2019-11-15steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) was founded in 1932. They publish hundreds of educational books, etc. They copyright claim Infowars and Alex Jones videos. YouTube responds by terminating those channels. They also strike music that they have no relation to. Many people are talking about how their videos are removed. Comcast does it. Disney does it. Big corporations have been throwing copyright claims all over the Internet. Websites like YouTube submit to their false claims. Most of the claims are as honest as the 2019 Roger Stone trials or the Trump Impeachment trials. SME is terrible. Capitalism Sucks????? | Carter Bella is Impersonating Lil Hannah | Hillary Clinton is trying to Epstein Roger Stone who was found allegedly guilty today. They're trying to sentence him to at least 50 years in prison. Larry Nichols talked about illegal selective enforcement, prosecution, attack, etc, that is allegedly lawful through the means of global governmental corruption. Globalists infiltrated America, especially in the early 1900's for example, and they began allegedly prosecuting patriots for alleged crimes while not going after leftists and criminals who did the same exact things. According to their own rules, their own logic, if Trump did something, then Joe Biden really really really did something. That is called selective. That is only one example out of many. Long story. Call the White House and tell them that Trump must Pardon Roger Stone. Go march on the White House. Now is the time to protest against the tyranny. Did somebody say they shut off the White House answering machine so you can no longer call them as of today? Does that concern you? It should.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Carter Bella is Impersonating Lil Hannah

10:00 PM - 02:14 AM APX | FS | dissenter

@CarterBella4 is pretending to be Lil Hannah @LauralSmalls. For example, this post when compared to this newer post from impersonator. This only took me several hours to figure out. Google Images helped me via their machines. See, when you drag and drop a photo to the Google Images search bar, it then cross references for similar photos. I eventually found one picture that was uploaded to the fake Twitter account, Carter Bella, and also the real account, Lil Hannah. I probably spent way too much time trying to solve this puzzle. I just wanted to know if I could do it. I took as a personal challenge. I should probably be paid as a private investigator to do this kind of work. Why am I doing this for free lol? I wanted to practice some of these skills. I could use some of these skills in order to investigate other things that I'm working on, that is other projects. I got this mystery solved around 2 AM on Friday. I started investigating around 10 PM on Thursday. Well, this kind of thing happens. People sometimes pretend to be other people. So, it is unique and yet not totally unique. It is worth talking about. We should talk about this kind of thing. I use this case as an example of certain things. Many different things. Long story. More on this later.

General Shepherd

02:47 AM - War Room With Owen Shroyer

Many Things

03:16 AM - Steemit

You are very inspirational. I like to do many different things as well. I play guitar, sing, dance, draw, write, film, and even oatmeal hehehe.

Star Wars

2019-11-15 - Friday - 03:19 AM - 04:00 AM - Mandalorian 101 via Vidoza

In the first episode of Star Wars: The Mandalorian, the Bobba Fett like character came into a bar to beat up some guys and take in a wanted blue alien. Then it came to hailing a taxi cab. The new taxi was like a smart car, that is operated by a R2D2 style robot droid. He decided to go with an older kind of vehicle that was driven by actual humanoid like man. They go to his spaceship. A big ice creature tries to eat them. They get away. The blue teletubby goes to the toilet. He looks at the guns. He talks about trying to get home for Life Day, which is Star Wars Christmas. He has flashbacks of his childhood. He gets metal that is like money or gold. He gives it up to charity. He fights these fat potato dinosaurs. He meets with an alien version of that old bald guy from The Princess Bride or Don Wrinkle Rinkles. He tries to ride a dinosaur thing. Oh, it's female cuz the males are eaten when they are making babies like praying mantis insects. They ride. Great music as they ride dino horses. Don Rinkle man talks like Yoda in some ways. This show is like Firefly. Love the music. It is like a country western film.

Overlord DVD

04:03 AM - The Mandalorian Review | Season 1 Episode 1 Review (Spoilers!)


Baby Yoda Joey

11:15 AM - Free Square

I once played a baby in a video some years ago. I was literally in a crib.

@Rob_Roy, I may use that from now on. Yo, I'm from the Forest Grove Ghetto (FGG). Down in the hood like Eminem.

Fox News

11:22 AM - Fox News Live: Trump impeachment hearing Day 2 - Ambassador Yovanovitch

Former Ambassador to Ukraine Marie “Masha” Yovanovitch will testify Friday. She served as ambassador until May of 2019 after a smear campaign by Trump allies led to her firing.


