The USE-CASE for GOVERNMENT - (GARF)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #ethics5 years ago (edited)

Eh, I'm pretty sure the original intent, the original use-case for government was to adjudicate disputes between citizens and to provide public roads and protect public resources like water and to protect citizens from foreign invasion and to protect property rights so the powerful (ranchers and or railroads) can't simply take your land by force.

The government should act as a referee.

Now imagine if you had a sports league where the most powerful teams openly advocated eliminating referees.

wHY do you think they would do that??

Or if they promised referee's well paying jobs when they retired from being referees.

wHY do you think they would do that??

Or if they managed to get their former coaches and or other personnel and or their relatives installed as referees to officiate their own games.

wHY do you think they would do that??

Imagine if certain teams sponsored extravagant "educational" seminars for referees that emphasized how great their players were and how much their team contributes to community spirit and local business, especially when they win games. When we win, our whole town wins!




Government As Referee Framework (GARF)



Your scathing critique is requested.


We, 'mericans expect a level playing field
That's what we are told, and what we expect,
and we never find out how tilted the field is until we have a run in with the rich or govern-cement.

Like why did Catherine Austin Fitts have to spend millions of dollars to defend herself from nothing? The only thing the prosecution had was what they tried to make up (SOP)

Our monetary system, for instance is a field that is tilted about 30° with the bankster goal being the entire down-slope side of the field, and the little peoples goal is this tiny thing at the top. So, if a player ever loses the ball, the banksters score a point.

Like why did Catherine Austin Fitts have to spend millions of dollars to defend herself from nothing?

Why do any innocent people have to spend any time or money defending themselves?

I believe public defenders must be granted EQUAL FUNDING and EQUAL RESOURCES to match prosecutors in order to be perfectly fair and a PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE must be paramount.

Well, unfortunately the exact opposite is true.
SOP (standard operating procedures) is to plant evidence, destroy evidence and then claim the defendant did it, get a 3rd party to entrap, coaching law enforcement to lie...

Our monetary system, for instance is a field that is tilted about 30° with the bankster goal being the entire down-slope side of the field, and the little peoples goal is this tiny thing at the top. So, if a player ever loses the ball, the banksters score a point.

Good point. The field itself is also highly problematic.

Messy Referee Pie:

In this analogy, there are different kinds of referees. In other words, there are different kinds of globalists and/or other kinds of people and groups that seek to do more than just referee.

Tech Cartel Pie

Not only that, but the tech cartels (technocracy), corporatism, monopolies, etc, are also becoming referees, AKA governmental. For example, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Twitter, Microsoft, etc, are doing things that referees would only dream of doing in a variety of ways.


So, you're right that it is corruption and that it is many things. Yes, there is bribery. There is this and there is that. I love the analogy of the referees. If only somebody could make a video using your analogy.

Referee Value

Yes, of course there is value in having referees and you're right about that. I prefer the kind of government that is a constitutional and representative republic with three or four branches that seek to balance each other out. I believe in the value of the first, second, and fourth amendments. I believe in the attempt at limiting federal government while focusing more on city, county, and state level government.

United Nation States

I would prefer if each state was more like a country and that the United States of America would be more a union of those smaller states or nations. You're right that government should be focused on settling disputes between different parties mostly in a court of law. By the way, I'm against the United Nations, the European Union, the New World Order, etc.

Private Property

It comes down to private property rights of the citizens. Government should protect our borders and settle disputes, conflicts, between private property of different parties. By the way, a human body should be the private property of the person that may reside and live inside that humanoid vessel.

It comes down to private property rights of the citizens. Government should protect our borders and settle disputes, conflicts, between private property of different parties. By the way, a human body should be the private property of the person that may reside and live inside that humanoid vessel.

I agree. Thanks for your comments.

Not only that, but the tech cartels (technocracy), corporatism, monopolies, etc, are also becoming referees, AKA governmental. For example, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Twitter, Microsoft, etc, are doing things that referees would only dream of doing in a variety of ways.

In my Government As Referee Framework (GARF), any corporation (like the goog or fakebook) would be considered a sports team.

The government and the nation might then be the building where the sports are played inside.

Good thinking.

I think the building should be designed by the referees.

The building would be the public roads, water and sewer, and electric grid.

You can't really have a match between corporations without public roads, water and sewer, and electric grid.

I just had a great idea for a new MMORPG!!

The problem might be if there is a posted sign that says everybody can play sports and compete against each other in the building, that is if the referees then say that there are excessive amounts of exception clauses to that posted sign that are way too excessively unwritten and invisible.

I agree, the rules should be (coherently) based on, and logically reducible to simple, basic, primary AXIOMS.

As opposed to selectively enforced. Epstein didn't kill himself.

I also agree that rules should be uniformly enforced.

Judicial discretion and "gut-instinct" should have absolutely no place in law enforcement.

Interesting. Is this as a case for ordoliberalism?

I'm trying to cobble together a logically-coherent framework from primary AXIOMS.

What is your preferred governmental framework?

Could you specify your question? I need some more details

If you had the option to start your own political party, would you advocate ordoliberalism, or some other governmental framework?

Thanks. Now I understand.

So here is the thing. I see politics as a multidimensional process. I would advocate as much limited government/governance as possible and with the focus on liquid democracy (mixture of direct and representative democracy). Also, I would apply liquid democracy at the global level as well in order to replace the current intergovernmental UN-system. I have some ideas about it.

I'm intrigued.

But wouldn't this "liquid democracy" inadvertently hand all the power to companies like "Cambridge Analytica"?

And in an era of advanced AI, are you sure you can get, one-vote = one-person?

Would you deny AI the right to vote?

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