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in #j5 years ago

Military has been protecting Trump from assassination attempts. | The 2010's U.S. internal Civil Wars | Bit Tuber Over Bitchute | I watched some Joker movie reviews. I had an evangelism with black guys dream. Are you using Windows? I prefer using Ubuntu as my operating system (OS). I like eating pizza. Makes me feel a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT). What do you think about Laura Loomer? Can people evolve? Where do humans come from? Do we come from a creator or from the big bang? Meme Art Endorses Eating Babies. Bingozee Book. The Trinity of Salvation. Differences between censorship, moderating, corruption, collusion, etc. AOC Green New Meal. Babies crying. Youth Group. JSA Trinity. I fear regret over failure. Lost Sheep. Hide and seek tag. Piano. Jumping off a cliff. Driving reference. Other bus stop. Fish. Big bowl. Fridge.

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AOC Green New Meal.jpeg

2019-10-07 - Monday

Daily Blog - Published Daily | Time Zone - PDT

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in October of 2019

Windows vs Griff

12:05 AM - IWA

Griff, why are you using Windows and not Ubuntu?

Investigating Laura Loomer

01:00 AM - IWA

Can bad people become good? If Laura Loomer was bad, is it possible that she changed? Same question with Candace Owens, Kanye West, Trump, Roseanne, etc. Can people evolve? Can people change? Can people associate with the wrong crowds and then change course later on in life? Was Laura visiting, interviewing, spying, or working with Bill Clinton? Is character development possible at all? Are people automatically bad if they are near evil? Were is the line between good and evil? Are we not all intermixed between good and evil all of the time?

AOC Green New Meal

Scenes people pause

Evolution vs Creation

01:37 AM - IWA

I want to know where mankind came from.

Where do people come from?

01:38 AM - IWA

If people created God, then who created people?

Kharma Scribbles

01:49 AM - Brilliant idea. Good goal, to have daily posts. Yeah, it can be like a puzzle.



We were planning an evangelism night. Our outline was simple, to have a two hour weekly night event where we show like a movie or a video to epople who come to our meeting at probably a church. A few young black guys in their twenties were wondering what to do exactly. I said that evangelism can be very simple. After the video, we can simply ask the audience if they have any questions. If so, they can ask us and we can talk more about it with them. The one black guy said, "God is definately with this guy." I also said that this is evangelism and not discipleship, meaning it does not have to be complex. It can be simple. It does not have to be deep. We don't have to say too many things to our guests.

Computing Forever

10:05 AM - New Star Trek: Picard & Discovery Season 3 Trailers: My Thoughts - Season 3 of Discovery appears to put Michael like a thousands into the future from where they were as a prequel to the original Star Trek television of the 1960's. MIchael, who is played by a woman, seems to still be the most important creature in the universe. The Picard show looks like a sci-fi show like you said, not really a Star Trek genre.

Overlord DVD

10:19 AM - Joker Review | The Ending Explained (Spoilers!) - This Batman movie is probably a dream or partly imagined from the point of view of the Joker who is in a crazy hospital at the beginning and at the end. The Joker might have told Bruce Wayne that he was adopted. If so, that might have been reflection to mean that the Joker was adopted. The Joker was talking to 8 year old Batman. So, does that mean Batman was beating an old Joker all along? The answer might be not so much. Maybe not at all. Most likely, it was all a fantasy. It is possible that this Joker movie is about a guy who ended up in a crazy hospital and who imagined that he was the Joker because he read Batman comics as a kids. I would prefer to have Batman and the Joker as brothers.

Stefan Molyneux

10:44 AM - The Truth About JOKER - @Stefan.Molyneux talked for an hour about this film as well. Oh, I guess the Joker went to find out who his parents were. He thought his father was Thomas Wayne. I guess maybe not.

Bit Tube Over Bitchute

11:14 AM - Bit Tube is more decentralized than Bitchute. It has more customization options.

Meme Art Eating Babies

01:17 PM - IWA

Meme Art endorses Eating Babies. See, because Meme Art believes in subjectivity, that right and wrong are defined by people and not by God. Meme Art has said that people created God. Never mind who might have created people. If people define truth through relativity, subjectivity, as opposed to universal and eternal reality, then that becomes a mob-ruling democracy. In some tribes, they would eat other people. They are called cannibals. Post-modernism endorses sex without consequences. That leads to divorce, abortion, abuse, violence, depression, etc. Recently, somebody told AOC that we need to eat the babies. If everybody were to believe that is right, then who could say that was wrong, assuming that the majority of the people believe that eating babies is necessary to save the world, right? Some people may believe that the ends justifies the means. Hypothetically speaking, I understand the rationalization of that kind of hypothetical. However, we gotta try to remain down to the earth as much as possible, that is towards practicality, statistics, historical patterns, Stefan Molyneux logic, truth, evidence, etc. Why? Because we’re not always living in hypothetical and imaginary worlds. We generally live in a real world or should.

