2020-01-01steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago (edited)

The Damani Felder made some funny videos on Tik Tok. People flagged them. He was able to get those video flags appealed. But you should watch his videos. I would make video memes like those. | If the 2010's decade begun on 2011, why not call it the 2011's? | 72 Photos | Mirror | Update on Life 2020-01-01 | Mini AOC | On my first day of the 2020's decade, that is today, I spent several hours taking apart a fence. Was organizing the patio. I enjoyed watching Damani Felder. Also, I heard about how vaccines killed people in Samoa and they are trying to force everybody to get them. They are trying to bring this to America. Bad people are trying to kill sheriffs in America.

Banned Dot Video

2019 - Year in Review

My brother, Rick and his wife visited in January of 2019 for a week. We visited Seattle, Canada, mountains, a sea port. I played Rick some basketball. We had a good Thanksgiving trip. In the summer, I met Pastor Sam. I spent most of 2019 blogging. I was working on the family photo albums, chores, projects around the house, organizing the book shed and big garage, and my autobiography. I made a few videos. I was trying to inspire patriots, conservatives on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Infocomms, etc. Especially the Infocomms. I made some memes. I wrote articles about history, politics, life, psychology, health, technology, etc.

Other Random 2019 Highlights

I love Breaking Bad. Walter White got this trailer. Road trips. I love Easter. Father Knows Best. I built a snow fort. I was learning how to drive. We were working on the garden. It's good to lead sometimes during Adult Sunday School. Helped out at the youth group. Started attending the men's Bible group. I've been reviewing my life in Vietnam. In April, I was watching Anne of Green Gables for the first time. Was watching Game of Thrones, season 8. Oh, the Lawnmower Man films was fun to watch. In October, Facebook banned me for no reason. New places in November. Rise of Matan Even in December. I was sorting old coins.

My Autobiography

1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019


01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12

2020-01-01 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily


By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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Joey Arnold

Update on Life 2020-01-01 | 2 | 3


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

The Roof is on Fire Haha

12:10 AM - Steemit - First Post of this new decade of the 2020's - The First of January of 2020

Yes, you can burn the house down after making digital copies.

1. Scan

Step one, scan them.

2. Save

Second, save them.

3. Copy

Third, copy them to external hard drives, etc (offline copies).

4. Faraday Cages

Fourth, keep the drives in separate places inside Faraday Cages.

5. Upload

Fifth, upload your archives online to different websites, emails, blockchains, Facebook, etc.

IPFS Bit Torrent Blockchain

The goal is to make sure they're on different computer servers, devices, globally.

6. Print

Sixth, print out master copies and mail them to different people, globally. It's vital to have hard copies as well.

7. Bury

Seven, bury some of your hard drives, etc, and hard copies.

8. Burn Your House Down Haha

And then, number eight, like you said already, if you want, then you can burn your house down.

Frozen - Let It Go

You can get rid of some of it.

Keep Originals

But I would keep the originals just in case or mail them off to parents, family, friends, etc.

X Marks The Spot

After making a copy of a page or an entire notebook, or photo album, you can then simply set that in a box labeled "SCANNED" or a big black X.

Scanned Boxes

Put a big X all around the box. Clearly label it and set it aside.

First To Go

And if you ever have to get rid of stuff, those boxes would be the first to go, perhaps. But it's better not to get rid of stuff until you really have to.


Well, I guess if you really don't like or want something, then get rid of it.

Better Safe Than Sorry

I stress and emphasize on the attempt to make as many copies as possible in different locations and on different formats because better safe than sorry.


12:23 AM - Nerdrotic New Year's Eve

Who should play Lex? Depends on what kind of Lex Luthor character you want. @Incredible Kanonical but a robin williams joker would be too close to jack nicholson joker. I think Jack Nicholson was better at being that kind of Joker than Robin Williams would have been. @Sean Thompson yes but a Robin Williams Joker would work better if Joker was the star similar to the 2019 movie.

It was usually better when Robin Williams was the main star in movies. Therefore, he could have made Joker 2019 a 2 billion dollar box office hit. Greta. How Dare Ya. Y22K. Y2K did affect some computers.

Skull Man Art

01:35 AM - Steemit

Bones can represent our backbone, structure, foundation, in life.

Golden State Times

01:39 AM - President TRUMP NEW YEARS STATEMENT at URGENT Press conference in Florida

Trump says it won't be a Benghazi in that they responded immediately unlike what happened in 2012.

Star Wars Debate

01:51 AM - YouTube

People say Mace Windu was so old. People normally say people can't live more than 80 years. That is not true. Normally, it is true. But some people do live longer. Dear Foolish Genius, why cant people live for 300 years like they did long ago on our own planet?

Lionel Nation

01:52 AM - Live Stream: Happy New Years Eve, Patriots! Here Come the Roaring 20's!

Lionel agrees that 2020 is the beginning of a new decade.

Dick Head Dinosaur

01:57 AM - Steemit

Haha...... ohhh, wait... did you say dick head? You mean dinosaur haha? How to do what? Are you making a joke as a response to what I wrote? Are you talking about drinking Dr. Pepper or something else?

