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in #j5 years ago

Logan's Run | Yang 2020 - Click Here To Enter To Win $12K USD | The American Dream | TOXIC MASCULINITY RANT! AD ASTRA AND OTHER SPACE FLICKS CALLED OUT FOR SEXISM | 2021 Ice Age Prediction | What is going on while we are distracted? | Sprayed out driveway cracks | Whole Foods Mark of the Beast | High School Cheerleaders Put on Probation for Rest of the Football Season for Holding Trump Banner | Article on Pastor Sam | An 1895 8th Grade Final Exam: I Couldn't Pass It. Could You? | An Lị Khả Kỳ | stop tagging me in your post, it's bothersome | Griff World | WTFA | Laundry | Compost Blue | Dishes | Shower

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Screenshot at 2019-09-18 00:24:23.png

2019-09-17 - Tuesday

Published - 2019-09-17 - Tuesday - 11:59 PM LMS - PDT

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in September of 2019


Loving Jesus Science | Yang | I am Captain Corn Nuts

An Lị Khả Kỳ

09:20 PM - Facebook

stop tagging me in your post, it's bothersome


01:00 AM - MASSIVE 🔴 President Donald Trump Rally in Rio Rancho New Mexico
03:24 AM - 03:42 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1344 - Joseph LeDoux - Joseph Ledoux is a neuroscientist whose research is primarily focused on survival circuits, including their impacts on emotions such as fear and anxiety. His latest book "The Deep History of Ourselves: The Four-Billion-Year Story of How We Got Conscious Brains" is now
10:02 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1344 - Joseph LeDoux
02:12 PM - 08:51 PM - ALEX JONES (FULL SHOW) Tuesday 9/17/19: Clown World Dem Hearing, Special Reports, News & Analysis - Guest Host Owen Shroyer - Alex was in Los Angeles to do some podcast
08:51 PM - WAR ROOM (FULL SHOW) Tuesday 9/17/19 • Clown World Dem Hearing, Leo Zagami, Tony Arterburn, News
11:20 PM - 01:15 AM - Logan's Run (1967) - Michael York - 2274 AD - Logan's Run, Michael York, Jenny Agutter, Farrah Fawcett, Peter Ustinov, Dystopia, Future, Science Fiction

Yard Work

11:00 AM - I was spraying out dirt and rocks out of driveway cracks. Then it was raining. It feels like the fall now. Helped out with the tomato soup canning. Since I bought an electric $8 toothbrush yesterday, I began brushing before eating. They say don't brush within 45 minutes after eating. So, I may do that as well. But, at least before as opposed to right after.


Apple. Coffee.




09:05 PM - 12:35 AM

Robin Hood

01:15 AM - Why are you lying? Are you Robin Hood?

The American Dream

01:19 AM - Steemit

Why should I have to work hard? People generally are lazy. Most people make poor decisions most of the time. You are encouraging people to be rewarded for being inefficient and ineffective. I'm encouraging people to work harder in order to get more. That is the heart of innovation. That is the American Dream. You are against the American Dream. You promote Venezuela which was a roaring economy.

That Star Wars Girl Anna



01:34 PM - Grand Solar Minimum in 2021 will apparently bring the big freeze to planet earth

My reply

What about geoengineering?

New Ice Age Coming in 2021

01:50 AM - IWA

Grand Solar Minimum in 2021 will apparently bring the big freeze to planet earth

Get ready for the big freeze, famine and global devastation. We have about two years left. In 2021 the Mini Ice Age will hit as Sunspot Cycle number 25 kicks in....

Global Warming vs Ice Ages

Some people say global warming is coming on one side. On the other side, some say that in history, there appears to be a pattern of volcanic activity that followed with ice ages. Therefore, some suggest an ice age in 2021. Also, this winter for 2019-2020 is set to be colder. This year in America, we had less growing days. Near Seattle, we had more snow than usual.


There are weather cycles. Some weather cycles may be in annual cycles like the four seasons of winter, spring, summer, and fall (autumn/harvest). There may also be bi-century and century and 500 years long climate loops, cycles, patterns, etc.


My main question is whether or not geoengineering is influencing us towards global warming, an ice age, into total chaos of both extremes, or what.

Asian Joey

01:59 AM - Yes, that is me with my Asian tan.

Corporate Consolidation

02:05 AM - But how would we then buy and sell?

