One photo every day: So I finally got to reading... (235/365)

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago (edited)

I was too tired to figure out what to shoot, and I had finally started reading one of the library loaners I got when I did my second introduction, so I couldn't be arsed for real photography, but instead took a selfie of me reading the book.

Selfie, the pinnacle of creativity.

It has come to this eventually. I've progressed to taking selfies! What next?

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

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We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: One photo every day: Cataloguing the plants #6, Apenkieli – Sansevieria (Edit: "Anopinhammas"?) (234/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



A better skating photo. (228/365)
My first attempt at stock photography – Crosswords with product placement. (229/365)
Trezor (230/365)
Shrovetide Sunday Bun (231/365)
Product shoot – Steam Controller (232/365)
Emptiness in white (233/365)
Cataloguing the plants #6, Apenkieli – Sansevieria (Edit: "Anopinhammas"?) (234/365)

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It could be worse, you could have made a selfie with the bathroom mirror, that is the lowest level of selfie known to man, at least it is reading a book, and thriller for more credibility, sometimes a break isn't bad, and we know a little more about the beard guy behind the lens :D, thank for share @gamer00 and and don't read with so little light you'll hurt your eyes lol.

Yeah, reading books isn't bad because you could be wasting your time scrolling through your Facebook feed ot something.

I see it was a long day, but it looks better than some my photos

Btw started using darktable, and they look quite professional, at least for me, who i used Gimp so far to edit my photos

You reading book in dark place or this is dark effect pic ?

You're so calm laying there, I'm afraid to disturb your quiet moment.
What should I do... BAAAA!!
Ha scared ya, didn't expect it coming!? :D

Why do I anticipate a jumpscare... it's probably because of my weird mind, lol.
Michael Chrichton - Micro, is it science fiction thriller? I like that genre.
Do you recommend it? :d

Do you recommend it?

Well... maybe. I'm a bit torn about recommending it or not.

On one hand the book was very enticing, but on the other, I kind of hate when a science fiction author (authors?) throws away the 2nd law of thermodynamics and bases the book on the premise everything (and their atoms) can be shrunk into 100th (or even 1000th) of their size. That, I think makes the book a bit too fantastic to read as the science in it is so half-hearted.

Anyway, all the other facts (mainly biology) were real, and reading into the survival struggle of humans in the miniature world of insects was really fun.

Maybe it happened because the book was completed by another author because Michael Chrichton died before it was ready.
I also like when the book is closer to reality.
Was it fun!? Damn, I should read it later then :d

Well... At least you started reading, that's good, right? Haha... Don't mind a couple of selfies there and there.

That is such a dark one Jaro. Selfies are not that bad if they pay you.

Wow. Taking a selfie, while reading. That's multi tasking , so creative. Would sure check out the book. I hope I can get it on PDF

Hahahahahaha. Anything to releasing a photo everyday, I think is good

Used to read so much, specially on the train to and back to work.. Now this hobby has been replaced by reading white papers.. pretty sad when I think about it.

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