Decade Debate

02:42 AM - Steemit

The new decade starts in 2021 according to the Gregorian Calendar but in 2020 according to astrological and computer time which aligns 1 BC with a virtual 0 AD in order to allow each decade, century, and millennia, after AD or CE, to end at the end of the each year ending in nine (9) as in 2009 and 2019. So, ultimately it depends on the calendar system. I prefer astrological time. Therefore, I say Happy New Decade for 2020, for the 2020's. I just made a Dinosaur Philosophy Meme and a Steemit Article on the last day of the decade, yesterday, which talked about this. In my Dino Meme, the silly dinosaur asks, "If the 2010's decade begun in 2011, why don't we call that decade the 2011's?"

Oasis Unknown

03:13 AM - Super Mario Maker: Viewer Levels

From Washington State

Slept from 03:30 AM to 11:10 AM. After that was disassembling that wooden fence near where the boat was. Took out the nails for several hours. Organized the patio to allow for space for a generator. Moved my bike over. Swept. Screw it. No, unscrew it. Screws can be tough. Didn't eat or drink in coffee this first day of a new decade, the 2020's decade. Got up and was out there in a matter of minutes. Put together boxes. Got them into the big garage. Put lids in the book shed. Took some photos and made a few videos explaining these things. My first videos and photos of this decade. I talked about how we are trying to grow plants in the green house during the winter. It might be too cold or maybe not. It is possible to grow some things depending on what you are growing. Mom's exercise machine is on the patio. She has had that since like the 1990's. I got some shoelaces.Now, it's 3 PM.


03:04 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Wednesday - 1/1/20

Bad vaccines pushes the viruses out of the infected people and into other people. It creates a problem in some ways. It spreads the problem, mostly. In a Brady Bunch episode, they said that the greatest illness to get is the Measles. Vaccines can cause measles. On this first day of the new decade, they showed a Zach report about measles. A lot of evidence from what UNICEF did to spread the vaccines to these other countries. Like Samoa. And UNICEF is funded mostly by U.S. tax payers. A lot of this was happening in 2019 for example. The outbreaks of the measles comes mostly from the people who are vaccinated. In Samoa, they are forcing every person to get vaccinated. You can't leave. You can't get around it. It is Marshall Law that they are trying to bring into America. Like New Jersey.

Dan Dann

03:30 PM - Steemit

Dan Dann, you are awesome and I had a guitar like that. A beautiful color for a guitar.

Universe in Our Brain

03:50 PM - Steemit

Scott Adams talked about some of these things. Our minds are more powerful than most people give it credit. Regardless of whether we live in a simulation or not, there is so much potential within us.


03:54 PM - Steemit

When you say Nazis went underground after WW2, do you mean that figuratively and/or does that include the Nazis that infiltrated America?


Fake news sat on a story, a hit piece, about Alex Jones for like 11 days and broke it on New Years Eve, around 09:00 PM ET and then like $300K came in to help Infowars around the same time as a reaction which reminds me of Star Wars in how Anakin was a reaction to the dark side of the force. Democrats are voting Trump 2020 and they are saying they have to as the Democrats are just too evil. In Europe, the labour party lost over 40% of their voters. That has never happened. So, Europeans are waking up like never before in over a century. Many of them are watching Infowars. Mike Adams is in studio.

New Decade

04:06 PM - Discord

@b_sprouts#7787, I feel pretty good during this first day of this new decade. The coffee is good. We had some light rain. Morning chores was good. Happy for this new decade.

Astrological Time

04:10 PM - Discord

Astrology Time Aligns 1 BC with a Virtual 0 AD, @FlagDUDE08#5392 .

Roaring 21's?

04:13 PM - Discord

@FlagDUDE08#5392 hates computer time and astrological time which aligns 1 BC with a virtual 0 AD. It makes things better that way. The Gregorian Calendar is retarded. Why would you align with that? I prefer astrological time. Happy New Decade. Because we don't call it the Roaring 21's. We called it the Roaring 20's.

Why do we call it the Roaring 20's and not the Roaring 21's?

Dishes. Liner. No trash bag. Put one in. Oh, nice cake thing. It has candy canes, coconut stuff etc. Tom Sawyer is a good character that I like from the 1800's. In around 2002-2004, I was Tom for Halloween. Delicious. Maybe too sweet. I should eat less ice cream. I'll skip that part. Healthy food is good. Junk food makes me feel bad. I regret it every time.

Hifi Hops

05:40 PM - Steemit

Cleaver to put that in a bottle. They bottled getting high lol. We can call it Bottled High instead of Bottled Water.

Project Blue Beam

05:48 PM - Steemit

Religions became as corrupt as America did. So, people see symptoms and blame these big problems on the religions themselves. A general definition of religion is belief, which we all have. However, bad people infiltrated religions, cults, cultures, and altered their theology, their course. So, control freaks have been trying centralize religion. One of the elements to that could be the Project Blue Beam among other things perhaps.

Removing Trump

They're trying to disarm citizens in Virginia which borders Washington D.C. where the President is. They're trying to hire foreigners and others to work for the UN to take guns from Americans in 2020, as we speak. Trump seems to be aware but you never know.

