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in #j5 years ago (edited)

Did Palpatine hop into Rey like he said he would? Stopping Trump Before Trump Murders Us With Geoengineering 5G Hell & Tech Cartel Authoritarianism | I was eating some good soup. I ate too much cake. Sometimes, you do things you feel will help. Afterwards, you then regret doing them. You must write that down. You must tell people about it. You do certain things again and again. DVD player.

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2019-12-20 - Friday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Geeks + Gamers

03:58 AM - The Rise of Skywalker Is Really, REALLY Bad

Did Palpatine die at the end? Why wouldn't he hop into Rey as Rey was reflecting the lightning back at Palpy?

Overlord DVD

11:14 AM - Rise of Skywalker Review | Goodbye Star Wars (Spoilers)

Palpatine wanted Rey to kill him so he can hop into Rey. So, Rey did. So, why didn't Palpatine hop into her body? Does it matter how he died? He died again. But his spirit could have still hop into Rey or other people. That was his plan. Rey didn't sacrifice Palpatine the way he wanted her to, but does that matter? What matters is that she killed him. That is what Palpatine wanted. So, what is the problem? Did Rey create a force vacuum to keep his spirit from escaping destruction as things blew up?

Hating Ownership?

11:30 AM - Steemit

Who said I support war? Are you trying to put words in my mouth? So, you believe in no ownership? So, I should steal whatever you have. Because it is not yours. If I go onto your land, your house, your car, apartment, etc, whatever you got, then you better not deport me as an immigrant on your land, based on your logic. What is war? What is self-defense? So, you hate war? So, you are a pacifist?

Disney Bible?

11:32 AM - Steemit

How would know? The Bible was not written in English. You are taking things out of context like Disney did to Star Wars.

Catching Heroes

Kylo tells Rey that she is a Palpatine and then like wants her to join him like he wanted her to do in Last Jedi and similar to what happened in Empire Strikes Back where Vader wanted Luke Skywalker to join him and similar to what Dooku said to Kenobi in Attack of the Clones. So, Rey jumps out and the Falcon catches her like it did Luke in ESB.

29:50 - Doomcock is right that it makes no sense. Palpatine tells Rey to kill him so he can possess her. She did. So, did he hop into her or did she create a magical force vacuum? Is she so powerful that she could destroy his spirit as well? Did she create a blackhole and suck his spirit into it? If not, then he should have been able to fly away into her or wherever.

Rise of Palpatine

That is probably what it should have been called.

Adopting Rey

At the end, it kind of felt like Luke & Leia wanted to adopt Rey. It was like Luke & Leia married each other after death. No Han Solo. They are together as siblings or as lovers. It was like they were nodding their heads. But they weren't. Where were the other force ghosts at the end? Rey did have a last name by the way. It would have been the name of her former slave owners or the name of the planet she is from. Well, honesty is the best policy. So, why not say, "Rey Palpatine?" So, people may try to kill you. That's fine. You can create a force bubble to protect yourself.

Nice movie if in a vacuum.

Palpatine wanted Rey to kill him and she did. So, what does that mean?

It only took me like seven hours to watch Rise of Skywalker. But did Palpatine die or did he hop into Rey?

Dave Cullen

12:11 PM - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review (Spoilers)

How did the Rebels defeat the biggest fleet ever?

I was locked out of my Twitter account.

Tara hates Trump & Jesus

Star Wars Theory

12:30 PM - Rise of Skywalker - My Live Review

Ghost Luke Palpatine?

12:49 PM - YouTube

​The Captain technically, how would anybody who is not a force ghost know what a force ghost can and cannot do? Now, it would be cool if Ghost Luke was a projection of Palpy. I would hope Palpy hopped into Rey. Keep him alive. You would need a special way to kill Palpy. You would need to show his spirit die and not just his body.

K, I saw the movie. I studied the movie. Palpy said he wanted Rey to kill him so he can hop into her body and she did. So, if she did, then does that mean he did as well? Or did Rey prevent Palpatine from hoping into her somehow?

SKywalkers Adopted Rey Haha

Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Spoiler Review

04:38 PM - YouTube - 20 minute video

Good in isolation. Spoiler alert, did Palpatine hop into Rey? That is my main question. Here is a quick spoiler review video. Very quick. Just twenty minutes. I spent about seven hours last night watching this 9th film. It can be good by itself as a movie. But as part of the saga, that can be the question. The Big D owns Lucas Films. So, they called fans big bad names and told us to let the past die. People should subscribe to Geeks + Gamers, to Doom Cock, to the Fandom Menace, etc. I enjoy their videos. My video here might not be the best, I apologize for that. I was just ranting from the top of my head. I will try to say more. I have been writing about this on blog on Steemit. Stay tune for more. Please let me know if you like this or not. Thank you.