Google Drive

02:12 AM - So, if I didn't have Google Gmail, then I would be out of luck? See in my screenshot where it says I need permission. Is that permission for seeing some of the content or for the ability to add content? | Banned Media - Google Drive

Yang Debate

02:24 AM - The Freedom Dividend, a universal basic income of $1000/mo. Medicare for All. Human-Centered Capitalism. Join Andrew Yang's fight to put Humanity First. | Yang 2020

Mostly Space

02:36 AM - IWA

Understanding that molecules, atoms, electrons, etc, are mostly space, could be the same as finding that a million dollars is only the value of one dollar or that outer space is mostly space or that our bodies are mostly water or that a book is mostly wood/paper (tree) and not so much ink.

Use Privacy Against Them

03:03 AM - IWA


You can try to do any of the following three things:

  1. Live a private life.
  2. Live a public life. If you are a public figure like Alex Jones, you can use this against them but only as long as everybody is watching you. If you choose to live a public life, then you should blog about your life, make videos, take photos, memes, have other people help you with that, post to websites, emails, RSS, forums, snail mail, PDF, DVDs, hard drives, tech cartel social networks, etc, etc, etc.
  3. Try to do both.

Doing Both

I actually try to do both. I should continue to blog and vlog more about how. Some people try to live a private life. Actually, if you are online, you are doing number three ALREADY, that is both. Most humans are living private and public lives simultaneously.


Try to do both. Try to live a public private life. Find ways to protect yourself. Find ways to distract without making it look like you are hiding. Emphasize more on what you did in your life and less on what you are doing and will be doing personally, privately, publicly, etc.


You can encourage people towards better life by living a semi-public life. Yes, keep things private as much as you can. However, you can also sometimes share things in order to encourage, educate, inform, archive, teach, uplift, inspire, entertain, etc. That is what I try to do. You can do what you want. But remember that it might be impossible for some people to become, to be, and/or remain, private enough. We can talk for days about that. It is a long story and too many people don't understand this. Hypothetically, if your life was private enough or absolutely, then that is priceless. That should be treasured.

The 4th Amendment

That is what the 4th amendment is all about. Be careful with your privacy. However, the problem is that our 4th amendment rights have been extremely violated already by tech cartels, governments, corporatism, etc, etc. Yes, we should always try to take back our privacy as much as we can each day for the sake of our children and their children, that is our future.

No Longer Private

So, technically, we are not private any longer. Well, actually, some of us are more public than others. But we all can be vulnerable because of our lack of privacy. You are more vulnerable, etc, if you try to be private because of that. You might have an advantage if you embrace the odds, the risks, by doing what Alex Jones, etc, does. What do they do? They spread the news. They have a public persona. You can turn your lack of privacy into a public persona for spreading the news.

Kung Fu Privacy

Use your lack of privacy as a kung fu move against the globalists who use it in order to get the best of you. They are trying to blackmail all of us all of the time. You can either hide and keep quiet in fear of their breach of your privacy or you can use all of that to your advantage.

The choice is up to you.

Joe Rogan Experience (JRE)

03:24 AM - 03:42 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1344 - Joseph LeDoux | I subscribed again to Joe Rogan on YouTube. I do this sometimes.

Storm Area 51

03:30 AM - @keyrobinfo18, over two million people signed up on Facebook and countless others did not say they were going but are interested in going as well.


03:45 AM - Took out the trash. Took out the compost to the blue bin. Brought in the fridge food from the RV.

Joe Rogan

10:02 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1344 - Joseph LeDoux | I unsubscribed because Joseph promoted global warming in contrast with how we are running into an ice age to some extent. In world history, we see increased volcanic activity which would then be followed in colder weather patterns globally.

Joseph Ledoux is a neuroscientist whose research is primarily focused on survival circuits, including their impacts on emotions such as fear and anxiety. His latest book "The Deep History of Ourselves: The Four-Billion-Year Story of How We Got Conscious Brains" is now available.

Chinese Yang

10:38 AM - Andrew Yang can be our first Chinese-Run Remote-Controlled U.S. President.

Magic Money

10:40 AM - I didn’t say anything about magic money. I just want to know what we can do.


10:43 AM - If there is no win, then you are black pilled with no hope.

