2019-12-31steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

If the 2010's decade begun on 2011, why not call it the 2011's? | Is 2020 The Beginning of a New Decade? | Real News with Lucretia Hughes | Cinnamon Challenge, no thank you. | My 2010's recap includes Vietnam, Trump, Blake Webb, Hanna, Sharon, Matt Kurtz, Mike, Salvation Army, Church, Steemit, Banned dot video, Gab, Minds, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Travel, Family, Friends, Videos, Articles, Memes, Projects, English, Bitcoin, History, Politics, People, Learning, Blogging, Vlogging, etc, etc.... Happy New Year. Happy New Decade. Each day matters. The future is up to you. All you can do is try your best. If you've done that, then have no regrets. Subliminal messages, one frame ads, on television, goes back to like 1957 if not earlier than that. Lucretia Hughes got a kick out of my name in her live stream video on YouTube on this last day of this current year and decade. So, check her out. That kind of made my day. Ate some delicious banana nut bread.

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Good Day to Die Hard Dr Suess.jpeg

2019-12-31 - Banana Nut Bread

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Jenny Nicholson

12:07 AM - Oh no! The Rise of Skywalker was real bad :(

Steven Crowder

12:18 AM - Affirmative Action is Racist (Part 2) | Change My Mind

Are whites in the minority?

The first man, the white guy, said that the white Jews who got murdered, that their communities bounced back. My question to him would be to ask him if he thought that black people can't bounce back even if they had more time to bounce back assuming that was less recent and assuming what happened to white people happened more recent and yet they bounced back according to this man and that the blacks did not.

Huff Post is right that it is ok for Greta and David Attenborough to be white.

Why beep out your teacher's name?

The Expanse

2019-12-31 - Tuesday - 02:00 AM - 02:46 AM - The Expanse 105

They were the last survivors of their ship from earth. A spaceship from Mars captured them. Later on, that ship ran into trouble, Long story short, they were last survivors. Meaning they look like terrorists but are not. They then get a call from a random guy and they have to decide whether they want to take his help or not.

We have to fight back?

But we are not soldiers?

So, give up and die then?

Sleep. Organizing a church in one dream. Tickling children in another. Must have been watching Joe Biden videos again. He probably likes to tickle people. In the first dream, I was in a hybrid church between the I go to now and CBC in Hillsboro which has Word Of Life clubs. There were several floors. I was moving furniture around to make it more efficient. I increase space. Part of the time, the place was like a garage in Vietnam or something strange. I put my small brown desk in the corner. I made sure people were able to walk around and open the door to the nursery. I moved stuff around and our current pastor asked what that was and I said it was my desk. In the other dream, I was like a teacher or a father or something. I was supervising children church or something. Maybe like CMT. Also, after that, I was where I live now using my feet to break up ice on the walk way, the sidewalk, around the house. There was like some snow. I just used my feet to scrape off ice off the cement before it were to freeze to save me time later on when I would have to use a shovel.

Mark Dice

10:49 AM - WHAT A YEAR!

Star Wars Debate

10:57 AM - YouTube

​John Perez, Maul died in Ep.1 but then they said he survived and I enjoyed watching him in the cartoons and then he showed up at the end of Solo, oh, spoiler alert haha. But I am saying they change things sometimes. The Emperor was dead as well at the end of Jedi but they changed that too.

Windmill Debate

11:01 AM - YouTube

​Kioko Fulgarion, statistically, if you compare things, you will see big numbers for the one thing and smaller numbers for the things you mentioned. Plus, we shouldn't try to make things worse by adding the former to the ladder. And again, what you mentioned is statistically a lot smaller as it is a lot higher in the sky. Planes usually are really high. And windmills are always down low.

​Kioko Fulgarion, I love Solar Power. I love different power sources. Individuals should always attempt to power their own house. We should be off the grid. They should try to redesign the windmill. You can generate energy from water. The more the better for power. Be flexible. Have options. Be independent.


