One photo every day: Product shoot – Steam Controller (232/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago


(I was supposed to shoot outside today, but everything just flew by when Vera and I started discussing book keeping and taxation issues for Steem. So in the end, I couldn't.)

So because I couldn't go outside, I finally opened the box it came within, I just hadn't had time for games. (I still don't have time for games.) The Steam Controller I had ordered for Christmas!

Steam Controller

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/4
Exposure: 1/200 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

I originally ordered this from Steam for ... um ... myself as a Christmas present and I wowed that I will be ordering my boys their own controllers like this one.

I still need to try it out. But I've got some unfinished stuff on my computer and I can't seem to have enough processing power right now.

↑ current uptime ↑

My computer should probably have some rest. But all those browser tabs, I will end up reloading them and all :(...


I'd also like to play a game to test the controller. This is getting tricky. ;)

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: This follower count reminds me of my first GSM phone]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Runebergintorttu / Runeberg's tårta (225/365)
Skating in Lahti Central Square (226/365)
Kiemis being funny. (227/365)
A better skating photo. (228/365)
My first attempt at stock photography – Crosswords with product placement. (229/365)
Trezor (230/365)
Shrovetide Sunday Bun (231/365)

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My computer should probably have some rest. But all those browser tabs, I will end up reloading them and all :(...

Mine looks the same but with a lot of github pages and tutorials

I think it's something common but my wife does not think the same, sometimes she does "tabs cleaning", without telling me anything, she hates that i have so many tabs open

btw 6 users?, Why do you have so many different account sessions open simultaneously?

sometimes she does "tabs cleaning", without telling me anything, she hates that i have so many tabs open

You probably need to buy her a computer of her own. :)

btw 6 users?, Why do you have so many different account sessions open simultaneously?

I'm a sucker for the terminal, and often forget a few of them running in the background.


You probably need to buy her a computer of her own. :)

She has her pc, but that does not stop her from trying to "clean" my chaos

I'm a sucker for the terminal, and often forget a few of them running in the background.

I see you use KDE and konsole as a terminal emulator, that's why the number of sessions

I also use the CLI a lot, I rarely use GUIs to do things, It's much faster and I have it as an old habit I started using linux in the 90's

btw you also use zeronet, recurrently?

Wow, although you do not believe it when seeing that controller, it made me go back in time when I was a child I was nine years old, I was visiting my friend and neighbor to play with an Atari, look for the image on the internet so you can see which one I used to play with when he was a child year 1983. Regards


My father brought this for my elder brothers in mid 80s. I was a toddler back then (3 years old) but it stayed there in our home even after it stopped working. Then there was an advanced model that had several games in it and it was the very first time that I played Super Mario Bros and it became favorite of all:

When we sit alone and think of those times and then compare it with our current times, we see how speedily time passed and new things replaced the old ones and kids replaced us in the same way. Often times, it's hard to digest this reality. May be, because we, humans, don't like change.

Thanks @gamer00 for writing this post. It took made me go down the memory lane. In a way, that was good. I support photography blogs so I accepted your discord app invite. Steem On!

I almost ordered this one too when my Steam funds were maxed by a lucky accident a few years ago.
But... no time to play. It always happens to me, I decide to upgrade my PC but then I realise that It will screw me up because I have other things to do and postpone it for the better times :(

Let the game begin! I would like play Dota with you :) but you can't play it with console, you need keyboard and mouse :)

Dota2 is nice.

Yes I have a keyboard and a mouse too.

crap i thought i had alot of tabs open.
Nice controller also.

omg I was surprised by how many tabs you have open your computer must be a ship, mine was already exploited to the fifth tab haha

It's an older i7 I purchased it some three or four years ago. It has only 32GB memory. Needed it for a photo workstation. It's been pretty decent.

but to have already those years is pretty good-I do not remember how old he is, but he goes for that same amount

But look


before it was fast, I think that the years are already taking effect

What a beautiful controller that is! It makes me wanna have it as well... Talking about steam, it's the first idea everyone get's when you're trying to talk about STEEM to someone who doesn't know about it yet. They're like "Ohh, steam, the place where you buy games"... Noo dummy! It's only the best social media there is!

It's a nice looking controller, but it seems to be a dust magnet. I wiped and wiped, and after shooting, you wouldn't believe how much I still had to use the spot removal tool. I wasted about 45 minutes cleaning it up. ;)

Agree about Steem.

Ahh, I know just what you mean. I've got many items in my house that could be labeled as dust magnets! And it's quite hard to clean everything out...

That is a lot of tabs you are working on. I also like to open different tabs while using my laptop. When I get tired,I just click on the x button and closes everything. It automatically reloads when I restart the browser another time. I hope you do have some good time with the steam controller. I am not a game enthusiast. :(

Whoaa.. even though i have played many games on xbox and plystations, i was never a fan of consoles.. PC provides the best gaming experience in my opinion.. but damnn.. that is one hot controller..

On Steam I can play PC games with it.

Haha yess. Sorry I forgot about that you can actually use controller to play pc games too. Usually when i play PC games, i use mouse and keyboard, for some reason. And i always associate controller with console gaming for some weird reason.. may be i was brought up that way.. :p

OMG I have NEVER seen so many tabs open at once. My computer would die just from thinking about it LOL!!!!!

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