11:25 AM - President Trump Delivers Remarks on Honesty and Transparency in Healthcare Prices

Right to Try.

Right to Know.

Prevention Health Over Correction

I was eating raw garlic last night.

I'm eating an apple right now.

I've not been to a doctor in many years.

It is good to understand the basics of health, the main principles to how our immune system works, before going to see a doctor.

@Angela Rae, do you know anybody who could March For Roger Stone at the White House?

Pardon Roger Stone

I'm Dutch American.

Whistle Blower Eric

Whistle Blower Cia........

Resistance 1776

12:00 PM - 🚨◄ LIVE INF0WARS SHOWS ► 🎙️ FRI 11/15/19 • 8AM - 9 PM CST ►🚨

Globalists are trying to Epstein Roger Stone. If Roger goes to jail, then the elites will totally Epstein Roger Stone.

Rob Roy on The Mandalorian

01:01 PM - Free Square

Rob responded to what I wrote yesterday on this Disney Plus Star Wars show that is on the Internet. Rob wrote this at 09:37 AM: Rob wrote:

A few notes:
• The speeder driver was comedian Brian Posehn of The Sarah Siverman Show and Big Bang Theory.
• The blue alien was comedian Horatio Sanz from SNL.
• The metal is called Beskar.
• The Mandolorian did not simply give away the Beskar to charity. He had a should plate forged for himself and the excess metal would “sponsor many families.”
• The comedian is Don Rickles, not Rinkles. The alien is an Ugnaught and is voiced by Nick Nolte.
• Blurgs are the “dinosaur things” that they rode.
• The music was composed by Ludwig Göransson, the Oscar- and Grammy-winning composer of “Black Panther." I really liked it too.
• “Country western” is a broad description of an American music genre whereas, the film genre is known as just “western.”
I have spoken.

Piracy War

01:08 PM - Free Square | Dissenter

@Rob_Roy, yes, the malware is designed for Microsoft operating system, generally, mostly, over 95% of the time, a high percentage. Good thing I don't use Microsoft or Apple. Why would you use them? Most viruses, Trojan Horses, malware, bugs, etc, are targeting certain computers, systems, etc.

On top of that, the tech cartels spy on as many computers, phones, tablets, smart appliances, devices, etc, as many as possible, regardless of whether you use Microsoft, Apple, GNU Ubuntu, Linux, Google, etc, and regardless of whether you partake in alleged piracy which is actually not piracy any more than we are not allowed to read the Wikileaks. What they say about piracy is not any different than how they are trying to Epstein Roger Stone. Like Edward Snowden and others say, government agencies and other groups do try their best to see everything on the Internet like the all seeing Lord of the Rings eye or that pyramid thing on like the back of the dollar or whatever. To some extent, Ubuntu helps. So, we can do a lot to reduce certain problems from certain people. At the same time, the bigger problems are problems for everybody regardless of what you do or don't do online or offline.

Bit Torrent vs Streaming

01:33 PM - Free Square | Dissenter

There are differences between downloading videos via Bit Torrent and streaming those same videos, movies, television shows, etc, etc, via websites, etc. Technically, both are the same. However, some of the Domain Name Servers (DNS) have (possibly) been leaking Internet Activity Logs (which violating the 4th amendment) of the computers, etc, that are connected to some of the Internet Service Providers (ISP), on behalf of alleged Copyright claimants and others. So, in other words, it seems that if you attempt to download certain files from certain places, then certain groups may see that and then attempt to notify your DNS who then might notify your ISP who then might tell you or who knows what. I currently don't know if any ISP has ever terminated somebody's Internet service over copyright claims or whatever the case might be. Technically, streaming video is the same as downloading video. Why? Because when you stream the video, then the video downloads into certain parts of your computer, the CPU, the RAM, the cache, as in temporary memory, when you stream, which is a type of downloading. When you download download, then the data goes into the hard disk drive (HDD). Both are the same on a technical standpoint. The bigger issues are still issues even if you try to hide under a rock. Well, you can try to hide from society. However, at the same time, I try to reduce problems that I may run into. So, I try to use Ubuntu. That helps a little. I try to use Dissenter. I have used proxies. I may use Virtual Private Networks (VPN) in the future. One thing at a time. One day at a time. We can reduce how many bugs, viruses, etc, that we run into, from the lower-level hackers, criminals, etc. That may not stop the bigger groups on the top of the Titanic World. But it at least minimizes the attacks and everything we may run into from the smaller thugs, etc.