11:04 AM - Decade of Pewdiepie - 2010's

The boy eating fox eating moose eating boy and back and forth again story is like a parallel to the story of skinny cows eating fat cows and then the skinny cows were still skinny.

Why do you blur out these people?


11:19 AM - DAVID KNIGHT (Full Show) Tuesday - 12/31/19

It is cool to sin?

Back Door Evil:

11:55 AM - Steemit

Are you saying you do not understand what backdoors and spy chips are? Are you saying you do not know what remote access is? Are you saying you don't know what China and others are doing?


Are you saying you did not read that new 2019 book that Edward Snowden wrote which describes what the NSA does in monitoring the Internet and more? Long story short, bad people are doing bad things. It is a long story.

Long Story

I don't have time to tell you all that the globalists do and try to do right now. I write about these things. It is ongoing. They use stuff to control us from the outside-in. So, smart phones are being used to hurt people. People are starting to get brain phones. People are getting smart chips injected into their bodies.

Brain Phones

They are beginning to interface with our brains more and more. Many different bad things are happening. The good news is that good people are building alternatives to compete with these things and more. It is ongoing and we should always try our best to counter the control freaks out there as much and as often as we can.


Some people believe in private property rights and some people don't but kind of do but say they don't. Bad people trick people into believing in socialism, communism, Obamaism, in sharing land. People can choose to share land. But when you try to give up your land to government, then they own it. You can say everybody owns it but government or others end up owning it, historically speaking. I love free markets. I love to own things. I own my body. If you were to not believe in owning land, then you cannot logically own you either. Therefore, in certain situations, you would have to kill yourself, let other people eat you, take your life, harvest your organs like they do in China, etc, etc, etc. Having attachment is not a bad thing. Buddhism promotes pacifism, nihilism, apathy, ignorance, arrogance. That's dangerous. Wrong kinds of attachments can be a problem. But attachments on eternal principles can be good. So, it depends on a few different things.

Cleaned the stove. Took out the compost with an umbrella. Wearing my white sneakers. Took out the recycling. Buried some of the compost with a shovel in one hand and the umbrella in the other. If you have a sensitive, a black cloud can trigger it to turn off. That might trick the plants, in the greenhouse, to go back to sleep. What, you don't like the rain? What's wrong with you. Rain rain, go away, come again another day song. Had a bit of a very small and mild intro headache last night for 3 hours and I think I kind of got rid of it via eating like nuts, drinking water, and going to bed by around 02:50 AM. Got the headache probably from taking a shower Monday. I mean, afterwards, around 4 PM yesterday, took an hour nap in my bed with no shirt on and a towel on my head to dry my hair. So, perhaps I got too cold.

Eating some kind of sweet banana nut bread. Drinking coffee as usual.


12:23 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 12/31/19 1st Hour

Terrorists attack an embassy in the Middle East. They are not protestors or it doesn't matter if they are or not as they violate private property rights.

Do you believe in private property?
A. Yes
B. No

Hiding Behind Comedy

12:39 AM - Steemit

They hide stuff behind comedy for liability protection, deception, infiltration, for brain washing. When people like Kevin Spacey are confronted, they say they were joking. Meanwhile conservatives can't. Legally speaking, in a court of law, oh judge, my honor, it was just a joke you know haha. But it is not.


01:08 PM - ALEX JONES (2nd HOUR) Tuesday 12/31/19: News, Calls, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

You are the tip of the spear. Alex Jones and others can run with your ideas. Together, we inspire each other to influencing the world. Alex saw a home-made sign in 2016 which said Hillary For Prison. He ran with it and it went viral. Trump tries to listen to supporters.

2020 Decade Debate:

2021 is when the new decade begins. Click here to read my article on this. | FS

Jesus Fucking Christ

Click here to see the response from cyberdemon531 who wrote at 2019-12-31 - Tuesday - 03:04 PM PST - The 31st of December of 2019 - This last day of 2019 - and I quote: "Jesus fucking christ. Posted using Partiko Android." Yes, you are right that BC means Before Jesus Fucking Christ and AD means After Jesus Fucking Christ, Damn it.

