you so much for your comment @coahjj. This was perfect timing. As soon as I saw it I turned off my phone and picked up my Bible and then started stretching. You are on Steemit for a reason. I hope you will straighten up slackers like me. :)

@coachjj. You are totally right about the whale thing. There are some specific whales you should swim away from. Just look at the comment section. If there are a bunch of flags there or shaded out areas then don't leave a comment there. There is a Korean expression that a shrimp between two whales gets smashed. I have been there. Don't comment on that stuff. Just for no reason the whale that doesn't like the other whale can straight down vote all the comments on that whale.

Glad to say, I don't do these… although in all seriousness, I did get a couple of tips that I should actually be doing from point 5!

You can't go wrong with minnowsupport. Qurator has a great once in a lifetime membership fee. The other discords help me meet friends. Thanks for your comment @adambarratt

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue # 74 (3/15/18)

The STEEM Engine is an initiative dedicated to promoting meaningful engagement across Steemit. Find out more about us and join us today!

I'm honored to be featured @thesteemengine. This team is the most supportive group I know on Steemit. Thanks for being with me. These words are completely true:

"meaningful engagement across Steemit."

Thank you


Thanks for sharing this, I am only using one of the seven. I need to get to work using the other six, as my wallet is not losing value fast enough just on the down slide the market has been taking of lately.
Your a true friend and can't wait to put these to work.

I love your comment . In this comment the laughter was reflected right back at me. I get a big helping of Texas hospitality every time I visit your blog. I like especially how you follow my logic and continue it in the comment. So here is my response:

Good work @sultnpapper. Don't be like other Steemians and drain your wallet by powering down just follow these 7 easy steps to completely bomb on this platform. Keep up the good work in staying ahead of crypto deflation.

I can't wait to get my next does of sultnpapper.

Your friend across the ocean


This is a amazing post. Realmente educativo y a la vez gracioso leer cada cosa con ese tono de ironía que me hizo reir. Sorry for my spanish language, thanks to the technology it can to translate. So aquí lei algo que tal vez sea importante sobre minnowsuport que desconocía totalmente (espero haber captado el mensaje correctamente, a veces el sarcasmo confunde jaja) Excelente, gracias.

Creo que entiendes @ennyta. Aprendí un poco de español en la escuela secundaria y te entiendo. Puede escribir comentarios en español aquí. Sí, este escrito es muy sarcástico y lleno de información sobre Steemit. Muchas cosas están implícitas. Si tiene alguna pregunta, pregunte. Me gusta en Corea y sé que es difícil aprender un segundo idioma. Por favor, publica esto de nuevo para tus amigos resteem.

Seguro cuenta con eso. Vale la pena, realmente.

I didn't even know that it is possible to bot-vote in first 30 minutes, but is sound as a legit way to promote - I am doing it right now :)))

Great post, I like how you tried to fight problems with sarcasm. The biggest plus of this platform is money. The biggest problem with this platform is money... This platform will attract many great bloggers, but also so many easy-money people who believe that we all wait for their copy-paste article. Yes, they die fast, but in process - they create a lot of noise and new, quality users are hard to reach.

Thanks for your comment. Please wait 30 minutes before paying the upvote service or they will take a higher percent of curation after 7 days.

Of course, I actually vote on the 3rd day as a nice surprise to my voters curation effort ;)

I got it. I'm going to like following you. I am very slow and steady.

This one is about 24 hours. Maybe I should throw a bot at it. If I still like the post after 24 hours probably some more people will too.

You really got me smiling along with this one @mineopoly!

I like how you turned sarcasm into a great learning tool. Not to mention it was super easy to follow and read. Sometimes you need something to be funny and witty for yu to really connect with it.

You always opened my eyes to my followers. I try my best to get round to those who have supported me but at times it slips the conscious. Thanks for putting it back in plain sight for me.

Thank you @calumam for this comment. I'm glad you found the post helpful. I can't help being a teacher. Suddenly I got notices on busy.org about who was following me. Then I started to check on them. The new followers are usually people with similar interests but just starting out.

I'm working on making my posts easier for other people to understand... getting out of the inner reflection stage. Thanks for your insight.

I can see that massively. You have a great way of expressing yourself without it being too heavy for others to read.

I appreciate someone who can teach like that.

I had a good chuckle while reading this in the way you wrote it but I am glad to say I dont think I do any of those things and for pretty much the same reasons but i could never have worded it so eloquently

You have followed my posts pretty well @tattodjay. Maybe you got up to 62 by staying away from these 7. Great to see you again brother.

i just do what feels right to me my focus is one goal d interaction and a sense of community not income

Awesome approach @tattoodjay

This was definitely a humorous post but true statements as well. I don’t do any of these so looks like I’m on the right track. I have always preached organic following to people here on Steemit. There is no better way to build a foundation than doing so organically. I want people to follow me because they enjoy my content not just because I’m willing to give them a follow for a follow. People will definitely stick around longer and support you more when they actually have interests in what you write and a desire to support your work.

I love the scripture you posted it’s one of my favorite!! 😊

Thanks so much for my morning laugh! 😄

I give you my whole heart welcome @crosheille and soon on my way to visit your blog. I am also on the experimental period. You have been around the block a little longer than I have. I'm so happy to read your comment and find that I could lighten someone's day. I'm not completely sure if organic methods are 100% the way to go as I just upvoted this post myself using bots 10 minutes ago. It is kind of an experiment with me every once and a while to see how things work and what reactions I get.

I found that the direct comments can lead to followers like I think I am going to follow your blog but first I have to visit. But even more came in the discord. I don't have a lot of time but I find interacting with people like you rewarding enough for the time I put in. I really haven't found a way to make much money on Steemit but I have found that avoiding these seven have kept me making some money. As deflation is terrorizing the platform it is a little different nowadays so in the end we have nothing but our friends.

I was really shy to post scripture but I choose verses that fit with what I am writing about and verses I like. I'm glad you like this verse too.

I have actually used a voting bot to upvote my post before too. I am talking more about the following aspect of Steemit. A lot of people join these following chains where they have to follow everyone on the chain in order to get followed back. That may work for some but I would rather be in control of who I follow. That’s why I never joined one.

Yes I know for sure that direct comments and interaction can lead you to some valuable relationships on here. When I started to mingle and comment on other’s posts that’s when things turned around for me.

I usually post scripture using the #christiantrail tag. I was posting something I came up with called ‘His Beauty His Word’ where I would take pictures of His creations and put a scripture with it. I really need to get back to that.

Thanks for reminding me. I think a small testimony can go a long way.

All are great and valid points. I can't wait for summer so I have more interesting stuff to go do and post about. :D

Is it still cold outside there? Actually posts like these are Steemitized. They are not really about me from outside Steemit but from inside the network. @debralee summer is on its way.

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