Copyright Wars

01:54 PM - FS | Dissenter

@Rob_Roy, if you download allegedly copyrighted video, then certain groups may pressure your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Ultimately, and technically, if an ISP has liability protection in the same way Facebook, YouTube, etc, may have under Safe Harbor, etc, then the ISP, like the social ghetto networks, do not have to do anything. Copyright claimants should take alleged infringers to court. If the ISP terminates the Internet service of the alleged infringers before the parties go to trial, then the ISP is then interfering with the trial via hiding and removing the evidence. See, in a court of law, it is a crime to tamper with the evidence. When Facebook censors, blocks, hides, bans, deletes, people, posts, pictures, videos, files, text, etc, they are in fact violating some of the amendments in the Bill of Rights in the United States of America (USA). That is criminal. If you have liability protection, then you are not responsible. So, you do not need to do anything. Facebook is not the government. Well, I mean, Facebook should not be a government. So, when YouTube terminated at least three of my channels for alleged copyright claims, they broke some laws. That is a crime. Actually, many crimes. YouTube, and others, have been breaking laws. Many different laws. The copyrighting system is dangerous for so many reasons. When parties go after alleged infringers, then they should simply take them to actual court. That means not virtual court. We have a right to a speedy trial. A fair trial. Some of the U.S. laws may be misaligned with eternal principles. Regardless, we also have been seeing selective enforcement, prosecution, attacks, etc, etc, on Alex Jones, Trump, Roger Stone, Tommy Robinson, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, etc, which is what Larry Nichols was saying today.

Fake People

02:22 PM - Twitter | Dissenter

@JamesW76492466, did you know that @CarterBella4 is pretending to be @LauralSmalls?


@teedon15, hello, same question.


03:00 PM - 05:00 PM - Washed the dishes for an hour. Was working on my family album project for like another hour. Helped with kitchen closet cleaning. Had a cheese ham toast sandwich that I made. It was Delicious. Got the box of boxes into the recycling. Eventually was back on Twitter.

Lil Hannah

05:54 PM - Twitter

Some people say that imitation is the best form of like a compliment or something. Maybe this person is jealous. Well, actually, this person is most likely from Africa because he or she would say to me, "I'm the eldest sibling." Eldest instead of oldest. That's just one example.


05:56 PM - Twitter

You can see her pictures on this other Twitter account as well. And this other Twitter profile is a lot older and has a lot more pictures of the same woman or girl.

African Scam

06:01 PM - Twitter

@LauralSmalls is real. @CarterBella4 is an imposter and is probably a man from Africa who was trying to scam money from me. Carter asked me for some money.


06:09 PM - Twitter

@CarterBella4 said she was 26. Let's assume Carter is a man from Nigeria. So, I told him that you look more like 18-20. Not 26. His profile said New Jersey. Then it said Texas. I asked him why he is impersonating you. He asked me like, what, I'm a shemale then? Africans say shemale. I've never heard an American use that word. Generally, Americans don't as far as I know.

Fake People should resign. For example, @CarterBella4 is not really @LauralSmalls and yet stole her photos and is scamming money away from people.

Fake people need a smack down. For example, @CarterBella4 stole photos from @LauralSmalls and is scamming people asking for money from them. Smack Carter down to the ground. #SmackDown

@CarterBella4 is pretending to be @LauralSmalls and is begging people to give her or him lots of money. #TheMandalorian


06:15 PM - Twitter

I may have had autism. I was homeschooled. I went to some speech therapy. Mom helped. I went on to college. I kept going in life. But sadly, some people may try to pretend to be victims. They might hide behind excuses, etc. People can have potential.

Right-Wrong Dichotomy

06:58 PM - Steemit

Do you believe in the right-wrong dichotomy founded on objectivity or do you believe in relativity, subjectivity? I believe that what is right is right. What is wrong is on the left. Meaning, that RINO-Republicans are on the left. Leftists are also on the left. However, classical liberals and conservatives are both on the right. I believe in the right/left dichotomy. However, globalists try to infiltrate, redefine, and pervert reality, and that includes the dichotomy which has been raped and inverted by control freaks and others. Of course, what the elites say about it is deception. They try to divide and conquer. But that does not mean that they are not building their lies on top of some truth. See, there is some truth in there. But they contaminated the truth over the course of many centuries and all around the world in a variety of ways.

Capitalism Must End?

07:09 PM - Steemit

I totally disagree for so many reasons.


