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Naked Mole Rat Alex Jones on the War Room. FBI is taking the Epstein Murder Case seriously now. Huh? What took them so long to finally do their job? Did I miss something? Wait, do you trust the FBI? Weekly Photos - 530 Pictures | Mirror | Can people in India get blockchain Internet? If we don't already have that for them, then we better do something about that.

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Screenshot at 2019-11-19 20:03:11.png

2019-11-19 - Tuesday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in November of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Adam Carolla

12:18 AM - Tucker Carlson on The Adam Carolla Show

Smith Labs

01:16 AM - Steemit

I want to bloom right in here and not speak the name of who downvoted me and me patriot, oh yes, that name. Probably the same account went after you as well. We need to zoom in and talk about it. Just bloom it up. But don't worry, I'm not going to say the name of that person. There are probably others as well.

No Internet India

01:35 AM - Steemit

How many people in India can set up a peer to peer ad-hoc connection from computer to computer as a way rewire Internet to get around alleged and partial Internet Kill Switches? It can be done. It just takes a lot of time and work and many things. But they can have Internet in India and in many countries. There are different ways to do it. Blockchain, P2P, etc, can help.

Donut Government

01:39 AM - Steemit

The government and the nation might then be the building where the sports are played inside.

Decentralized Internet

02:28 AM - Steemit

The good news is that there are people working on blockchain projects and other things that tries to decentralize the Internet.


One of the projects is called Substratum.

Internet Highway

The Internet is like a highway. So, in India, they may block the highways of the Internet. But that means the people have to make their own highways or find other roads or airplanes, etc.

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

To get online, many people connect to a Internet Service Provider (ISP). However, that is not the only way to connect to the Internet. It is simply the main way and the easiest way.

Centralization Tyranny

One of the problems with ISP and other things is that it can be too centralized which means like only one big Internet Highway which means that if they block that path, that road, then you cannot go online.


Decentralization is all about having millions of different roads to access the Internet through. The more roads you have, the harder it becomes for governments and tech cartels to stop people from accessing the Internet.

What is the Internet?

Very simple. The Internet is like 2 phones connected to each other or two computers that communicate with each other. So, it is all about finding ways for your computer to call another computer. Decentralized Internet is where one computer is connected to another computer which is then connected to another computer, etc, via Ethernet cables and/or wireless (WIFI) connections, etc.

Centralized Internet

Centralized Internet is where the computer is connected to the ISP. And if the ISP hates you, then the ISP might terminate your Internet service. That is the advantage of decentralized Internet.

Computer to Computer to Computer, etc....

If I connect to your computer and you hate me, then you can block me. So, no problem, I could try to find another computer to connect to. Now, not very many people have decentralized Internet.

Working On It

But people are trying to develop decentralized Internet.

Not Very

Right now, in the world, most of the Internet, maybe 99% of the Internet, is very centralized and not decentralized. That is not good.

Blockchain Boom

But in the next ten years, in the 2020's, the Internet will continue to become more decentralized. People are working on that all around the world right now.


Governments and tech cartels are trying to stop them.


But people will continue to work on these projects that attempt to free the Internet from excessive amounts of centralization, censorship, hacking, editing, removing, banning, destroying, etc.

Men Day

02:58 AM - Twitter - #InternationalMensDay

Merry is right. I like you the way you are to all you men out there, well unless if you are possibly suffocating on excessive amounts of soy. Oh boy.

Fear The Walking Dead

2019-11-19 - Tuesday - 02:54 AM - 03:42 AM - FTWD 212


Jay Leno Experience

10:30 AM - Joe Rogan #692 | Dissenter

Very educational. One main disagreement I have with Jay Leno is that he said it will go full circle from network entertainment to decentralized Internet/YouTube entertainment or free form as he called it and back to network entertainment. The reason I disagree is because we still have both. It is like saying that radio will go full circle from radio to television and then back to radio. Instead, we have both. Also, some of what we have online is not free. You do have to pay money for some of it. Also, networks have their websites, streaming services, YouTube channels, on the Internet, meaning network television is being adapted into online shows. In other words, we have both just like we have radio and television and newspaper and magazines and books and comics and more all at the same time. At the same time, beyond that, free-form Internet podcasts are growing online. Many people like it. Many people binge-watch many hours of their favorite movies and shows for many hours straight. Lots of people like it. With VCRs, TiVo, the Internet, etc, you can stop the video at any time and continue later on. So, that means that it does not have to be limited to time.