Democrats are trying to murder sheriffs in America.

Eating Potato bean soup for dinner.

Democrats are trying to murder sheriffs in America.

Keep kids at home.

Communism Deception

06:03 PM - Facebook

Kaitlin Bennett videos on Facebook. She interviews college kids who fall for the lies of communism.

Joe Biden vs 2A

06:08 PM - Facebook

Netflix is a Joke

06:42 PM - Jerry Seinfeld & Eddie Murphy Debate The Funniest Comedian Of All Time

A heckler cried out to Eddie Murphy: "You aint nobody." Jerry Seinfeld found that to be a funny thing for a random guy in the audience to say.

Glenn Beck

06:49 PM - 5G and AI Everywhere: 2030 Will Be a New World | Jeff Brown | Ep 60 | The Glenn Beck Podcast

11.23.19 | Technology is advancing faster than ever, and it’s not slowing down. This decade was the era of smart phones, streaming, and the internet of things. But with 5G and AI on the rise, high-tech executive Jeff Brown believes 2030 will be a new world. Brown is an early-stage tech investor and analyst who’s seen the modern technological revolution firsthand. He describes quantum computing as a moon landing and 5G as game-changing. He predicts a near future full of artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, wireless surgeries, genetic healing, cryptocurrencies, and more! But with equal advances in encryption hacking and the AI tracking abilities of Google, Facebook, and even China, we must control our own data!

They say the most powerful ordinary computer as of 2019, on record, is named Summit and is in America. But Google quantum computers can do what the greatest computers, like Summit, can do in like thousands of years they say. Tesla cars need 5G. That's a problem. 2030 is a different world in many ways.

Jeff Brown lies about 5G.

5G gives people cancer.

5G is not as fast as they say it is.

5G is a bad evil weapon like bad vaccines.

That Star Wars Girl

07:05 PM - The Toxic Fandom is losing their minds!

Did Palpy go into Rey?

Nap for 90 minutes.

Hollow Earth

09:28 PM - Steemit

I would be tempted to do a documentary on hollow earth, like an exploration into the planet to see how much space is down there. I'm a bit scared of going inside caves, but I really want to know what is down there.

Sync Problem

09:45 PM - Steemit

Yeah, the inability to sync is too bad.

Dear Developers

I would encourage developers to reconsider that. I manually copy and paste my Steemit posts to Blogspot, Wordpress, Serey, Weku, etc.

Version 3.0

I end up creating new posts for the edits. I wrote my 2019 year in review. I may someday edit that or write a new one and call it version 2.0 or part 2 or whatever. I may edit posts if I really want to but it can take up resource credits (RC).

Limiting My Edits

So, I prefer to limit how much I edit posts. But I agree with you that it is annoying if you can't update a post across platforms. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a clean freak. But I know that about myself. So, I try to force myself to prematurely publish my work. Like, in my mind, nothing is good enough. So, I can spend hours editing videos, song, memes, articles, and maybe even this comment right here. So, to lazy people, I would encourage them to edit more. But to the artists, I would encourage them to enjoy each moment.

Harvesting Stars

09:45 PM

Are aliens harvesting stars to help travel through space? Mike Adams talked about that.

What is Spam?

09:56 PM - Discord

@Healthrecipes, spam is subjective. It is like art. No matter what you do, some people may call it spam. Because the definition to spam is too generic. Different people define spam differently. It is impossible to be liked by everybody all of the time.


10:39 PM - Steemit

Haha yes, glad you can flush it all out. Your Zumba group are fit and hot and amazing. Happy New Decade.

First Sunshine of the 2020's Decade

10:47 AM - Steemit

I missed the first sunrise of this decade. Thank you so much for bringing it to me. What a ray a sunshine. Pun intended. Love your photos. Very fun and cute.

The Struggle is Real

11:02 PM - Steemit

The struggle is very real. Those are difficult moments but life transforming moments at the same time. So, you can learn to cherish those moments because they are painful in the moment but they become memories that you look back at. Therefore, perspective allows you to look at it from a different point of view.

Cats & Dogs & Head Bumps

11:07 PM - Steemit

Good contrast between cats and dogs. I've not really thought about the glands so much, but that makes sense.

Hollow Earth People

11:13 AM - Steemit

I'm reading a Steve Quayle book about a theory on people or creatures who would live for thousands of years. I'm open minded about that. Now, if there are people and creatures in the earth, like zombies or whatever, I wonder how long they have been there, how they got there. My mom listens to Steven all of the time. Another question I have is this, are aliens harvesting stars? I don't know if aliens are real, but they might be.

Are Aliens Harvesting Stars?

11:44 PM - Steemit

Why are stars disappearing in space? Some scientists are baffled at this. It makes me wonder about parallel universes. Also, are there hollow earth people?

Philosophy Dinosaur - Are Aliens Harvesting Stars.png

Craig Mason

11:48 PM - 2020: The Structure Is Being Built

He opened with a funny laughing anime man video.

War without words. War of ideas. An information war.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat

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