Not About Prosperity or PovertysteemCreated with Sketch.

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Today, the pastor was talking about how poverty can sometimes be a blessing. He was emphasizing on that to contrast from the promoted prosperity gospel. That may be true as blessings come in all shapes and sizes. Not all blessings are created equal, perhaps. However, at the same time, it is not really about prosperity or poverty.

jesus vs money

The Bigger Picture

Let me explain what I mean. Ultimately and specifically, focusing on the incomplete and inaccurate contrast between perceived poverty and alleged prosperity is as misleading, potentially, theoretically, hypothetically, generally, as the contrast and divide between false interpretations, applications, implications, assumptions, alterations, and versions of fake liberalism (deceptive anarchy, communism, socialism, corporatism, neo-leftism) and rhino republicanism (authoritarianism, fascism, globalism). Politically, it is about a battle between freedom and alleged safety. We should be seeking after smaller governments in order to regain local community values first. In this article, I talk a little bit about poverty, prosperity, the meaning of life, and ultimately, the value in investing in people.



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Not About Prosperity or Poverty

Published - 2019-09-08 - Sunday - 02:30 PM LMS - PDT

money is the root of all evil

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in September of 2019

money philippines


It's not about poverty or prosperity, allegedly; because it is about productivity, responsibility, and integrity. In other words, what really matters is doing the best you can with what you got.


You should compete. You should fight hard for what you believe in. You should try to help other people as well. You should try your best not to violate the private property rights of people around you.


Fundamentally, you should be responsible for what you do have regardless of how much or how little you may or may not have. People can define prosperity and poverty differently.

Drawing The Line

There are different definitions out there for these terms. The line between the two can blur at times. Prosperity can be like art. We know that art and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Basic Needs

Having your basic needs provided is a version of prosperity. Also, having the ability to pass on your inheritance and abundance to family, friends, and community, is prosperity.

Being Fruitful

It is fruitful to be prosperous. Specifically, in the story of your life, it is tough to say how the details will all play out. Having more money is not necessarily bad.

To Have or Not To Have

Having less money is not necessarily bad either. However, both can be bad. But why? Not because either is bad in and of itself. Like I said, it's not about poverty or prosperity to the extent that these terms are defined by imperfect humans who don't know everything, because the meaning of life is developed in freewill, in love. What is love? God is love. God did not make us as robots.

great fall dollars

To Be or Not To Be

God made us as human beings. So, it is not about having. It is about being. It is about making freewill choices with what we have.

The Story Arch

It is about our character development. So, it is about being productive, faithful, reliable, useful, etc. Now, as we do those things, we may be blessed with prosperity and poverty.

Defining Terms

Again, it depends on how you define those two things.



Poverty can be minimalism.


Poverty can also be starvation. It really depends on what kind of poverty we are talking about.

Good or Bad

It can be good. It can be bad. If we are talking about a good kind of poverty, then that is good. If we are talking about a bad kind of poverty, then that is devastating.

The Journey of Life

Life is a process. Life is a journey. Life is a road with forks and turns. The road can go up into prosperity and down the hill into poverty at different times.

Pirates of the Care-Oh-Bein'

You can stay the course like a captain of a ship. You can be responsible for your boat in the mist of the calm and during storms. It is about getting there. In life, you are going somewhere.

Helping Others

If you are very rich, you can use that to help other people.

1984 Tyranny

Ultimately, you should not be forced to help people. You should choose to help. You should want to help other people. How you go about helping other people is a matter of debate. People should not manipulate you to only help people their way.

Teaching People to Fish

Also, when you help people, it can be like feeding them fish which might feed them for maybe one hour or one day. But it can also be better to teach them how to fish as that can be a way of feeding them for their entire lives.

Training Workers

Employers can hire the homeless and train them into being fishers. So, they fish and you pay them money. That's good. So, you have a lot of money. That's good.


But then you delegate tasks to the employees. They work hard.


You distribute the money to them.


So, you may have more money and yet you may also spend more money as well to maintain everything. You also may take bigger risks as a big boss of factories for example.

Evil Taxes

Employers should pay less taxes. Actually, there should be no taxes at all. But employers need more money as it costs more money to take care of all the equipment and everything in factories for example.

Free Like Birds

Also, if you are poor, you may have less responsibilities in some ways (less burdens, perhaps).

Different Opportunities

You may have opportunities to help guide people more than some employers can as you may have the time. Some employers can become too busy managing everything.

Variety of Blessings

So, it can be a blessing to be poor in some ways. So, whether you are or are not like too poor or rich depends on many different things. It might be a debate, a question, you know, in regards to whether or not you are too poor or too rich. In some ways, you might be too poor and rich at the same time.

The Puzzle of Life

See, this is complex and that is why it is not about poverty or prosperity. That is not to say that it is not about prosperity or poverty. Objectively speaking, ultimately speaking, outside of time and space, within the realm of eternity, it might be about prosperity, AKA value, worth, meaning, purpose, in life.

The Love of Life

That is what life is. Life is love and love is God. I'm not saying that there is no God.

The Source of Meaning

I'm saying everything that we know about love and life and joy and everything else derives from God.

Fighting Rothschild

Also, prosperity does not always have to be defined by Rothschild money. See, centralized fiat money is manipulated at times. That's a problem. So, we can see hyper inflation.

China Tyranny

That might be happening right now in China in 2019, this year.

Money Regulation

Money currencies can be regulated by world banks, governments, corporations, organizations, groups, secret societies, the Rothschild mafia family, other families, through technocracy (tech cartels) like the Facebook Fake Coin Libra, etc, etc.

Learning To Be Content

Be happy with all that you do have and all that you don't have. Let go of whatever you don't want or don't need. Go after more stuff if you want, maybe.


You can try to invest in gold, silver, natural resources, land, houses, filtered water, guns, private property, canned foods, Faraday Cages, cryptocurrencies (real money), fake money, etc, etc, in order to provide for family, friends, etc. Beyond that, invest in people. It's not about poverty or prosperity.

All About People

It is about people. Prosperity and poverty can both be like vehicles which can help us at times.


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