Building Government

11:53 AM - Steemit

The problem might be if there is a posted sign that says everybody can play sports and compete against each other in the building, that is if the referees then say that there are excessive amounts of exception clauses to that posted sign that are way too excessively unwritten and invisible.

Resistance 1776

11:58 AM - 🚨◄ LIVE INF0W4RS SH0WS ► 🎙️ TUES 11/19/19 • 8AM - 9 PM CST ►🚨

Bad people try to outlaw saving babies from murder in America. So, this is very bad. Some of these bad people are judges. Some people go to Planned Parenthood where they sell live babies and baby parts and then bad people go after the investigators in a court of law as a way to stop good people from exposing the bad people who sell live babies and murder live babies and cut up live babies after birth. Not before birth but after birth. We are talking about after birth abortions that have been happening for many years in the United States of America (USA) and around the world as well. Human trafficking is happening. Children sex slavery and rape and murder is happening.

That Turning Point USA guy, Charles Kirk, gets money from Scientology? That's not good.

Global Service Providers = GSP

12:17 PM - Tech Republic

The main backbone infrastructure, the main highways, seem to consist of global service providers (GSP), mostly, generally, for the most part, so far, currently, in the 1900's and still in the 2000's as well. Now, in the 2020's, that will continue to decrease as decentralize systems continue to accelerate in competing with GSP it seems in the ten years more so, I'm betting. Well, that is up to us. It is up to people to continue working hard to compete against centralized systems in attempts at keeping the Internet on a free market playing field as much as possible as opposed to having it held excessively held hostage by monopolies and tech cartels and others.


One of the earlist versions of the Internet, if not the earliest, was ARPANET goes back to the 1960's or something like that according to Wikipedia and other sources. There may have been other networks that predates ARPANET. Perhaps, there are some things that are classified that the general public is unaware relating to IBM that may go back to the 1930's. Perhaps, there were government systems, military systems, etc, for communicating, for networking, etc. On record, it seems that ARPANET is the main origin or the main first version of the Internet on record. Here is a map of the Internet systems that ARPANET had back in 1974 that was in the United States.


It is said that AT&T is a GSP that spans the globe. AT&T has cables, wires, networking, connections, that seems to go around the world to many different countries.

20 GSP

As of 2008-11-04, according to LarryD4, it seems that there were about 20 true GSPs. That is better than only one GSP. But at the same time, only twenty GSP? Only 20 of them? That might be not too many. But better than nothing and the more the better perhaps.

Backup GSP

Most ISP's have two main GSP's, the main account and at least one backup. When there are Internet traffic jams, then the ISP may attempt to reroute their traffic through different nodes, different GSPs, different routes, etc.


It seems that colleges, universities, schools, etc, were developing networks before the rise of ARPANET in the 1960's perhaps. FOr example, a college may find a way to share information with another college down the road and so on and so forth and some of that may have started prior to the 1960's at least to some extent. Slowly, some of that began growing. Some people say that ARPANET was basically the U.S. government's attempt to take credit for what college nerds were developing like in the 1950's and possibly prior to even that as well. I have no idea how far back it goes. I can't say exactly what happened. But regardless, I can say that ARPANET was not the first version of the Internet. ARPANET might be like what Google was to Yahoo. See, Yahoo was a search engine website that predated Google. Yahoo was around in the 1990's. Yes, Yahoo is still around in 2019.


It seems that the Global Net is regulated completely or partly by the FCC. They may have some kind of power concerning who connects to GSPs, the Global Net, the main Internet Highways, the main backbone of the Internet, etc. That may be true. If that is true, even partly true, that is a problem.

Organizing. Cleaning. Vacuuming. Living Room. The heater in that other room can move. Put stuff out in the big garage. FIxed that one shelf. Put stuff in the bookshed. Dishes. Sweep. Mop. Nap. MS is like a neurological disorder.

ONe Media

07:10 PM - CATS Trailer # 2 (2019) Taylor Swift, Idris Elba Movie HD

Terrible Trailer & Film

Film Select Trailer

07:12 PM - TOP UPCOMING ACTION MOVIES 2020 (Trailers)

BloodShot stars Vin Diesel who plays a guy with nano bot blood which is similar to Metal Gear Solid 4 in regards to the tech inside Solid Snake. Transhumanism is being promoted. That is dangerous. Next year, in 2020, people will be promoting brain phones and other things even more. It is 2019 right now and some people have not seen a lot of the brain phone tech. But some people are talking about it. Infowars Alex Jones and others have been talking about it for a long time. Globalists and others are trying to enslave us into literal Matrix type systems that actually murder us and in other cases turn us into zombies. But it is always sold as a good thing. Bad vaccines involves nano bot systems already that goes into our body to change and alter things. They are telling us to upload our souls to the cloud. We will be promoiused eternal life and will indeed die as opposed to being kept alive inside machines.

