One photo every day: Kalevalanpäivä // Kalevala day :: Kantele (248/365) + bilberry-lingonberry pie recipe

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago (edited)


It was Kalevala day today.


Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/1.8
Exposure: 1/200 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

On Kalevala day we Finns celebrate our national epic story/poem, Kalevala. (Read/Download it in English here.) Kantele is the epic instrument played by Väinämöinen in the poem.

Edit: WikiSource has a nice indexed version of Kalevala.

Oh, btw. since you asked, here's the recipe for the yesterday's bilberry-lingonberry pie (yea I was mistaken, it wasn't really just bilberries):

Bilberry-lingonberry pie

  • 100g room temp (softened) butter/margarine
  • 0.75 dl sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1tsp baking powder
  • 2.5dl wheatflour


  • 0.5 – 1 liter bilberries and lingonberries (and btw. if you don't like bilberries, you can make the filling out of any berries, fruit or even rhubarb)

Sourcream mixture:

  • 2 dl sourcream
  • 0.5 dl sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar

Whip the softened butter and sugar, add the egg and mix it well. Add flour and baking powder mixture. Mix the dough quickly to even consistency. Press the dough on to the bottom and sides of the pie tin. (The tin diameter should be from 23 to 27 cm)

Mix the sourcream mixture ingredients together.

Spread the berries inside the tin over the dough. Pour the sourcream mixture over the berries.

Bake the pie on the bottom rack at 200°C for 25 to 30 minutes.

Let it cool down. (The filling can be runny when hot.)

You can serve the pie with some vanilla sauce.

Hope you like it. :)

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

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[Previous post: One photo every day: Bilberry-lingonberry pie (247/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



What I did at work today (241/365)
Moby Dick (242/365)
Cataloguing the plants #7, New chilies (243/365)
Moon (244/365)
Reflection (245/365)
Irony caught me in Kahvisaari (246/365)
Bilberry-lingonberry pie (247/365)

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Happy "Kalevala day"! Thanks for sharing that recipe! Probably I will try that out at this weekend! After all it's a great photography!


Interesting I did not know that instrument, I just saw a couple of videos and its sound is quite relaxing

My fingers are itching because I'm soon about to purchase a kantele for myself. I can't wait to get play with it! I even dreamt about it last night.


I guess that is guitar. Do you play guitar? And besides you are less 4 months to complete this challenge. So in crypto terms you are in Q3.

248 days of awesomeness....117 more to go. I hope you enjoyed your Kalevala day.

I haven't tried Lingonberry pie yet, may be I should try to bake it one day Btw I sent you 1 SBD for a beer, Idk if you have noticed or not, (just saying)xx

Oi! Thanks! I'll drink to your health, and if I come to Turku or you come here I'll buy you one for real. :)

Ei mitan Jaro :D, sometimes I do get free beers from random strangers (mostly Finns ahah :D)at the bars. may be they just wanna talk to someone/share their thoughts. so since you do like beer (i'm assuming from your BTC donations :D). so Im just giving back to others how much I can, moreover you're very supportive to a newbie like me on steemit which kept me on this platform :D kiitos Paljon.

Sure , if I ever come that way, I'll definitely let you know and same goes with you too :D

Are you guys friends from Finland? :D
I'm also holding a cup of beer (I haven't had them for a while), cheers! :))

Hyvaa Kalevala Paiva Jaro xx

Kiitos! Hyvää vähän myöhästynyttä Kalevalanpäivää sinullekin. :)

Happy Kalevala and Finnish Culture Day : D Kantele cool instrument, Is it yours or did you borrow it for the photo? Thank you for sharing the recipe and thanks Vera also

Borrowed it from Vera. :)

She has one? Does she know how to play it?

Yes it's her own. No idea if she remembers it. She did play quite a lot in school I gather.

Kantele seems your native cultural instrument. One more day with a unique click. (y) Superb click!

In the photograph I saw it similar to the handle of a guitar- but san google showed me how is it really haha-what an odd instrument, good for you is something normal- Every day we know something new, thanks for sharing that-I have to know how it sounds hopefully youtube help me

regards jaro

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