Meme Art Murder

01:16 PM - IWA

The left base their worldview on ignorance, arrogance, on a notion of how we should let the past die as Kylo and Yoda said in Star Wars: Last Jedi. Meme Art is promoting subjectivity, relativity, post-modernism, which might as well be leftism. See, if we have no foundation, then we are accidents. See, Bill Nye agrees with Meme Art. You can watch the debates between Billy Nye the Science Guy and Ken Ham. If we don't come from anything, then we are nothing. If there is no source to life, then life is not life at all. Why? Because if we come from nothing, then we will go nowhere. That means nothing matters. That means you can kill. You can do anything. Bingozee is falling.

Eternal Sacrifices

01:23 PM - IWA

Well hates the Bible. The Old Testament talks about how lamb sacrifices work. Our sin would go into the lamb. The sacrifice was annual. The innocence of the lamb would be imputed onto the people. It was temporary. Jesus is not innocent. There is a difference. Jesus is God. Jesus is perfect, not innocent. Jesus took on the iniquities of us all. He took on the sins of the world. He paid it off. Those who accept it, get to be part of that, forever. It is eternal. It is outside of time. Jesus died for us before we were born. That means Jesus died for sins we did not commit yet. When we are saved, we still sin. But Christ died for those sins as well. Sin is sin. Sin means not perfect. Christ died for the sins that we commit in the future. Christ died for the sins we committed even after are saved as even that is in the future as well. There is no expiration date for that outside of death. Spiritually, we are born dead, by the way. We are born in that Romans 5:12 curse.

  1. The Bible describes how it works. As you read the Bible, you start to see the patterns throughout the Bible. It's important not to conflate salvation with fellowship. The Bible describes dispensations, history, patterns, themes, lesson, and the Bible juggles different topics, issues. As you read it, as you begin to understand it, you can begin to distinguish between the different things, including salvation and fellowship. You can take scriptures that are describing how fellowship works and apply them to how salvation works. But these are two different things. In other words, you can take things out of context. That violates theology, the nature of God. As you study God, you begin to get to know God and His code of ethics. God has a way of doing things. As you get to know God, you begin to understand His Rules and how He does things.
  2. See number one. You can take your rules to destroy the Bible and the U.S. Constitution as well. People debate on whether the constitution is a living document or not. Living document is code for subjectivity, for a type of application that can retroactively change original meaning of the text, of the original interpretation. By the way, I watched that video of Wells above. It is fake news.
  3. See number one. There are patterns found in the Bible. Jesus was not called the perfect Lamb of God for nothing.
  4. See number one. If we continue in sin, we lose fellowship, not salvation. In some cases, some people were probably not saved in the first place, meaning they didn't lose salvation. Why? Because they were not saved in the first place.
  5. Romans 5:12 describes how we are. If we are not alive in Christ, then what are we? When we are saved, we become alive with Christ. So, that is a contrast. Life is a contrast to death, even in the spiritual world, as the physical world is symbolic of the spiritual world.

Trinity of Salvation

02:19 PM - IWA

As you study soteriology, the study of salvation, you begin to understand the Trinity of Salvation, that is Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification.


Oliver Twist. England. 1800's. Grout Bird. Gangs. So, somehow, there were gangs. Sometimes in history, and in some places, there may have been and might be in fact an elevation and acceleration in growing gangs, the members. So, people would demand that kids go to school as opposed to an option towards homeschooling. So, this is like an example of divide and conquer. Some people can create problems in order to introduce salvation, that is solutions. But the solution can be worse than the problems themselves. Also, we should look at the root of those problems. If there are more gangs at times, we should look at why and how. School is like a bandage to that problem. We gotta dig deeper to figure those things out. I may want to investigate gangs and public schools as well.

Problem A vs Problem B

03:24 PM - IWA

  1. Censorship is a word used to describe Problem A. Unfortunately, that may not be the best word to describe collusion between tech cartels, governments, organizations, etc. The problem is complex. Part of the problem involves tax dollars being laundered towards funding DARPA, CIA, FBI, NSA, Life Log (Facebook), etc. It's a long story. We can talk about the legal cases between the U.S. government and AT&T in the 1970's and later with Microsoft in the 1990's. We can talk about liability protection. We can talk about the publisher vs platform debate. There are so many different things we can talk about. Sadly, one of the words that @Minutemen-Of-America, @DarkAlley05x, @1984, @c0mRaDe, @Kryptic_Crit1kal, and others, may use may include words like "CENSORSHIP" and yet that may be symptom of some the issues described in this Problem A. I must stress how multilayered this Problem A is. A word like CENSORSHIP is not really the root of it all. Now, also, censorship might be like Problem C, perhaps. By extension, censorship is like a problem. However, we are becoming distracted from how it came about, that is the source, the root, to how it all begun in the first place.
  2. Problem B describes issues we may find on the Infocomms. As I already said, the main problem is not really censorship. It can be. However, that is not the root. Also, Problem B is more in regards to how the Infowars Army (IWA) is ran or run. So, Problem B has to do with how rules might be unfairly and selectively enforced, perhaps. So, Problem B has to do with how IWA is moderated, one might argue. However, moderating may not be the same as censorship. Plus, this whole thing is complex.

