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Screenshot at 2019-09-16 20:07:19.png

2019-09-16 - Monday

Published - 2019-09-16 - Monday - 11:59 PM LMS - PDT

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in September of 2019


10:43 AM - Dems Back The Blue
11:00 AM - Lisa Haven - The Civil War Is Coming & Here’s What It’s Going To Take To Stop It… Media Legend Doug Hagmann
11:10 AM - Alex Jones - Hour 01/04
12:03 PM - Alex Jones - Hour 02/04
01:05 PM - Alex Jones - Hour 03/04
02:05 PM - Alex Jones - Hour 04/04
08:05 PM - MASSIVE 🔴 President Donald Trump Rally in Rio Rancho New Mexico


Jackie O

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A Woman in 5 Words


Face Cream | Mindful Monday - "Zenia" [ Original Composition ] | Tuned Sound Therapy | How to Invest in Blockchain Stocks in 2019 | Pokemon

Globalism vs Anarchy?

03:22 AM - Steemit - My reply

But what about power vacuums as seen in the Middle East for example? I promote anarchy as a contrast to globalism.

What is a crime?

03:25 AM - Steemit - My reply

I believe in nationalism, first of all. So, I believe in a republic with four branches of balanced powers, as a foundation towards determining laws, crimes, etc. I mostly want to promote private property rights.

Should you vote?

03:27 AM - Steemit - my reply

You should vote. You should get involved. You are missing out on history.

Anarchy Government

10:20 AM - Steemit

Anarchy is about self-government for each person to take care of themselves. I believe in that in theory. So, I encourage people to go that way. I promote minimizing government so that anarchy rises as much as possible. The problem is that of power vacuums as seen in the Middle East. So, I prefer to have as much anarchy as possible within the walls of America but only for people who believe in American values. Most people in the world prefer safety over freedom. That means most people are against anarchy. That's why I prefer keeping most people out of the United States because they would fight you, @freebornangel, and they are against you and against anarchy. Real Americans do favor limited government and a focus on anarchy. American values agrees with anarchy, which means we are on the same page. The problem is that bad people took over the government of America. So, the swamp and globalists are messing things up within governments all around the world. If America was not a country and just ruled by anarchy, then governments might have the ability to conquer some of us. Not to say they don't already try to already, etc. But I prefer walls.

Safety via Ruled By Force

10:26 AM - Steemit

Most people prefer safety meaning ruled by force like you said. Most humans, by default, favor that. I don't. Educating people and helping people know of the alternatives gives them the choice. So, the good news is that more people, as seen in Hong Kong, England, Brazil, etc, are choosing to go against tyranny. By the way, Hillary Clinton is a monster.

Liberty Hangout

10:43 AM - Dems Back The Blue | Dems in Houston decide to back the blue when Kaitlin Bennett arrives | Can we find who those police officers are and report them?

Steem Economy

10:56 AM - It is not isolated from world economies meaning it can be affected to an extent by what other markets are doing.

Lisa Havens

11:00 AM - The Civil War Is Coming & Here’s What It’s Going To Take To Stop It… Media Legend Doug Hagmann


11:06 AM - I'm impressed. Just 22 years old. Real men here. Wow. Epic.


11:10 AM - Alex Jones - Hour 01/04

4 Rechargeable AA batteries. 2 inserted into my wireless computer keyboard.

Eating soup with chips and sour cream. Garlic. Pills. Coffee. Spicy.

Gun Debate

11:58 AM - Twitter

Also, Trump should not fall for the mental health deception.

Government Debate

12:34 PM - Facebook

My reply

Nick Goldman, so, do you try to promote anarchy or socialism or a republic or what?

Nick Goldman

When I wanna be really specific about my label I say I am a libertarian marxist. But when I am being more general or broad I am just a libertarian or anarchist. Marxism is just a framework and methodology that enables liberty, the thing I actually care about.

My reply

Do you want everything and everybody to be equal?


12:38 PM - Facebook

Nick Goldman, statistics are good to understand. For example, look at Chicago, specifically.

Private Property

12:41 PM - Facebook

Taft Wilson

Joey Arnold, imbecile

My reply

Private Property is bad?