VID 20191220 142609

Why Pork is Bad?

04:43 PM

When you eat food, your body tries to digest it. That means break it down into amino acid and other small parts. So, when you eat protein for example, then your body tries to break the protein into smaller parts. Then those parts go through the blood stream and into the cells. And your cells make proein inside the cells. Foreign protein from the food you eat sometimes get into the bloodstream. I hope the protein is still big to get into the cells. But the problem may not be the food you eat but what might be included in it. Germs can be in it. All kinds of things can be in it. Some of that get into the blood. So, then your body tries to get rid of it. And the small animals eat protein and acid and other things in your blood. That means it continues to live in your blood and grow. And they have babies. And then there are more of them. And that means your cells are not fed because they are eating what your cells need. Then your cells begin to and get old. Your cells begin to not be repaired. So, things get worse and worse over time.

Overlord DVD

04:53 PM - Friday Night Frolics: 125,000 Sub Celebration! Rise of Skywalker Discussion and Review!

Force Healing

Rey can Force Heal but PALPY can't heal himself????? Hahahahahhaaaa

Luke's X-Wing

So, wasn't that a rental? Wasn't Luke's X-Wing a rental? Like a library book you forgot to return? Talk about a late fee.

The Fall of Skywalker and the Rise of Palpatine

Rey stole everything from Skywalker

Palpatine won

If you can't beat them, join them, says Palpatine.


Tired of your pals leaving? Get a PAL-patine. He will stay with you forever, from body to body.

@Felipe Abrigo hahahaha better than Chucky haha.

​K, at this point, Palpatine is whatever Disney want him to be, dead or not, or dead for now, as in they left it this vague so that they can bring him back if they want.

Palpy had force lightning and Rey had plot lightning.


07:35 PM - Rise of Skywalker Leaks Are Better Than the Film | Friday Night Tights

Rey kills the penis worm. There are penis guns behind Rey & Kylo on the Death Star on that planet.

Did Palpy hop into Rey at the end like he said he would?

Grace Through Faith

08:10 PM - Steemit

A person becomes a Christian by saying to God, "I'm not perfect. I'm not immortal. I'm just a human. Help me. Save me. Give me a new heart." Ephesians 2:8-9 talks about that. Two main components to salvation, soteriology, to being saved. First, grace. Second, faith. A Christian does not work to become saved. You get saved and you do good works. These are two different things.


What does it mean to be a Christian? Does the Bible define what it means to be a Christian? The answer is that the Bible talks about salvation and about fellowship. Now, these two things are conflated. But these two things are not the same thing. But many people confuse the one for the other. So, we can talk about what it means to be saved. That is one thing. And we can talk about how a person can live a better life which might apply to Christians. But living a better life applies to non-Christians as well. So, the Bible has some good advice for all people regardless of if they are Christians or not. The Bible has proverbs, wisdom, eternal principles.

Understanding The Bible

The better you understand the Bible, the better you can understand the advice inside of it. So, it is better to understand world history. It is good to read other writings from those times. Because there are cultural, historical, etc, gaps between us and those people from those places from those times to some extent. So, many things in the Bible were not really written to us, to people now. The Bible was written a long time ago to people of those times. Yes, some argue that the Bible can be for us. But not to us.

Defining Words

08:23 PM - Steemit

What is your axiom? If it is not love, then what else is there? Again, when I say love, I may be defining love differently than you are. That means we might not be on the same page. My definition for love may include whatever your moral axiom may include. But you may not like my word choice. You may use different words, different definitions to words. But it can be possible that we are talking about the same things. But you might get stuck on certain words. You may not like certain words, perhaps. It is important to look at what a person might be trying to say at the heart of the matter.

Star Wars

Blog Today

Messed It Up

08:37 PM - Steemit

Did Palpy hop into Rey like he said he would? Well, I like the prequels. I began watching Star Wars when I was 12 in 1997. I'm a big fan. And you are right, Disney messed up the Sequel Trilogy. It is possible that they did this on purpose.

Stealing Twin Suns

08:47 PM - Steemit

Spoiler alert, Palpy probably hops into Rey like he said he would, steals the name of Skywalker and his farm and his twin suns and everything.

Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Spoiler Review

04:38 PM - YouTube - 20 minute video

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


ID vs IDD. ID is identification document. But IDD is Iodine Deficiency Disorder.

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