Backup Websites

10:45 AM - People can delete you. That is why you should have backup sites before it's too late, before you lose copies, backups. One day, Google may take down your website.

Yard Work

11:00 AM - I was spraying out dirt and rocks out of driveway cracks. Then it was raining. It feels like the fall now. Helped out with the tomato soup canning. Since I bought an electric $8 toothbrush yesterday, I began brushing before eating. They say don't brush within 45 minutes after eating. So, I may do that as well. But, at least before as opposed to right after.


Apple. Coffee.

Would Trump Sign a Banker Bailout?

11:14 AM - IWA

Painful Choices For The Greater Good

It is very important that Trump resists whatever they did to get Obama to do what he did, especially in regards to the alleged 2008 Bailout Thing. So, we must continue finding ways to tell Trump of better choices, alternatives, gradually. We must find new ways to give Trump advice, especially in regards to things like this before it's too late. Of course, Trump wants to avoid or at least minimize recessions, depressions, chaos, turmoils, etc.

The Roaring 1920's

What will happen? I prefer that Trump continues trying, assuming he is trying his best, to stop the Federal Reserve, to not be part of bailouts, etc, then we will not run into a 1929-1939 kind of Engineered Great Depression but rather a 1920-1921 kind of organic depression.

The Roaring 2020's

America recovered much faster after the more all-natural depression in the early 1920's than they did after the Manipulated Great Depression. The less-known Depression began in January of 1920. So, now, just almost an entire century later, we could meet another depression in the 2020's.

Creative Innovation

Assuming Trump is too against depressions, recessions, etc, we must find new ways and more ways to push him towards causing and/or allowing depressions/etc to happen.

Mend The American Dream

Medically, it's like America is broken. Like broken bones or bones that are out of joint. So, we have to realign the bones. So, that can hurt. We have to reset the bones. We have to get the bones back into the sockets. That is painful. Alex Jones gave the analogy that America is like on life support. So, it is like being pumped up on drugs in order to survive a little bit longer. So, Trump may be involved in things like that. It may be good that is happening to an extent.

The Sooner The Better

However, regardless of that, it can be better to get it over with right now, the sooner the better, perhaps, to crash and to then hopefully rise again three days later. We cannot resurrect until we first die. We have to go into the ground. Trump doesn't really want to do that. We should not assume that Trump will or whatever. We should assume Trump will not. And then we must find ways to tell Trump what we want. Trump said last night in New Mexico that he is the messenger for the American People for what they want. That is why we have to always find ways to tell Trump what we want.

Crowd Mentality is Suicide

But, perhaps, too many Americans may resist depressions, etc. So, technically, Trump could listen to the people that don't want our bones to be reset. Sadly, those people could ruin it for the rest of us.

Incredible Potential

I say, if we do go down enough and soon enough and well enough, then we will then rise back up before the 2030's better than ever before.

Wrongfully Persuaded

01:28 PM - IWA

Yes, Trump can be persuaded wrongfully to signing a banker bailout, to attempting to ban bump stocks, to trying to prohibit the sales of vaping, etc, etc, regardless of alleged and possible 4d Trump Chess, etc, etc; we must encourage people to anticipate the worse outcomes regardless of how skillful and lucky Trump may have been in the past at times with the help of other people.

Better Safe Than Sorry

It's better to anticipate the worse, to prepare, to be ready, because better safe than sorry.

Safety Over Freedom?

It's easier for most people to rely on the alleged security and salvation from the possible tyranny of Hitler Jesus Trump.

Trump Aint Jesus

But Trump aint no Jesus. Sadly, some people live in the fear of Lucifer Trump. Reality can be stuck in a limbo between those two worlds.

Getting Back to the 1800's

If we mend the bones, then we could get back to whatever we might have had in the late 1800's in the United States.

The Empire Strikes Back

The globalists/etc were not happy with the kind of economy that America was accumulating/etc and that added fuel to their 1900's Empire Strikes Back which was especially seen in 1871, 1913, and 1933.

New 2021 Ice Ages

01:43 PM - IWA

Not The Biggest Issues

Hypothetically, in isolation of other threats we face, ice ages/global warming ages/etc are not the biggest issues we face.

The Cool 2020's

According to history, we may see cooler temperatures in the 2020's, perhaps 50 degrees lower at times for a longer period of time during the winter months, perhaps, at the most, perhaps for a few years.