Screenshot at 2019-12-31 15:11:10.png


I wrote the following to the timeline debate


02:13 PM - Steemit | Free Square

Yes, you are right. However, here is my suggestion. The first year either should have started in 0 A.D. / 0 B.C. or you could say it started from 1 B.C.E. to 1 C.E. and on top of that, historically speaking, there have been different calendars. Some of them started after 1 AD.


Therefore, a calendar like would have been therefore backdated. In other words, superimposed. It is like editing a live video to add something to the video that was not there. You can do the same thing with time itself. It depends on the calendar. So, if a particular calendar excludes a system that allows decades to end at the end of a nine year (9), like 2019 for example, I would encourage the people of those calendars to reconsider their logic. Of course, some people say there was no zero. I would say that if there was no year zero, then there should have been one.

Splitting Eras

If there was no year zero to split BC with AD, then you end up with a combo year where the first BC year goes backwards from the first AD year and you have the first AD year beginning likewise from the first BC year. Of course, if people want that, then they can have it. I would prefer not to double-up the transition from BCE to CE or BC to AD.

The Gregorian Calendar

The Pope introduced his calendar on the 15th of October of 1582. The previous day was the 4th of October of 1582 or 1582-10-04. The calendar was attempting to keep dates aligned with the seasons, with reality. The history of calendars is interesting. I love history.

Beginning in April

Some calendars had the year begin on like the third of April of each year or something like that.


This calendar comprises of eighteen 20-day months for each year where the last five days are unlucky or dangerous as interdimensional portals or transitional dark valleys between the mortal realm and the underworld similar to that of Halloween and the All Saints Days.

The Mayans Timeline

The Mayans calendar is actually a set of three interlocking calendars, the sacred calendar of 260 days called the Tzolkin, the solar calendar of 365 days known as the Haab, and a Long Count calendar of much longer time periods.

Sun Calendars

Solar Calendars goes back to at least 1582 AD

Moon Calendars

Lunar Calendars which may go back like 30,000 years according to Wikipedia.

Anno Domini (A.D.)

The Anno Domini dating system was devised in 525 by Dionysius Exiguus and it replaced the Diocletian era.

Astronomical Calendar

This calendar system merges the Julian and Gregorian calendars at 1582 AD with corresponding dates merging the former calendar with the latter.

Holocene Calendar

This calendar adds 10K years to the current date to turn 2019 into 12019. I like that.


I identify 1 BC as 0 AD. Therefore, because of that, I can redefine when decades and centuries begin in a Gregorian calendar. In other words, I use astrology time or computer time. I wouldn't mind going with a different calendar system that allows decades to begin at 0 instead of at 1 as it is currently. It makes things more logical that way. That's my safe space. Happy New Decade. This is the last day of the 2010's or 12010's in my book.

Super Followers

02:45 PM - Twitter

Twitter should introduce Super Followers because sometimes I want to look at my favorite people who I follow and not just everybody that I follow. How about introduce Friends so I can see what my friends are doing. Because it is hard to follow everybody that you follow.

President Sanders

02:58 PM - Steemit

Didn't Hillary Clinton spend over 2 billion dollars in 2016 and didn't she also steal it from Bernie Sanders? Shouldn't Bernie tell people about that, if he hasn't already?

Hillary Outspent Trump

03:01 PM - Steemit

Did you know that Hillary Clinton spent over 2 billion dollars as she was running in 2016? She spent more money, directly and indirectly, than Trump.

Freedom vs Protection

03:04 PM - Steemit

Yes, it is true that many people prefer protection, safety, security, AKA not fearing for their lives like Bernie Sanders and others say. Now, freedom is better within the context of the meaning to life of character development and everything that is contained within all of that. Most people have generally opt for fake protection from federal government. Men should protect their families. Sadly, globalists and others trick women to subsitute husbands with the welfare state. That's problematic. Women vote for bigger government. That's the problem with letting the ladies vote, generally speaking. Not all women do that, but historically speaking, it has been that way most of the time.

