One photo every day: Breaking the rules (253/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)


I decided it's time to try something new, so I started blatantly breaking some rules of art to see what I can come up with.

The first time was pretty bland. I guess I will have to try again. :) Here's what I came up with today:

Breaking the rules
Breaking the rules

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: EF 75-300mm ƒ/4-5.6
Focal length: 80mm
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Exposure: 1/500 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

No rules of thirds here. But i do like the ice crystals in the air.

Ah, well, I'll need to fulfill my promise to Miro and put on some Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets movie for the guys.

See you later!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: A Postcard from Lahti #3]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Irony caught me in Kahvisaari (246/365)
Bilberry-lingonberry pie (247/365)
Kalevalanpäivä // Kalevala day :: Kantele (248/365)
Full moon (249/365)
I did cheat a bit with these stars. (250/365)
Messilä manor (251/365)
A Postcard from Lahti #1 (252/365)

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Well not all the photos should respect the rules of thirds, in my humble opinion

One simply must let go for the moment, If not, how are new things achieved?


I told you that breaking the rules in photography did not know. I mean I did not know that there were some rules, you know it would be very useful in your next publications begin to give more rules about it. It will be very useful. for people like me who do not know what they are .. That stop at the time of the ice crystals are very well detailed perfectly ..

He is talking about "rules of thirds" is like technique used to organize the elements of an image in order to make it more interesting and guide the reader's to achieve balance, dividing the image into three parts, both vertical and horizontal, so when it says "No rules of thirds" it's because the tree is centered in the image.

Friend An can I call you An ?, greetings, and thank you very much for your explanation, however, in everything that you explain in one way or another if this is a certain rule?

Of course dude, I didn't know much about the subject either, but someone explained it in a previous post from @gamer00 in the comment section, I don't know if it's a kind of "You must" rules but the photography is an art and like all art is free for the interpretation, I suppose it can be applied to improve the esthetics of the pic.

Thanks friend again. I really did not see that comment, but as I always say. I am willing to always learn.

This looked pretty much like a photoshopped image, because its close to perfect. Anyways, they say rules are meant to be broken. Nice shot

Love the photo

Something the only way to achieve amazing things is to break the rules

Without trying new things you won't progress any further.
I highly encourage you to do it and show it to everyone here :d

Yeah Jaro, don't break promises, specially to your children :D After all you are not only a great photographer, you also a good father! Forgot to say, this is a wonderful photography again!


Very nice and different approach! It's great to know that we can break the rule! You are using zoom lens? Right?!
There is a Lockness Monster with very long neck at the back!
This can be dangerous! Haha.

It is like a fantasy tree with crystal glow and ice crystals floating in the air around it. I love it!

I am a fan of breaking the rules and seeing what turns out!

Heya, Heye! You've tried something new and it looks great!
Even though the top and the bottom of the little tree are cut. It looks amazing, just look at the background.

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