Is Censorship a Leftist Word?

If leftism co-op that term, censorship, to mean that we must tolerate Islam for example, or homosexuality, or evolution, or a war on white male fathers, or other things, then we got a problem. We know that social justice warriors (SJW) have perverted words. So, censorship might be a victim to that system of twisted metal.

Private Property Rights

Some of it comes down, to some extent, to private property rights. On one hand, if IWA is their website, then it is their private property. If you create an account on IWA, you might actually be renting that account. You might be able to violate your renting contract with IWA.

Censorship vs Tolerance?

PC Culture said that this bakery had to make a gay wedding cake. So, they could scream "CENSORSHIP" when they refused to make the gay cake. So, I don't like censorship. But I do like private property. Now, on the other hand, if IWA violates their contracts with the users, then that could be a problem. You might call that censorship or whatever else you want to call it.

Is IWA Private?

I'm not saying that IWA is private property. I don't know. That depends on a few factors. On top of that, I don't even know if the Internet is private or how private and public it might be. I might be making some hypothetical arguments. So, I could be wrong in regards to some of the details here. I love private property. I love contracts. I have a bit of a lawyer's mind.

Many Factors

The Internet is big and complex. So, there are many factors to consider. Also, we can talk about the 4th amendment as well, that is privacy. I write all of this to say that the IWA issue (PROBLEM B) may not necessarily be congruent to tech cartel crimes (PROBLEM A), etc, etc.

Hillary Clinton 2020

03:31 PM - IWA

I have said many times that Hillary Clinton never stopped running. There is a reason why she did not come out to speak upon her defeat in 2016. There are reasons. We have to look at that. Not running means running into a higher probability of going to jail. Too bad nobody listens to me.

Eat Babies

04:47 PM - Steemit

That eat the babies video and the thumbnail above with the Greta Subway sandwich and AOC and that lady is brilliant.

Bingozee Book

08:06 PM - IWA

Bingozee is our Lord and only Bingozee is qualified to decide what is worthy to be read.

Bingozee Madness

08:32 PM - IWA

Bingozee seems to utilize some back-handed insults. He will pretend to compliment you. Simultaneously, or immediately right after, Bingozee will then stab you in the back and insult you. Bingozee shows some signs of cognitive dissonance. Either that or he is purposely trying to mislead people. Some of what Bingozee does might be quite multifaceted. So, some people may not even get it.

Master Troll Bingozee

08:41 PM - IWA

Bingozee said he muted me. Right after that, he said that I'm a troll. All of this is a long story that goes back at least to 2018. So, Bingozee said he muted other people. But then he goes off to reply to the people he says he blocks. He copies and pastes many things over and over again. Bingozee is 1984. Bingozee tells people not to spam. Then Bingozee spams. Bingozee tells people not to be religious. And then Bingozee gets very religious about the Bingozee Religion which is non-religious according to Bingozee. Bingozee tells people not feed the trolls. And then Bingozee becomes the troll and he feeds other trolls as well. And the list goes on. That is why I am writing a Bingozee Book all about it on Steemit and other places. I can talk all day about this.

The real name of Bingozee might be Jeff.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


2019-10-06 - Sunday
2019-10-07 - Monday
2019-10-08 - Tuesday

JSA Trinity

12:34 PM - Jeanette, Sarah, Allison (JSA). I was on the Children Ministry Team (CMT) while I attended my first college that I attended, 2004-2006, the Word Of Life Bible Institute in New York (WOLBI NY) which I attended right after high school in the fall of 2004. WOLBI is a two year college. I tried out for the Drama Team and didn't make it. The leader of CMT, John Giddy Brown, encouraged me to join CMT. So, I met Sarah there. So, sometimes, during lunch, I would sit with Sarah and her friends. They were in their second year at WOLBI. So, I ended up giving the nickname, JSA, which are the initials of their first names and also the initials to my name, Joseph Scott Arnold. I was thinking about this today as I was working on putting 2004 photos of mine into an album. The glue was not working. I used invisible tape. I scanned some of these photos. Some of them may be on Steemit, Facebook, etc. I try to backup photos.

Hey there ladies. Nice videos. Oh, I didn't realize you can embed Instagram videos here.

Regret vs Failure

03:52 PM - My fear of regret is bigger than my fear of failure.

04:00 PM - Dishes

Youth group. Lost sheep. Lost coin. I said I was coughing. I took Vitamin C. We had pizza. Makes me feel like a turtle, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Hide and seek tag.

2016-01-01 - Friday - 07:53 AM - Guitar Joey in District 7.jpg
eat babies aoc greta

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Does AOC eat Babies like her Boss Pelosi ? Would not Surprise me in the Least !

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