Befriending Homeless

12:53 PM - Facebook

Marilyn Mitchell

In 2013 I gave one of them a blanket after listening to her for quite a while (had to walk home to get it and pray she was still sitting there when I got back), Joey Arnold.

Jackie Aubol

I wondering what your motivation is for asking such a question ?

My reply

I used to befriend homeless people many times when I worked with The Salvation Army in Hawaii for a year. Also, did it for four years in Portland, Oregon, and also in Vietnam for five years.

Infowars on YouTube

01:25 PM - 🚨◄ LIVE INF0WARS SHOWS ► 🎙️ MON 9/16/19 • 8AM - 9 PM CST ►🚨 | I see Candace Owens. But is that P.Diddy in the crowd and is he against her?

Friendship Evangelism

01:43 PM - Facebook

My reply

Jackie Aubol, I am trying to encourage people towards accelerated proaction in life in focusing on problem solving in regards to social and economical issues that we face in this world, and I have been writing about this in my articles on other websites as a writer and I posted some other posts about these things in some of the other posts in this group. So, this question, "Can you befriend a homeless person?" serves as a conversation starter that gets people to begin to think more practically in finding ways to Make America Great Again. It is all about what you can do as opposed to being lost in what you can't do. It's about starting where you are with what you do have, not with what you don't. The value of friendships is priceless.


02:00 PM - IWA

If you are only on this website, you might lose everything.

Banning Oatmeal

02:04 PM - That meme is fake news because Griff wants a login portal.

Trump Theme

02:10 PM - @Bingozee just found Trump's Theme Song | Vimeo


02:21 PM - I am a bully and you are bully. All humans are bullies.

Walmart. Refilled 3 more months to my Tracfone to December 2019 for $23. USB to microUSB cable for my phone for about $5. Dollar Tree. Goodwill. Bought a $8 electric charcoal toothpaste. Oh, I mean toothbrush. Advice on how to self-check out with the bank card. Locked out earlier. But still works. Bought it. Like and dislike game. Guess. Yellow. Bart. Brother of Nathan. Same name. Thanksful. Patience. Flee from bad. Do good. Pray for that, Forgiveness. Tag. I'm a turtle. I'm a robot. I'm a robo-box. RoboCop. Hide and seek.Bad news. Expensive. But then I bought toothpaste. Oh, did I say that? I mean a tooth brush. Oh, what am I doing or saying? Oh, praying. Macacroni there. Water. Boring teachers. Baptism. My name. Battle. Which one. Guess who is who. Dislikes Frozen. Beard. Don't enjoy shaving all the time. Spent about $40 today. $10 from my debit. Rest from my wallet.

$8 electric Colgate 360 toothbrush from Fred Meyers. AA batteries. Removable heads.


08:30 PM - Steemit

Socialists promote redistributing wealth to keep it balanced and equal. It sounds like you want that as well.


08:38 PM - Facebook

Nick Goldman, legal speaking, I'm not going to tell you a secret about what happened in 1871 that has turn America away from what it was. So, when you talk about the laws, you are talking about things that are not American that became American that should not be American because of mainly what happened in 1871.


08:41 PM - Facebook

Nick Goldman, do not ask Candace Owens who could actually tell you all about it. Please don't ask her. You do not want to know. Please stop reading. Forget everything I write. Don't think about Candace. Don't watch her videos. Pretend I didn't say anything.

Monster Joey

08:47 PM - Facebook

Taft Wilson

Joey Arnold: imbecile

My reply

Private Property is bad?

Taft Wilson

No it's not. Your unintelligible pontificating is though.

My reply

Taft Wilson, so, when I say that private property good, I am bad, and if you say the same thing, you are not bad? So, in other words, it has nothing to do with intellectualism, right? You just simply hate me. It has nothing to do with what I wrote. You hate my guts. No matter what I say, you will mock me. I promote smaller government. But I am the crazy weirdo. I hate globalism, but I am the dummy. I also love Jesus. So, I must be a Devil Worshiper because I love Jesus, right? I also like Trump. That means, I am racist, right?

Trump 2020

MASSIVE 🔴 President Donald Trump Rally in Rio Rancho New Mexico