Is 2020 The Beginning of a New Decade?

03:44 PM - Steemit

Screenshot at 2019-12-31 02:16:14.png

Alex Jones is Right

Yes, Alex Jones is right that the next decade begins in 2021 according to the Gregorian Calendar. 1 But astrological time and computer time reassigns 1 BC to be (virtually speaking) 0 AD in order to align each decade, century, and millennia, to end at the end of a nine year (9) like 2019 for example. 2 The Holocene Calendar adds 10K to each year which then turns 2019 AD into 12019. I would favor for whatever calendar that allows for alignment to 0.

(Click here to see more)

Keep Things Simple

Either backdate-add an actual year zero to a calendar system or go with the astrological system of having 1 BC as 0 AD. That is what I would prefer. Alex Jones is right but I still think starting at 1 messes things up. 3

Havana song

Lucretia Hughes

06:44 PM - Real News with Lucretia Hughes - Happy New Year’s EveEpisode #583

Virginia is a test case. Similar to New Zealand.

@loupi4bama, it is up to we the people to tell Trump what we want Trump to do each day.

Don't worry, the UN told me they don't like no oatmeal in their house.

Favorite Holiday Movies?

@Jake Delhomme, Home Alone 2, as long as they don't clip Trump out of it. Bruce Willis was the real Santa. He saved the day. So, Die Hard is not really a Christmas movie and just a December based film. But it does feel like an Xmas flick. 2020 is a new decade according to astrological and computer time.


07:11 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Tuesday - 12/31/19


07:50 PM - They started brain washing people as early as like 1957. On television, during commercials, shows, etc, randomly, for as little as one frame, every once in a while, they would drop an ad. Like hey, Hungry, Eat Popcorn.

If the 2010's decade begun on 2011, why not call it the 2011's?

09:18 PM - Steemit

Philosophy Dinosaur - 2010's or 2011's if start on 2011.png

2020 is the beginning of a new decade according to astrological time and computer time. They align 1 BC with a virtual 0 AD in order to get away with ending decades and centuries at the end of each "Nine-Year" (9) like 2019 for example.

2009 - was on iJustine
2019 - was on my sofa hahaha

@FlagDUDE08, are you unfamiliar with astrological time and the alignment of 1 BC with a virtual 0 AD?

@FEMA_H5#0173, don't worry it is the Oatmeal Dude's fault according to Mark the Freedom Fighter.

Alex Jones said the decade begins in 2021. Yes, but astrological time replaces 1 BC with a virtual 0 AD.

president boob, vice president other boob

Navy Banned Tik Tok

10:59 PM - NBC News

Army followed to order that Tik Tok is not to be installed on the phones of the troops. But by that logic, they should also, fi they don't already, keep their soldiers from using iPhones, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc.

Old Journals

11:30 PM - Steemit

I've been archiving my old diaries on Steemit. It is a handy reference and an insight as well into character development. It's a window into time, like a time capsule.


11:38 PM - Steemit

I like zombies. I love Michael Jackson music. Number 9 is cute. I like Rihanna. I'm a big fan of Will Smith. But my favorite drawing of yours is that of JFK who was trying to bring back the gold in 1963 and then people were shooting him. Well, Happy New 2020's Decade.

Happy New 2020's Decade

11:40 PM - Steemit

Happy New Decade. Welcome to 2020, ladies and gentlemen, liberals and conservatives alike.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


2019-12-30 - Monday
2019-12-31 - Tuesday
2020-01-01 - Wednesday

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I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

PRESIDENT BERNARD SANDERS Outraises EVERY OTHER DUMB MFER IN THE FIELD - Absolutely CRUSHING it! Hillary Clinton spent over 2 billion dollars in 2016 and still lost even while attempting to steal it from Trump

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What is Christmas? Where does it come from?

Facebook Bans Kissing

Banning Oatmeal - Part 25

Is 2020 The Beginning of a New Decade?

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