Let's imagine..

in #life5 years ago


Let's imagine another world. Let's imagine many worlds, many dimensions, many alternative universes, perhaps an infinite number of them.

Let's imagine black holes, dark matter, gravitons, the elusive higgs-boson, and aliens friendly and warring.

Let's imagine millions of galaxies of billions of stars, many with their own solar systems and worlds of strange life, stretching across distances so immense you have to measure them in time.

Let's imagine a holographic world that isn't somehow 'real' and whose consequences are therefore immaterial, and then let us question why that world seems to be declining into moral and financial bankruptcy at an accelerating rate.

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Let's imagine absolutely nothing at all, and then the universe somehow exploding out of it with no cause and for no purpose.

Let's imagine a 747 jumbo jet building itself by random accident, or an explosion in a breaker's yard producing a bentley.

Let us ponder the incredible intricacies of the human body, and ask if something a million times more complex than a bentley or a 747 can come together by complete random accident.

But then let us never allow ourselves to imagine that an omnipotent, eternal, wise, loving and merciful Being created us to have joy in a family in a wonderful environment.

He even found a way to be able to live with us despite our primary rebellious state, by offering a secondary state - man 2.0, or 'the son of man,' to any and all of His children who wish to partake in His paradise on earth.

Despite what you may have heard, this is what the bible says. Do you want to trust the government, media and establishment, or do you want to trust a 2000-3500 year old book that people died to defend, maintain, protect, translate, educate, preach and spread to all of the world, so every one had the chance to hear His message at least once and decide for themselves?

with peace and love and grace.

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I love Jesus.

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