The Hot 2030's

After that, the weather is probably going to warm up again, generally speaking, in the 2030's.


However, how do we stop geoengineering, etc? What is geoengineering doing to our climate, environment, weather, health, etc?

Mild Natural Threats

So, possible and alleged ice ages and global warming ages may not be too extreme in the next one hundred years or so, naturally speaking, hypothetically speaking if extracted from the bigger issues and threats that we are living in.

What are the bigger threats?

Naturally speaking, ups and downs in weather has been normal for thousands of years on our planet. However, regardless of natural weather patterns, cycles, found in history, we also have globalists/etc who have been trying to use geoengineering/etc to mess the world up in a variety of ways. So, the bigger threats we face are things like geoengineering as opposed to ice ages, global warming, etc.


So that’s what that means. It was single digit temps from 1350-1850!?

My Reply

According to that graph, allegedly, apparently, yeah. Also, when you look at paintings of people from that period, didn't they look colder than usual and whiter skin as well? Someday, I should try to find out how cold it might have been during those times. It may have been colder but possibly not too cold.



A Neuroscientist Described The Soul

02:39 PM - IWA

Joe Rogan

10:02 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1344 - Joseph LeDoux

Joseph Ledoux is a neuroscientist whose research is primarily focused on survival circuits, including their impacts on emotions such as fear and anxiety. His latest book "The Deep History of Ourselves: The Four-Billion-Year Story of How We Got Conscious Brains" is now available.

Think About Thinking

In this video, Joseph talks about the brain.


He talks about decision making.

Describing Our Heart

So, he describes the soul scientifically without using magical and unscientific words like spirit, soul, mind, heart, gut, throat, etc.

Age of the Earth

He mentions how old the earth might be. But scientists disagree with each other concerning how old the earth is. Also, dating methods are limited.

Answers In Genesis

Spoiler alert, the earth is less than ten thousand years according to Answers In Genesis and many many others. If you don't already know what I'm talking about, then you know nothing, Jon Snow.

How many years can humans live?

Joseph said we are not supposed to live that long. Wrong. We are supposed to live forever.

Pre-Flood Humans

Our bodies were designed to live at least one thousand years. Well, now, it is closer to only two hundred years.

At Least Two Hundred Years

In the 1700's, according to some historians, allegedly, there was at least one Asian man who lived over 200 years.

We Were Stronger

Of course. In the past, people lived longer. Some people say that's not true. However, they project an average life span that is affected mostly by the stillborn (babies that died before and after birth), abortions, and kids who died before the age of five for example.

Too Cold

Poor people struggled and many children died. So, when you are calculating the average, all those dead kids brings down the average.

Failing To Retire

People who can't or don't take the time to recover from sicknesses, illnesses, diseases, fatigue, etc, are more likely to decline in health, physically, sooner, faster, etc. Some people lived shorter because they didn't rest long enough. Malnutrition played a factor. Some people may have been too cold at times.

Healthy People Can Live Longer

But for humans that were in good health by the time they were in their twenties (or even just the age of five), at least some of them had the potential to live a very long time.

The Failure to Maintain

The problem is that a lot of people didn't always take care of themselves well enough. They made bad choices. Sometimes, they didn't know any better. Some men died in war. When taking all of that in account, we must remember that some people did live longer than the alleged average lifespan.

500 AD Weather

02:45 PM - Is that why they were living in the caves to escape the frost bite?

About Vietnam

02:54 PM - Facebook - Private Message

I lived in Vietnam from 2012-2017. So, five years, teaching English. Vietnam still seems to be two countries, like Korea. Vietnam is still mostly a tyrannical government under the label of communism. Some of it might be changing for the better, but China is also involved in doing things to take it over it seems.

Mark of a Beast

02:56 PM - I wonder if a mark of a beast could be biometric.

Cheerleaders On Probation

02:59 PM - I hope that angers them towards increased and prolonged offline activism and I hope to see them here talking to us.

