One photo every day: Trezor (230/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)

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I thought it looked cool... Not my greatest work by far but since something decided to get stuck in my right eye causing hideous pain and pretty much non stop tears, I almost couldn't even take this one small macro photo.

Anyway I think it's come time I post a little review of this piece of hardware I had bought. Tell you my thoughts and whatnot, so I'll take the time tomorrow to post it.

Hopefully tomorrow my eye has also recovered to the point I'll be able to do more photos.

Since I can't do much else today, I'll just say good night and get to bed now. See ya tomorrow!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: One photo every day: My first attempt at stock photography – Crosswords with product placement. (229/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Updating my dad's laptop (223/365)
We celebrated my 2000 followers in my brother's new sauna! (224/365)
Runebergintorttu / Runeberg's tårta (225/365)
Skating in Lahti Central Square (226/365)
Kiemis being funny. (227/365)
A better skating photo. (228/365)
My first attempt at stock photography – Crosswords with product placement. (229/365)

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Can you please share your experience about Trezor as I am also planning to buy one.

Thank you and Have a great day.

what happened to your eye @gamer00. I wish you a speedy recovery. yes it's better to take bed rest and sound sleep. Thanks for sharing :)

Get some rest. Hope your eye feels better tomorrow.

wish you get well soon. you didn't forget to share a photography :) @gamer00


Trying to figure out where the bubbles-circles come from :d
I'm curious about your experience with Trezor. Because I picked Ledger and want to compare (it's very good for now).

Maybe you should visit a doctor with your eye? I mean... it's better to check it before it's not too late...

I also ordered a Ledger Nano at the same time, but..


...still pending.

Anyway, when I receive that I will probably do a one-on-one comparison too.

I've been having some eye infections as of late and met with a doctor or two... last time they let me wait 2 hours in the reception and then when I left and gave them a call about my departure, they said I was prescribed a new eye med (without them as much as mentioning about it while I was waiting there). It didn't even work.

So I've pretty much had it with doctors at this point. (I know I'm being overly dramatic about it, but it seems like they don't care either.) Maybe I should go to a private specialist instead...

Yeah, waiting for the shipment is always annoying as hell :d

I only visit doctors that I'm acquainted with for a long time. And most of them are in private clinics (Probably because I'm overly paranoid).
Just do it, maybe it's a bit more expensive but they will treat your eye well.

Looking for two energetic boys and getting them in lots of different activities can wear you out.
So have good rest. Waiting for more pictures when you treat your eye)

I like your macrophotography! Have a nice dream.

Nice one @gamer00

Bro what's happened? Wish you get well soon! Didn't you get some kind of infection few weeks back too?


my right eye causing hideous pain and pretty much non stop tears, I almost could not even take this one small macro photo.

hope you feel better tomorrow , I imagine that it must be very annoying :(

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