One photo every day: Messilä manor (251/365)

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago (edited)


I bet @MarkkuJantunen is going to post some photos from our trip to Messilä too, so here's mine. I'm trying to post this before reading Goblet of Fire to my boys.


Markku called me earlier today and asked if we could take the kids snow sledding or something. So we did.

Here's Miro going down the hill.








When the kids had enough of sledding, we went to the ski resort restaurant/coffeeshop/bar and had some cocoa and sweet pastries. The kids grew kind of tired of me and Markku discussing about Steem and business, and especially Steem business, so we decided to leave take the kids to our place and let them play some PlayStation while Markku and I played a game of Go.

I won by a four points, although losing a sizable group in mid-game. In the end Markku even congratulated me for finally starting to see when to sacrifice and where to find points to recoup the apparent losses.

Ok, I'll go and read some Harry Potter to my boys now. :) See ya!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: One photo every day: I did cheat a bit with these stars. (250/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Moon (244/365)
Reflection (245/365)
Irony caught me in Kahvisaari (246/365)
Bilberry-lingonberry pie (247/365)
Kalevalanpäivä // Kalevala day :: Kantele (248/365)
Full moon (249/365)
I did cheat a bit with these stars. (250/365)

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very beautiful seems that miro did a lot of fun in the snow...and you created a gif of miro's sliding from hill.

It seems like you all enjoyed there! Specially I like the photography #1! It's pretty amazing scenery!


It looks very funny and Miro's face confirms it
Here in Venezuela we do not have snow (at least where I have lived) but we did something similar using a large cardboard box, and the slope more or less steep

It's some sort of stereotype for me that @MarkkuJantunen posts about manors often :D I have seen many manor posts (not complaining though).

They tend to provide many great photo opportunities.


Maybe one day you will get rich thanks to steemit and buy me one (Or Lambo at least)!
I'll appppreciate it a lot :D

The animation looked like Miro was sledding on a high speed.

Am sure it was fun for the kids.

Seems like you all enjoyed your time at Messilä. The younger boy seems fearless.

Miro is pretty fearless. Although he did get a bit upset when he heard today that our Milkyway is going to crash into the Andromeda galaxy in about 3.75 billion years and broke into tears.

This video does appear to indicate that the collision wouldn't destroy our solar system.

Was he scared or was he sad? He has no reason to be scared of the event, but I can understand being saddened by it, such a massive event that will change the look of the sky, potentially destroy the solar system we call home, (I'm less optimistic than your video,) and the fact we probably won't be around to see it?

It makes me sad at least.

A seven-year-old is not likely to understand the timescales involved.

Likely? No. But its certainly possible, and I do not know the child, so I can not make an assumption.

Heh, I think he needs to be explained how just long a period of time 3.75 billion years is. He knows division and multiplication? You could try to explain it to him using a comparison of a ratio of distances anyone can understand. For example, the the 1000 km or so distance to your relatives in Lapland is about one billion millimetres. An insect lover, I'm sure Miro knows many insects that are about one millimetre in size. You could tell him that one billion is such a large number that you must have a billion of those 1 mm sized insects to form a line from your home to Lapland.

He's 'fast and furious' that's why he thinks 3.75 billion years will pass soon. :D

Damn that looks like fun. It's always exciting and refreshing when you go out in nature. Everything is unpredictable. And yes posting picture is not just a challenge but it's a way we provide value and support to our community on steem. And Loved your pictures man.

Thanks, it was pretty fun. :)

How could Markku have lost! Nooooo, I want a rematch!
We underestimated your incredible power! Next time we will be prepared!!

There is a handicap system in go. Jaro is 7 kyu and I'm 3 dan so I normally give him a nine stone handicap. If the handicap is right, the winning probability of either player should be 50 percent. Jaro has been on a winning streak lately. Markus, 1 kyu, whose skills are perhaps at a strong 1 dan level, started a game against Jaro the other day, giving him the usual handicap and brimming with confidence, believing that he had got stronger during his hiatus. Jaro put that sentiment to rest.

That's a pretty nice sized sledding hill! Glad to see we are not the only ones with snow.

It was such a nice weather today for sledding (also here in Tampere). How you became friends with markku? Have you known each other for a long time?

Yeah, the weather was excellent. :) I hope it's nice tomorrow too.

I recall I first met him in Oulu in a Go tournament. He later contacted me as he was moving to Lahti (I think it was in Summer 2014), and since I run a Go club, he's been playing with us since then. We both had kids, his daughter Milla being 2 years older than Miro and 2 years younger than Leo, we've often arranged for our kids some activities together.

Cool that you have found each other! It was probably a lot easier for markku to move to another city knowing that he has a potential friend there.

Sure, it was cool that there was a go club. It has a few other active members. I knew Antti from Tampere University of Technology Go Club. When he was a student there, he'd attend the club evenings. After Antti graduated, he moved back to Lahti having got a job there.

Who's that beautiful man on the photo, Marrkujantunen?
Oh, I wish I was so gorgeous and fabulous! Why is the universe so unfair to me. I'm just a frozen

It was August 2013.

I graduated from TUT but I've never heard of Go club. Hmm..

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