07:27 PM - Steemit | Free Square | Dissenter

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) was founded in 1932. They publish hundreds of educational books, etc. They copyright claim Infowars and Alex Jones videos. YouTube responds by terminating those channels. They also strike music that they have no relation to. Many people are talking about how their videos are removed. Comcast does it. Disney does it. Big corporations have been throwing copyright claims all over the Internet. Websites like YouTube submit to their false claims. Most of the claims are as honest as the 2019 Roger Stone trials or the Trump Impeachment trials. SME is terrible.


07:54 PM - Twitter

Steemit is like Gab.com and Minds.com and Bitchute.com and Brighteon.com in some ways.

I am on Twitter too. So, it is good to go to where the people are. I totally agree that we all should try to go to the people as much as we can. Twitter is the most active online town squares left that is more political, intellectual.

See Them if They Block You

08:41 PM - Twitter

If you have multiple web browsers. You can copy and paste the link to their Twitter to a browser you are not logged into or you can be logged into another account. But you don't have to be logged in to see public tweets. Well, replies might be tough to see without being logged in

Lisa isn't Dasha

09:04 PM - Steemit

@LisaUSD and others are pretending to be @dashatarr on Twitter | Instagram | @CarterBella4 is pretending to be @LauralSmalls | This kind of thing is not new. But it is symbolic of many things. It is illustrative. There are many reasons why I'm bringing this up. Long story. More on this later.

No Candle Stick Makers Alive. I mean, allowed, hahahhaaaaa.

Naomi Brockwell

10:03 PM - Your WiFi is Used to Track You

I can remove my phone battery.

A solution, in part, might be to get Ubuntu onto your phone or possibly a different kind of Network Manager. Yeah, normally, a Network Manager is automatically shouting out to the WIFI networks you connected to in order to automatically connect to them as soon as you are nearby. A good Network Manager allows you to switch that from automatic to manual. At least in theory, if it is set to manual, then you only connect to a WIFI network when you click on it manually. If it is automatic, then it is always broadcasting the info out to the world like Naomi Brockwell said. People should simply stop using Microsoft, Apple, Google, Android, etc, operating systems (OS) for example. They should seek after better Network Managers. There are better programs out there. Also, better settings. You can put in a different operating system into your phone. I guess I'm talking in Nerd Language. Sometimes, I forget that I'm like a nerd. The average user wants easier solutions. So, an easier solution might be to get a dumb phone and to simply leave your smart phone at home.


11:00 PM - 01:35 AM

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


2019-11-14 - Thursday
2019-11-15 - Friday
2019-11-16 - Saturday

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography

Maybe I shouldn't have ate oatmeal.

vietnam oatmeal joey arnold joeyarnold joeyarnoldvn shelton was usa oregon WA washington america vietnam ojawall morehead rasp pdx fgor97116 fgor163 my blog joseph scott donald marilyn mitchell cool kid
I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

What Would Joey Do (WWJD)

Click here to watch Alex Jones & Other Infowars Shows
Some of my Top Favorite News Websites

Main Topics & Categories

Education | Entertainment | Health | History

Why haven't all personals working for epstein been assassinated with their families? cleaning lady, pilots, guards and co?

If you think what this @BLOOM turkey does to my blog every day is just fine...go ahead, DON'T HELP!

Carter Bella is Impersonating Lil Hannah. After writing an article about that, Carter blocked me on Twitter.

YouTube's Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) Manipulation. (Video Version)

The liberals attack a private citizen; for exercising his First Amendment right of free speech!

Stoney Progressive: Riots, Protests Update while MSM distacts with Impeachment.

"The Dying Rooms"-A Documentary About Chinese "Child "Protective"/Predator Services" (CPS) That Absolutely Horrified Me!

"Child "Protective"/Predator Services" (CPS) In Russia: There Are Human Rights Violations Going On Here!💛🖤👌🏻

Referee Government Pie

“Quid Pro Quo” for Demmies

Man of the Hour... How Does a Famous French Photographer Relate to Epstein

"Hammer Of The Right" (An Anti-Communist Song About Augusto Pinochet Ugarte!)🇨🇱🚁☠️👍🏻

KENTUCKY BRIEFLY GOT IT....Vaccines were POISONING PEOPLE. (But they needed to know they are ALL "TAINTED")


(american so called patriots should watch) A little video about a kung fu movie...

So....We are impeaching a President for NOT doing something un-Constitutional?

Price Of Principles

Intercontinental Cry

F#ck White People: The Anti-White Theme and Depopulation

Capitalism Sucks?????


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