Underwater looks like an interesting movie where they find creatures seven miles below the ocean bed or something like that.


What is that? Kashmir is a northern region of India.

Internet in India?

09:00 PM - Steemit

Day 104 of communication blockade in Kashmir. This is how some select businesses are being allowed to use internet facility.

India Kashmir 2019 Internet Blackout Policy.jpg


I don't know exactly outside of Ad-Hoc.


I was researching this today. I've yet to find any way for people to access the Internet in Kashmir (India). But someday maybe.

Separate Lines

People would have to build it via cables, wires, telephone lines, radio, wireless (WIFI), satellite, and/or etc. In other words, a person with Internet would have to share their Internet with another computer via an Ethernet cable or via a WIFI signal or whatever.


And then that computer would have to pass the Internet access to the next computer (P2P or Ad-Hoc). Or via routers, modems, nodes, devices, phones, etc. That is called computer to computer or peer to peer (P2P). There is ad-hoc. There is Bit Torrent tech. There is IPFS. There is blockchain, etc. There is Substratum. There are different things out there like I said before.


But the hard part is getting people to bring some of these things to places like India for example. It takes work. It takes time. It also takes some experimenting, trial and error. Also, government tries to stop some of these things. They may try to block some of it. They can try to throw people in prison. So, some of this can be dangerous and allegedly illegal in some countries. So, in other words, it can be tough. Not impossible but very difficult and risky.


I read on Reddit that some businesses in Kashmir have Internet. The policy for them seems to be very strict to say that they forbid them from sharing their Internet with other computers. Connecting to the Internet can be tough. But at the same time, that does not mean it is impossible to develop separate Internet like networks that could potentially then connect with the Global Net or remain somewhat separate.


Generally, it seems that ISP connects to Global Service Providers (GSP) which may include companies like AT&T. There may be around 20 real GSPs in the world.

Your Own ISP

One way around ISP might be to become your own ISP. Yet, I don't know how that would work. There is still a lot I don't even know in regards to how the Internet works. I would hope that there are ways to connect to GSPs.


Now, it seems that the FCC and others regulate some of this. Yet, I'm unclear on what the FCC controls. Like I said before, it is possible for people to build their own Internet (P2P).

Connecting to the Global Net

The hard part is finding ways to connect to preexisting GSP/etc, the main Internet highways. In other words, you can build your own Internet roads. So, I encourage people to develop their own P2P networks. But at the same time, there has to be ways to connect to the Global Net. Blockchain and other things can help with bringing Internet to places where Internet is banned. I guess we are not there yet in some places perhaps. But someday I hope.

Excessive Flags?

09:09 PM - Steemit

Are you asking me in regards to people who possibly flag excessively?


For the record, people can flag if they want. Freedom lol.


I'm not here to debate the morality of flagging or not flagging.


Did you say flagging is censorship? I would say it might be. I try not to flag. I try not to murder people as well.

Bad Decisions

Some people make bad choices. I like to talk about stuff.

Raise Awareness

If I see a problem, then I want to raise awareness of that. Steem has a flagging system.

Facebook Flagging System

It reminds me of the flagging system on Facebook.

Salvation Army Flagging System

Back in the early 2010's, if not prior to that, I would write about the problems that the Facebook and The Salvation Army flagging systems have.

Ad Space Seven

09:59 PM - Steemit

I disagree with number eight if you're trying to say that there is such a thing as bad publicity which a link could provide. I quote people. I include a link. I do this all the time. It is like a commercial. Ronald McDonald performs at birthday parties for free. Because marketing is valuable. That is what a link is. In other words, a link is a plug. It is valuable. That is why companies pay millions of dollars for ad time on television, on YouTube, on billboards, etc, as opposed to television shows giving the corporations money.

Bill Gates was in Oxford in 1968. Scary. Oxford is bad. Oxford was involved in bringing in Americans in order to push them towards infiltrating American educational systems going back to the early 1900's.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


Kathleen Krappy Kennedy (KKK)

01:20 PM - Twitter | Steemit

Imagine if Kathleen Krappy Kennedy had a middle name starting with the letter K. What would her initials be?

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