How-To Find Infowars Shows On YouTube

06:02 PM - IWA

Seven Easy Steps

How-to Find Infowars on YouTube in 7 Steps

  1. On YouTube, lookup Infowars.
  2. Click on FILTER.
  3. Click on Live under FEATURES.
  4. Find an Infowars stream.
  5. For example, The Resistance 1776 has been streaming Infowars. Sometimes, other channels have live-streams of Alex Jones, David Knight, Owen Shroyer, Will Johnson, Real News, War Room, Fire Power, Kaitlin Bennett, Millie Weaver, Paul Joseph Watson, etc. YouTube channels come and go. So, sometimes, you have to look around for new channels when the older channels are murdered by Google, etc.
  6. You can try different keywords and different combinations of the keywords, etc. Search for Alex Jones. Search for the names of the show hosts. Search for the names of the shows, etc. Finding things online takes skill, wisdom, a memory, a vocabulary that is ever expansive, creativity, and a lot of luck. So, when you are looking stuff up on Google, or better yet Duck Duck Go, it takes a lot of time to get good at it, a lot of trial and error. So, be patient. You can even teach other people the art of finding things on the Internet, on Facebook, Twitter, on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc, etc.
  7. Instead of clicking on LIVE, you can click on Upload date under SORT BY and you may find some videos that way.

Pastor Sam

06:12 PM - IWA

We can talk more about that article on Sam if you want. I see some of the websites you used. I can tell you some of the secrets concerning some of those websites that you used as some of your sources.

My Phone

06:17 PM - IWA Message

I added 3 more months of minutes to my phone yesterday for about $22. So, that goes to December 2019. If you do ever want to call, you should text me or message me first because I don't always have my phone on me. I rarely use my phone apart from maybe making videos maybe.

Princess Bride Reboot

06:37 PM - Twitter

Subjectivity produces things like this.


06:42 PM - Facebook | Daniel Hall | Nick Goldman | Joey Arnold

Daniel Hall

Nick Goldman. choose one. President Ulysses S. Grant creates the Civil Service Commission.
The Indian Appropriation Act of 1871 is passed. Tribes will no longer be seen as independent but as wards of the State.
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 is passed. This act allows the president to send in troops to enforce the 14th amendment.
The Treaty of Washington between the United States and Great Britain is ratified. This treaty allows for a commission to settle fishing and boundary disputes between the two countries.
The New York Times writes investigated articles about William 'Boss' Tweed that reveal the level of corruption in New York City. He is eventually brought to trial.
Daniel Hall, interesting, but another thing happened as well. Some people might not even believe it. There is another act that you left out >from your list. It is part of history. There is a lot to it. People should be talking about this other act.

My reply

Daniel Hall, interesting, but another thing happened as well. Some people might not even believe it. There is another act that you left out from your list. It is part of history. There is a lot to it. People should be talking about this other act.

Alex Jones Book

07:02 PM - IWA

Yes, Alex Jones should write a book regardless of whether he retires for a few years or not.

Remember that people are trying to murder Alex Jones, Trump, etc. Every day that Alex is still alive is a miracle. Also, they're trying to bankrupt/etc Alex at the same time. Infowars could go down at any time. But even if Infowars goes down, remember that it will come back again, a resurrection.

Owen Shroyer vs Retarded Trump Supporters

07:19 PM - IWA

During the 4th hour of the Alex Jones Show today, Owen Shroyer talked about how he never thought he would see the day where he would have to not just debate mute leftists but also idol worshiping MAGA Trump Supporters who are too obsessively in La La Land.

Free Markets

08:35 PM - Hope you enjoy your little cult. Free markets have been around for thousands of years. It has always been around.


10:41 PM - Do you trust Wordpress and GoDaddy and Comcast?

Critical Griff

10:46 PM - TRINITY INVESTIGATIONS: THE RAINBOW CONNECTION - These accusations seem to be too indirect and incomplete. | Is Infowars being infiltrated? Is Sam, Zach, Leviticus, and others, Owen Shroyer, etc, trying to destroy Alex Jones, Trump, America, etc?

Griff World

11:10 PM - IWA

I watched the video that Griff made. I went to his website and read and watched his articles and videos concerning Sam, Leviticus, Tom, Owen Shroyer, Zach, etc. How many people here agree with what Griff and others are saying about these people?

Do you agree with Griff?

Logan's Run

11:29 PM - Steemit

Is Logan's Run similar to The Hunger Games? I love Michael York. I've not seen either movies before. So, I'm watching Logan's Run right now. I love writing about science fictions movies, especially films based on the future. So, I will try to write a post about this film for example.

Logan's Run also reminds me of In Time.

2169 AD - In Time
2274 AD - Logan's Run